posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 04:27 AM
2 angles were released of Hillary appearing to trip, buckle or stagger while getting into a vehicle.
There's a video on YouTube of Rush Limbaugh commenting on this and he points out in one of the videos the van that picks her up pulls up from the
right and she gets into the drivers side and on the other video the van pulls up from the left and she gets into the passenger side.
Rush Limbaugh conclusions was that 1 of the 2 videos must be fake. Someone went though a lot of trouble to do this considering how well they
positioned the people in each version so that they match up seemingly exactly in both versions.
This is an abbreviated version of the communication to jimstone.
I noticed this difference in the two vids when I watched it twice over a period of a few days.
Some questions:.
Why, if this is the case, was it done?
How was it done?
If one is fake are both fake?
Who gains?
Has something been missed here?
What do you think?