I really do try and stay out of the political forums here as i know just how much anger, rage and sadness they are going to cause me, that being said
I have been sucked in this year and i have read some things that have hurt my head and my heart, have we really become this blind?
I'm going to catch a lot of flack for this and the heat could be scalding but i feel i need to speak my mind and see if i am crazy or if the world
has gone mad around me. with that being said lets begin.
The Don, Trump, Donald or whatever you like to call him scares me to death, In my opinion at best he is an educated Idiot and at worst he is a far
right loyalist hiding in a semi moderates suit and tie. I see the love for him spread far and wide, people jumping on his coat tails of racism and
hate branded as free speech and political rhetoric. He says things that if your crazy uncle bob said them in public you would be embarrassed both for
him and yourself, but still these people cling to him like a savior of the United States. I was able to watch some of the debates last night while i
was at work and all i could think about is if he wins and acts like this while dealing with foreign diplomats we are screwed, could you imagine Trump
and Putin "debating" over an issue when Trump loses his temper and goes off the rails as he is known to do? I have visions of mushroom clouds and
fall out when i think about it, but yet people still cling to this man.
People act as if Trump will be the savior of this economy and will produce limitless jobs here in the United States, ask him where all of his products
are manufactured, i will give you one hint its not in the United States. This man has ran more companies into the ground than most people work for in
there life, he has blasted through his inheritance, yes he is still worth billions or millions depending on whom you ask but how much more would he
be worth if he had just invested that same money in something safe and secure? How is he going to save us and "Makes us Great again" when he cant
even bring himself to produce his products on American soil?
That brings me to yet another point The Trumps vast wealth, people keep talking about him like he is some self made man, do we forget that he earned
the bulk of his money in his inheritance from his father? Trump and his family is no outsider as he would love for us all to believe he is just as in
with the (illuminati, NWO, ROthechilds or whatever nefarious group you want to blame for where we are at now). He loves to claim he is so very smart
that he doesnt have to pay taxes but lets be honest he has very very smart accountants that shuffle his money around and rig his books he isnt doing
this, he is paying some one to do this.
In the debate he talked about the power vaccum left in the middle east when our soldiers pulled out, and while this is accurate as it obviously did
happen, he fails to mention that the Iraqi Govt all but forced us out, the American people all but forced us out. It was what we as a populace wanted
an end to the war in Iraq, now those some people that complained and complained that we had troops over there still are complaining that we removed
said troops. Let us not forget who got us into this mess it was not OBAMA OR HRC but the previous regime of the GOP, so i dont see how we can place
the blame on the current regime but some how we still do.
I have seen multiple instances of people claiming a shadow Govt runs the United States and while that maybe true the say that a vote for Trump is a
vote against this Shadow Govt, how so? If we take the Shadow Govt as fact then any and all members promoted from the major 2 parties will be hand
selected by the Shadow Govt. so which is it? is there an all powerful Shadow Govt or not? it can either be in control or it cannot, either it
controls both parties or it controls neither.
while i am not going to sit here and say that HRC is a valid or good choice to run this country, i do know one thing "the devil you know, is the
safer choice than the Devil you do not"
On one more note, we as Americans love to make a big deal about our President and how he runs this country, we are BLIND to the fact that the
president is a figure head at best and really has minimal outcome on the direction this country takes. The HOUSE AND SENATE run this country they are
the politico's that sit in office for 10, 20, 30 + years and drive all major change for good or bad in our Nation. While the president has limited
power and is the figure head of our nation he can only do as much or little as he is allowed by his handlers in the HOUSE AND SENATE.
with all this being said i hope that maybe just maybe im not completely in the wrong, and that maybe just maybe i helped to open an eye or two across
ATS. I'm sure that i will be getting lambasted here soon enough telling me how wrong i am and that i might even be the
devil but hey such is
goood day/night depending on your location in this universe.