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Why Invading Aliens would lose a war vs. Mankind

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posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Killak420
Didnt GOD come to this earth when it was a black void filled with nothing?Is'nt he foriegn from this earth?That makes him an Alien.

Or that could just make him God?

God travels around in a fregging Space Ship. How else would he Travel amongst the stars. Would he Walk in space what the hell man think outside the box. Do you really beleive that there is nothing past our moon and sun and that those stars you see blinking at night is just for our conveniance.

I'm pretty sure the box you're thinking in is the size of a peanut. First and foremost, I'm quite confident that there are creatures, or 'aliens', living on other planets or spacial bodies somewhere out there. I never said I didn't believe that. But you stating pretty objectively that God is infact an alien is very arrogant/ignorant. Yeah, I guess I'll give you ignorance over arrogance, because it's not your fault you never majored in philosophy. I'd think the all powerful creator of the universe and everything in it wouldn't limit himself to a physical, finite presence that would need to fly around from A to B in a metal box.

[edit on 24-1-2005 by purecanadiantrash]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:13 PM
bkind have you ever fired a bazoka or a LAW? I'd take the ape and give you 5 to 1 odds.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:29 PM
All it would take to wipe out the population of the planet would be a deadly alien virus which we had no knowledge of. If it were half as virulent and deadly as some of the viruses we have here it wouldn't take long for global infection. And on the upside (for the alien invaders) they would have full access to all of our resources, which would be lying around for them in perfect condition, as opposed to what would probably be wrecked in the scenario of an armed invasion.

Oh, and in case it's gone unnoticed; throughout mankinds history, whenever a technologically superior race meets with an inferior one, the superior race takes over it's weaker rival.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 08:40 PM

What if they bleed acid and fly!

And have two fingers to pick their nose simultaneously!

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 09:42 PM
okay this thread needs to die.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:15 AM
hold-on, a few more points. how do you know that their ufo's would actually work in earth's gravity? what if the ufos come in and just collapse because in of all the pressure? how do you know that the aliens arent like fish, although you'd think that they would have invented a machine which produces their "air".
Also a civilization that is has very advanced weapons is very unlikely, because eventually they would destroy themselves, and if there is peace there, there would be no reason for them to be making extremely advanced weapons and taking over earth in the first place is there, unless they want something that they don't have or ran out of. And in that case they wouldn't bomb the crap out of us first, but probably ask, and if we say no, then there would be destruction. But why would we say no? they probably have machines that multiplpy whatever you chose, but then again that's another reason why they wouldn't come to earth. So what is the point? revenge? for wat? just for fun?
sorry if i confused anyone with my reply lol

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by purecanadiantrash

Or that could just make him God?

I'm pretty sure the box you're thinking in is the size of a peanut. First and foremost, I'm quite confident that there are creatures, or 'aliens', living on other planets or spacial bodies somewhere out there. I never said I didn't believe that. But you stating pretty objectively that God is infact an alien is very arrogant/ignorant. Yeah, I guess I'll give you ignorance over arrogance, because it's not your fault you never majored in philosophy. I'd think the all powerful creator of the universe and everything in it wouldn't limit himself to a physical, finite presence that would need to fly around from A to B in a metal box.

[edit on 24-1-2005 by purecanadiantrash]

Okay let me say it again God is an Alien BECAUSE HE/SHE OR IT IS NOT FROM THIS PLANET....

I didnt have to major in philosophy to figure it out now did I ?
Why the hell wouldnt you want to fly around in a Battle Cruiser?
In the Bible it states that GOD made mankind in the image of himself so there for he is physical and in the past he has shown his physical state to mankind. I am not saying that GOD only stays in a physical state but why the hell cant he ride around in a Battle Cruiser. Maybe he just likes the metal box, have you ever thought of that?
I think your the one who is Ignorante my little friend.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Ok, Leaving aside a decent reason for aliens to invade/be hostile, compare the alien invasion sceneario with that of the US/UK invasion of Iraq. The coalition forces did not outnumber the Iraqi population and how long did it take for them to take Bagdad. Granted as we all know the "war" there is not yet over, and by all accounts will take years if not decades for the violence to die down.

