posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 12:38 PM
Harassment, it's an ugly thing and something that is all too common in the world. Whether it be malicious rumours, physical confrontation or
plain-old bullying. Never stand for it, fight it at every corner because it wasn't right when we were all school kids and it's definitely not right
when we are apparently adults.
The words you've said have hurt so long,
gone beyond the point of what went wrong.
You seasoned the dough with half-truths and lies,
then threw in the oven with hopes it can rise.
But that dough of deceit it must be said,
will only raise into sour-bread.
You've hurt me true I cannot lie,
though that bread will be bitter for you not I.
All can be settled with peace and parley,
It's you that decided on another way.
It could be settled in ways not forgot,
with a fist and a boot and a added jail-spot.
It's easy to loose and give in to emotion,
can you burden that cross can you handle the notion?
Violence to an end just to prove that you're right,
I won't get physical but I will stand up and fight.
In the end the words matter not,
whether remembered in time or forgot.
The bread you baked and the battle you fought?,
will all be for nought when I see you in court.