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Terence Crutcher Video of Shooting and Arrest Record

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posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Kryties
a reply to: FaunaOrFlora

You should probably direct that question to Vasa Croe, he/she is the one determined to make a big deal out of it. I was simply stating that the driver could have genuinely thought that their car was going to "blow up" for any number of reasons, and Vasa decided to make a big issue out of it. Also, Vasa Croe is the one making the PCP claims, not me.

You are the one who implied superior knowledge on cars and why they break down and blow up. I simply responded.

As far as PCP....well there is that small , insignificant fact reported by the chief that he actually had PCP in the car, but hey...he was probably just holding for a buddy right?

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Willtell

You do not get the point. Rioting in the streets puts you back not moves you ahead. Anyone, any color, who is not out there smashing cops cars simply thinks they are animals in the streets. They are. Those are not people and I could care less what color because there are all races in these riots.

What is this accomplishing?

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Krakatoa
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I wonder and ask because I do not know the answer. Did this LEO have a taser? Not all LEO's are issued tasers as standard equipment. If this LEO did not have a taser available, then what? Say "pretty please stop or I'll yell stop again"? Looking at this person's very long rap sheet and the flagrant disregard for officers, and convictions for attacking officers and drug charges/arrests, do you honestly think the suspect would have complied finally, this time?

He had already been tasered. That is why he fell against the car. That is when the cop shot him.

I don't care if he didn't go quietly. He was not armed, and he did not attack the police officer. This shoot to kill trend, even if you just "think" the person may be a threat, has to stop.

Thinking doesn't make it so. If all you have to do is "think" something is going to happen, and you are justified to act on your unsupported, paranoid ideas, then it is over. It is too late and George Orwell got it wrong. It started long before 1984. We just were too blind to see it then, and we are not just blind now, we are conditioned, we are unpersons.

We are being killed for thought crimes, it is just that we are not being killed for what we think, but for what others think.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: FaunaOrFlora
a reply to: Kryties

What does cars blowing up in reality have to do with what he thought was happening at the time?

So a cop can perceive a threat where there is none and it's all honky dory but a guy can't perceive that his car might blow up? And he must be on PCP if he thinks so?


A witness at the scene who called 911 prior to police arriving said he was running around saying his car was going to blow up and all the doors were open.

based on the videos of the scene, there is no smoke or fire which would lead anyone to assume it isn't going to blow up, nevermore the fact that cars don't just blow up.

his actions are very consistent with paranoia associated with PCP use....therefore...this was a PCP episode, PCP was actually found in his car and the responding officers said they thought he was on PCP.

not really hard to draw the conclusion. if a separate witness called 911 with a recorded call and reported this the way it was prior to cops getting there then the cops could not have "faked" that.

I'll just sit back and wait for the autopsy showing he was indeed on PCP at the time.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

his actions are very consistent with paranoia associated with PCP use....therefore...this was a PCP episode, PCP was actually found in his car and the responding officers said they thought he was on PCP.

Sounds like they needed a paramedic. Was one called? Wait. No. That can't be because they left him to die on the road, they didn't even make it look like they were attempting to administer basic aide.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: Krakatoa
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I wonder and ask because I do not know the answer. Did this LEO have a taser? Not all LEO's are issued tasers as standard equipment. If this LEO did not have a taser available, then what? Say "pretty please stop or I'll yell stop again"? Looking at this person's very long rap sheet and the flagrant disregard for officers, and convictions for attacking officers and drug charges/arrests, do you honestly think the suspect would have complied finally, this time?

He had already been tasered. That is why he fell against the car. That is when the cop shot him.

I don't care if he didn't go quietly. He was not armed, and he did not attack the police officer. This shoot to kill trend, even if you just "think" the person may be a threat, has to stop.

Thinking doesn't make it so. If all you have to do is "think" something is going to happen, and you are justified to act on your unsupported, paranoid ideas, then it is over. It is too late and George Orwell got it wrong. It started long before 1984. We just were too blind to see it then, and we are not just blind now, we are conditioned, we are unpersons.

We are being killed for thought crimes, it is just that we are not being killed for what we think, but for what others think.

SO if I understand you correctly, he WAS tasered yet did not drop to the ground like flopping and harmless fish? Funny that. There is something that could be the reason for his failure to be instantly immobilized by a police taser, if his system had PCP running through it. So am I correct in interpreting this that he was tasered first and then shot because he was not rendered harmless by the taser, correct?

So, tell me again how they should have just tasered him and it would have stopped him instead of shooting?
I do not understand your prior post on that aspect now.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Kryties

Not that they would here in Australia, our cops have more restraint than yours.

it seems they are being militarized for a purpose. I wouldn't expect Australia to be free and clear from whatever the overall world wide plan is either in the future.