Technologically speaking, there is hardly any need for super-techo-startrek weapons. Anyone read "A Deepness in the Sky by V.Vinge" or "Childhoods end" by Clarke or the old TV series "V"? Just infiltrate our communications networks and media services. Subtle propaganda over a few years is all it would take to convince the majority of the population that they are our friends etc etc. No need for violence and from an economic point of view far cheaper than a invasion force.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:36 AM
Maybe they have a leader like GW. Who wants to spread freedom and christianity. But in this case not to a world but to the galaxy.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by radagast
what if they have the death star ?

What if the FORCE is with us?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by DiRtYDeViL
Maybe they have a leader like GW. Who wants to spread freedom and christianity. But in this case not to a world but to the galaxy.

Spread christianity and freedom?
You can't force someone to convert to another religion just because you want to.
And I haven't seeing him free anything lately. Irak maybe but with all the violence there, did he really have a plan.
Ohyeah then there Guantamano? base were he keeps prisoner not charged of anything....yet at least.

I'd be happy if an alien came to spread freedom but a not religion. No way on my doorstep.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 11:39 AM
all kidding aside, you'd have to assume the agenda would be to take control without ruining the resources, other wise why bother ?

if thats the case all they'd have to do is take out our major communication and gov't infra structure (norad would be a tough nut to crack...) in the first world countries with some sort of shocka nad awe attack (picture all the major icons getting vaporized, eiffel tower, etc), the fear and chaos that ensues would lead to a disruption of our food supply, medical system, economy (no more CVS for your heart more gas at the local station), and give us time to self destruct and finish the job for them......I really don't think they'd even have to take on our military head on......

they'd probably keep a few million around for salve labor, and maybe food

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Killak420
Why the hell wouldnt you want to fly around in a Battle Cruiser?

You need to get out more... or just stay in fantasy land (your parents' basement) for all I care.

In the Bible it states that GOD made mankind in the image of himself so there for he is physical and in the past he has shown his physical state to mankind. I am not saying that GOD only stays in a physical state but why the hell cant he ride around in a Battle Cruiser. Maybe he just likes the metal box, have you ever thought of that?
I think your the one who is Ignorante my little friend.

I think you're reading far too much into the bible - or not at all for that matter... it's not meant to be interpreted in a literal sense a few thousand years after it was written. Why does image have to physical? Couldn't it be the fact that god gave us attributes of his own such as the ability to think, choose, love and so on. God exists outside time and space - he is not a piece of his own creation, just as you're not actually in the game starcraft when you play it all hours of the night. Actually, why am I wasting my time on you when your grasp on rationality could very well be non existant. Go play starcraft or whatever it is that gives you your sexual and emotional jolies. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise... that stuff is real!

[edit on 25-1-2005 by purecanadiantrash]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:19 PM
I am not going to get into a flaming war with you son.
I have the right to say what ever the hell I want to and if you dont like what I say then just dont reply to it.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Killak420
I have the right to say what ever the hell I want to and if you dont like what I say then just dont reply to it.

Well that's the first sensible thing you've said yet. Have a cookie.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:28 PM
I think that if aliens were to take over the planet and kill everyone it would not be difficult for them (unless they have a conscience!). But I think that their physiology and home environment are more likely to be different than the same as ours. Therefore, they would need to terraform the earth. Assuming they could do this, Why wouldn't they just kill 2 birds with one stone and Terraform right over us? We probably couldn't survive in the same environment as they do.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 02:52 PM
to put this into better terms

it woud be like this

early egiptions (sp?) vs us now

the egiptons being us now ... and us now being the aliens.

we would get our buts kicked

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:36 PM
Of course Mankind would win a war against invading Aliens.
All we need to do is upload a virus into the mothership!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:13 AM
The Human race is undefeatable.

It will not die

It cannot die

Aliens=Fallen Angels(see my post on 'Aliens Are Fallen Angels!). Fallen Angels WILL wage war on all resistors of the New World Order, but WILL fail as the Human race simply cant be stopped. We have a passion that no foolish rebel angel can kill. Not enough water in all the Universe to put out the fire that exists in a Zealots heart.

No force other than the almighty Jesus Christ can destroy mankind. Of course he wont because he promised his 'followers' Eternal Life if we follow him in our hearts and try to obey his commandments. John 14:15

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:13 AM
1 Ununoctium fusion bomb could destroy Earth!
< 20 grams of ebola hemorragic ab could destroy Earth.
10 51 trillion.
The greys should at least be sextillionaires!

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