posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 09:29 PM
Oil is only part of it. It's about control power and money ultimately.
Russia is a major obstacle.
The pipeline Assas backed was Russian backed.
There's a reason why NATO/US forces have been inching closer and closer to Russia's borders. They want to box Russia in. That won't stop Russia making
moves elsewhere but if it comes to war because of the propositioned US forces close to Russia, Russia will prioritise that.
Hilary might say she'll go to war with Russia if she elected if need be, but that's just tough talk to make her look strong on foreign policy since
she's obviously carrying baggage from her time at the state department.
People are making it out to sound like she's already decided if she wins its war with Russia.
The realities of being president will dawn on her if she wins though.
Trump similarly won't build any wall.
It's all populist tough talk from both sides.
And Russia isn't dependent on anyone for gas. If Eurole doesn't want to but its oil and gas China and others certainly will, especially since Russia
isn't part of the petrodollar/opec cartel. And China is in fact buying Russian resources.
End of the day if the Russians were in Americas shoes they'd be pushing the same limits against Americas borders. It's how super powers/empires behave
especially when they are a few notches above the rest.