Let's hope I am wrong.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Vasa Croe

his actions are very consistent with paranoia associated with PCP use....therefore...this was a PCP episode, PCP was actually found in his car and the responding officers said they thought he was on PCP.

Sounds like they needed a paramedic. Was one called? Wait. No. That can't be because they left him to die on the road, they didn't even make it look like they were attempting to administer basic aide.

LOL...a paramedic taking down someone in a PCP episode...

Police, as far as I know, are not allowed to render medical aid because of all of the lawsuits that have happened when someone had other injuries due to aid rendered, such as broken ribs from CPR and such. They aren't trained medical staff...what aid would you recommend?

A shots fired suspect down call automatically puts EMS in motion.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Vasa Croe

his actions are very consistent with paranoia associated with PCP use....therefore...this was a PCP episode, PCP was actually found in his car and the responding officers said they thought he was on PCP.

Sounds like they needed a paramedic. Was one called? Wait. No. That can't be because they left him to die on the road, they didn't even make it look like they were attempting to administer basic aide.

LOL...a paramedic taking down someone in a PCP episode...

Impossible actually. I've seen 1000 lbs of CO's trying to contain a tiny guy on that crap.

Police, as far as I know, are not allowed to render medical aid because of all of the lawsuits that have happened when someone had other injuries due to aid rendered, such as broken ribs from CPR and such. They aren't trained medical staff...what aid would you recommend?

First aid can be refused but once someone is unconscious there's a thing called "implied consent". You can't be sued for giving first aid in this case. Whether a LEO or a civilian.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

So, tell me again how they should have just tasered him and it would have stopped him instead of shooting? I do not understand your prior post on that aspect now.

Maybe because after he was shot the cop that tasered him no longer needed the taser and turned it off. It looks like they all turned their attention away from the victim, and turned all their attention towards the cop that shot him. Their carried her to the car, and left him to die on the road.

Tell me again what you think, in this situation, he did that warranted being shot and killed.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

No, if you are on PCP, a taser won't work on you. We've seen it plenty of times in other cases, but we won't really know until the coroner's reports come back.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

He, himself, escalated the situation by being a convicted felon, in open possession of an illegal firearm, with a history of assault on police, that refused to put down the firearm when ordered to do so at that time. At that point given all those mitigating factors, it is OK to determine he will likely brandish that firearm and be a danger to not only the police, but himself and anyone else in the vicinity.

That is the reason.
He created the situation.
He created his reckless (and proven) disregard for the law and unlawful history of actions.
He failed to drop an illegal firearm when ordered to do so by a police officer.
He chose poorly.

Need I go on????

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

Kinda torn on this one other than to say....don't be a have a 100% better chance of avoiding police altercations that way.

Don't you mean to say "don't be black..." Had Mr. Crutcher been a white male, he would likely be alive right now.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: kelbtalfenek

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

Kinda torn on this one other than to say....don't be a have a 100% better chance of avoiding police altercations that way.

Don't you mean to say "don't be black..." Had Mr. Crutcher been a white male, he would likely be alive right now. The cops got there and from his plates, knew he had warrants and multiple priors, some for resisting arrest. He was yelling to other motorists his car was going to blow up and didn't comply with police orders.

I would expect the same for a white guy with the same record. As I have pointed out multiple times, police in the last year have killed twice as many whites compared to blacks....

Oh...and the PCP may be a tiny factor in it....but yeah...he was a sweet kid going to college to make his life better...just had to take/sell a little more PCP to get there....

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

No, if you are on PCP, a taser won't work on you. We've seen it plenty of times in other cases, but we won't really know until the coroner's reports come back.

It didn't look like they waited long enough to see if it worked. One tasered him, the other one murdered him.

Death is stronger than PCP. And he displayed no behavior that justified killing him.

I am not saying this guy was a good guy or not. I am not saying he was not on drugs. I don't know and it doesn't matter.

At the time she shot and killed him, he was not a threat to himself, them, or anyone else. You don't kill people for what they "might" do.

If you think that the police should be able to shoot and kill someone just because they don't follow their orders or because a nonthreatening person "might" be on drugs and "might" attack them, than you are letting a genie out of the bottle that will destroy us all.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: Krakatoa
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

He, himself, escalated the situation by being a convicted felon, in open possession of an illegal firearm, with a history of assault on police, that refused to put down the firearm when ordered to do so at that time. At that point given all those mitigating factors, it is OK to determine he will likely brandish that firearm and be a danger to not only the police, but himself and anyone else in the vicinity.

