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Evolutions Plans for a more Split future.

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posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 08:06 PM
my predictions

Seeing as Bush got elected twice. I think[since Bush is a neo-conservatist], that there will be a new flavor of liberal, a more progressive liberal, maybe a more anti-gun, anti-war liberal.

At this point the Democratic party can move either slightly right or left[we will see in '08]. If it moves right[Dems center-right, and Repugs further right], I think that will mark the decline of the Republican party[A third party will win the election, with the Dems coming in second, and the Republicans failing miserably, and not ever getting elected again.] Then there kind of reminscent to what happened with the political parties after the Civil war.

You make it sound so Inevitable?

It is! As history as shown us conservatism is a failing battle[Slavery in the United States, Civil Rights, etc.... not once has a conservatist stuck politically], liberalism[note not leftism, but liberalism], has always been dominant in the long run. It seems that in such a left-center centered type of Government as Democracy, that conservatism, and liberalism are constantly having to re-evolve to stay afloat.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:24 PM
Well, true, conservative always seems to lose in the end. Look at the great depression. Had a great, booming economy, then a republican is elected, great depression. Then, whats this? A democrat is elected and we come out of the depression and become the super power we are today. Or more new, Bush elected is in power, #ty economy, #ty life, Clinton is elected, great economy, great life. THE LARGEST SURPLUS AND GREATEST ECONOMY, EVER!!!!!! Then another republican gets power, and we have largest deficit and worst economy since the Great Depression. Seems conservative equals # while liberal equals greatness, doesn't it? The only good republican was Lincoln, and technically he was in the Democratic Republican party.... which later became the Democrat party.

I like the civil rights though, republicans say more reps. then dems. voted for it, which is true. But this is how it happened. I have 2 men and 50 women, they all vote yes on something, then the women come back and say they better cause more women voted for it then men, but they fail to mention there were more women then men at the time of the vote.....

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