posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 05:38 AM
Well, I never thought I'd find a forum that mirrors so well the inner workings of my mind! I've been searching a little while for somewhere with
good advice and reasonable discussion about a host of topics. I also know that at some point we will be in a SHTF scenario, how bad remains to be
seen. I'm getting ready for a Russian style depression (as it's the worst I can find) then anything better is a bonus.
You guys (and girls) are going to find me generally loitering, mostly in survival, I will also be in the other forums trying not to stir up trouble. I
hope to become acquainted with you all over the coming weeks months.
Oh, as an aside, I'm from the land of the witch riding the pig the UK (look at it on a map, you'll see it).
Anywho I'm off to get answers to the arguments in my head, hope to see you all soon.
Dead Elf