That is the reason.
He created the situation.
He created his reckless (and proven) disregard for the law and unlawful history of actions.
He failed to drop an illegal firearm when ordered to do so by a police officer.
He chose poorly.

Need I go on????

We have to be talking about two different cases.

The victim had no weapon and no weapon was found on him or in his car.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
I apologize for a short post, but wanted to get this out there. On phone and hard to do this the way I would really like too as far as presentation.

They now have the video posted and also TErence Crutchers police record. Doesn't seem quite so innocent now in this new perspective.

All this can be seen at this link -

Apologies if already posted, my doctor keeps coming in and out and not getting the best reception here

Isn't it curious how some people love to concentrate on the past of a dead black man and concentrate on the future of a white rapists like David Becker or Kreigen Grooms. what could possibly explain this difference?

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 08:34 PM


SO if I understand you correctly, he WAS tasered yet did not drop to the ground like flopping and harmless fish? Funny that. There is something that could be the reason for his failure to be instantly immobilized by a police taser, if his system had PCP running through it. So am I correct in interpreting this that he was tasered first and then shot because he was not rendered harmless by the taser, correct?

So, tell me again how they should have just tasered him and it would have stopped him instead of shooting?
I do not understand your prior post on that aspect now.

Not sure I understand you. You don't shoot someone simply because the taser didn't work? He wasn't complying but he wasn't violent. There were more than enough police to subdue by other, far less deadly means.
edit on 22-9-2016 by pavil because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2016 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
More white people than blacks are killed each year at the hand of police and i do not see them in the streets throwing rocks and burning down the local starbucks.

Why aren't they?

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: Greven

originally posted by: matafuchs
More white people than blacks are killed each year at the hand of police and i do not see them in the streets throwing rocks and burning down the local starbucks.

Why aren't they?

You know...that brings a really interesting question to mind for me. Is there anywhere online that has a demographic of recent rioters/looters from police shootings of black men? Things such as age, employment, etc?

I can only speak for myself on your question...I don't because it doesn't affect me. I am a law abiding citizen in an area of mostly law abiding citizens so I don't deal with anyone that would even have a chance of being shot on a normal basis. I don't know of anyone in my neighborhood or friend group that has a criminal record of any mention at all, save maybe a DUI in high school or something of the sort. I also live in Atlanta where plenty of crime occurs...granted I am about 10 minutes outside the actual city, but not far from neighborhood and neighbors on both sides have had a recent spat of break ins on cars. The perps were caught and arrested without being shot too. And they were black males in their 20's with a stolen car.

As for my question, the reason I ask is because we see these videos and images of rioters and protesters that all look like they are hoodlums for the most part....yes there are few and far between very well dressed and seemingly mannered protesters. It almost seems that the main perpetrators of these riots are what I can only describe as race millenials....they feel a sense of being owed something and that they are being put down for whatever reason so they rebel back. I mean if you look at the term "millenial" in the urban dictionary sense and it says:

Special little snowflake.

Born between 1982 and 1994 this generation is something special, cause Mom and Dad and their 5th grade teacher Mrs. Winotsky told them so. Plus they have a whole shelf of participation trophies sitting at home so it has to be true.

They believe themselves to be highly intelligent, the teachers and lecturers constantly gave them "A"'s in order to keep Mom and Dad from complaining to the Dean. Unfortunately, nobody explained to them the difference between and education and grade inflation so they tend to demonstrate poor spelling and even poorer grammar.

At work, millennials believe themselves to be overachievers who just aren't understood by their loser bosses. Even Mom said so when she showed up for the interview. They are the only generation in the universe to understand the concept of work life balance and to actually want to find a fulfilling career. All those Gen X losers just don't get it what with hoping to keep their jobs and pay the bills but they are just corporate drone so who cares what they think? They should be smart like Millennials and get Mom and Dad to pay for that stuff until they can work out what they want to do with their lives and then get rich doing it.

I can see a very clear distinction from this urban dictionary definition to those that believe in BLM and their cause....they feel like special snow flakes. Mom and Dad have told them that they will be oppressed for life and they need to fight back. They feel they are OWED something and that they should be making millions.

Sure, the entire definition does not fit, but read between the lines a bit and you will see what I mean.

The majority of those rioting are not over 40 and don't have regular jobs. They feel they are entitled to something without working for it. Instead they steal it and break it because they can't get it honestly.

I remember in the Baltimore riots the video of a mother of one of the rioters coming out and snatching the face mask off her son and beating his ass for rioting...

These rioters are just that...race millenials....

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