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Censorship Has Begun!

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posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 12:02 AM

As a man who enjoys the Human Right Article 19 of Freedom of Speech, I must say that this is a new and improved spanking way to reintroduce the Censorship Bill.

We'll firstly start by hitting the Social Networks - YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc
Then we'll move onto search engines - Google, Yahoo, Bing etc

After that once it is socially acceptable we will reintroduce the bill and back it by proving with the above tests that censorship is a great way to keep us all safe and as specially your kids.

So - Where do we sign up? and Sign away our Human Rights?

Welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen NWO coming to a country near you! ETA next month!

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 02:33 AM
Looks like a recruitment campaign for people dumb enough to work for free.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 02:34 AM
Censorship began a long time ago, actually.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: OneManMasquerade

As a man who enjoys the Human Right Article 19 of Freedom of Speech, I must say that this is a new and improved spanking way to reintroduce the Censorship Bill.

We'll firstly start by hitting the Social Networks - YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc
Then we'll move onto search engines - Google, Yahoo, Bing etc

After that once it is socially acceptable we will reintroduce the bill and back it by proving with the above tests that censorship is a great way to keep us all safe and as specially your kids.

So - Where do we sign up? and Sign away our Human Rights?

Welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen NWO coming to a country near you! ETA next month!

I haven't seen anything to substantiate your claims. The video you posted has no relevance to anything you've said.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: jappee
Looks like a recruitment campaign for people dumb enough to work for free.

^^ This.

That's the real issue, not censorship.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: OneManMasquerade

People are already posting how they hope they are selected so they can censor this or that due to whatever political beliefs they adhere too. Basically YouTube is creating one HUGE safe space for all the brown shirts who only believe they have the freedom of speech to hate on those THEY disagree with.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 07:47 AM
YouTube has a long history of making crap decisions that they backtrack on rather rapidly. As noted above - this is more about Googles greed and testing the free labor waters than anything else. YouTube currently has a drama fixation ( Leafy, Keemstar, Idubzz ) - channels that exist solely to create interchannel drama - and this is Google's sad, sad attempt at slowing down that issue.

Ultimately Google also has a track record of making sure that they're hits and ad revenue don't dip - which explains why they backtrack on the bad decisions often and quickly.

Suits, without the first CLUE about what YouTube viewers and content creators want or need make snap decisions and then the moment profits dip, bigger suits come along, fire the original suits and put things back to the way they were.

It's not a new thing.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: OneManMasquerade

I enjoyed Ethan from H3H3's video on this..... IMO YouTube is dying. Someone smarter than I should code a new platform and cash in on YouTube betraying its content creators.

Ethan said it well, he compared this to my favorite book of all time "Brave New World" By Aldous Huxley


posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 09:03 AM
If you don't want to be censored then become an Islamist....or a liberal...
Anything goes for those protected classes...

Conservative thought or pro-American and Pro-Israeli speech is considered "dangerous" to their fragile liberal sensibilities...

The despot is not capable of being criticized....much like their emperor FDR the progressives seek total control and autonomy to rule in a vacuum....first new deal is struck down in the courts...well, keep running and load the courts with communists...oops, I mean progressives...

The liberal despot in its modern incarnation(according to the Obama administration says) is a "sea change"...
What did he mean by this?
Well, specifically that liberal journalists are too naive and obtuse to understand what they are reporting...and they lack any understanding if history and the context under which history was made...

Which is so ironic as they never fail to tell us how smart they are and how dumb we lowly republicans spite of the evidence to the contrary liberals think they are wildly bright and alone on a principled island carrying the torch for freedom....
When in reality they are simply conforming to the progressive ideology along with everyone else in their social circle and in the leftist media…
There's nothing special about their views as they romanticize a bunch of draft dodging hippies for doing and saying the exact same garbage 40 years ago...


posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 09:09 AM
The 'Freedom of Expression' clause in the European Convention on Human Rights is Article 10, not 19.

As for youtube's 'crowdsourced moderation', I don't see how this is so sinister. It's actually more democratic than what they had before (if you think democracy is a good thing in all situations). And in any case, youtube is just a web platform, run by a private company.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: audubon
I don't see how this is so sinister. It's actually more democratic than what they had before (if you think democracy is a good thing in all situations).

We are a republic founded upon freedom...
And as a liberal no censorship is EVER sinister because you are the ones censoring....

It's despicable that liberals once said "while I may not agree with what you're saying, I'll fight to the death your right to say it"...
Now liberals will fight to the death to censor what you are saying if it smears Islam, promotes American ideals, promotes Israel or god-forbid the Christian ethos and its impact on the high west's position atop the social Darwinian ladder...

Newsflash liberals: conservative ideas hurt your fragile emotions but are protected in the United States...
I know y'all wax nostalgic for the control wielded in your beloved Soviet Union but communism/socialism was/is a ruling ethos bereft of humanity long since burned upon the ash heap of history...


posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 09:29 AM
Well, that escalated quickly.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: OneManMasquerade

This just got a little sillier youtube has replaced the original contentious video with another one, but they have sneakily replaced the original with an re-edit, without acknowledging the change. (its stuff like this that feeds the ME theories) So anyone who now clicks to see the video is going to be left wondering what all the fuss is about .

warning NSFW language

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: OneManMasquerade

Well here is another developing theory on part of the purpose behind youtube hero's plan, and how it might play into controlling the narrative

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 08:39 AM
We Americans lost our freedom and rights in about 1936? when we all got branded with social security numbers from that point on, IMHO. Probably before then in about 1918 when the fed reserve was created and forced our economy into a debt based model.

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: MongolianPaellaFish


posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: OneManMasquerade

I see this as a cost effective way that incentivizes users to police the platform from egregious content that may stay up longer than if Youtube staffers were searching it out.

This is not censorship. Unless they were to say, "If you hear someone speak unfavorably about government, tell us, and we will arrest them!"

No offense, but I think you're a tab bit hypersensitive here.


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