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Climbing Aboard

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posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 07:28 PM
Just wanted to say hello as I climb aboard this ship of….eclectics. A friend pointed me in this direction, talking about how awesome this site and it's members were. He said it used to be better, in the sense of deeper threads/discussions and less politics, but still is a forum that covers many fascinating topics and has a colorful membership including NASA peeps, LEO's, professors and common folk from around the globe. I like the set up and it seems the moderation is well applied.

I like stargazing, hiking/ fishing,rockhounding and anything outside. I enjoy following development of innovative technology, I'm a fan of mma, I dig ancient civilization studies, am interested in ufos, and running is one of my better habits. Just read Born To Run, which I highly recommend for runners obviously, but it is an amazing true story as well, an adventurous read. Matthew McConaughey is making a movie about it right now actually.

I am currently tucked away in the great Northwest of US and absolutely love it here! I'm single guy who loves his dog and solitude. I 'm pensive and outgoing as well, in moderation, for I seem to be growing sensitive to people….or people's actions and energy maybe. I just love the country and the woods(they call em' forests here,ha), where a mind can freely unfold, unfettered and unblemished by coy and aggressive marketing that seems to infiltrate every facet of our lives.

So here I go, hope to settle in and have fun, get educated(uneducated too at times) and share in this journey through life, which these days is much to keep up with eh?

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: waftist

Welcome aboard!

We have some things in common and I like your avatar choice.

See you around and enjoy!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 07:33 PM
Cheers, mate! Have a good time!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: waftist

Welcome to ATS

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: waftist

welcome to the appendix of the internet

Also kind of like a fake Sphinx or a Fu Dog in Las Vegas, that looks like the real thing, but it's cheap thrills and political shills all day (at least during election years)

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: waftist


You've been here long enough to start a thread! I totally missed doing the introduction thing...

Anyway, welcome. Thanks for that thread (I'm going through all his videos!) and I hope to see you around the boards.

edit on 21-9-2016 by AboveBoard because: On my phone typos. Argh!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 09:16 PM
Hi from one neophyte to another!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: waftist

Welcome Brother! I look forward to seeing you around! Remember, political season will pass soon enough and we can get back to the regularly scheduled program!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: waftist
... get educated(uneducated too at times) and share in this journey through life, which these days is much to keep up with eh?

Get uneducated? How very wise.
Enjoy your journey, eh?

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 09:47 PM

I enjoy following development of innovative technology, I'm a fan of mma, I dig ancient civilization studies, . . .

Cool, I have an abacus next to my comp.

Welcome friend and good morrowmorn!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 10:09 PM
Well thanks for all the welcomes folks, I appreciate it. It feels good being amongst like-minded people, as far as curious, cool and considerate. I like the diversity here too, and man what an archive of threads, wow! I might make a thread asking if people could recommend just one thread to a newbie, for a good feel of what ATS is, what would it be? Ya think I need a tin-foil hat maybe?

Yea politics….my buddy warned about that around here. I went through years before almost drowning in the futility of making sense of politics and then trying to discuss issues with others…whew! Holiday dinners became shout fests and people started to hate each other , enraged and mad. So I do not plan on frequenting the politico forums, but if I do it will be in an informative fashion. I'll keep my personal views and knee jerk responses to myself.
It is so sad how we(guilty here,in the past) tend to generalize and cast judgment over an entire subgroup based on the actions of a few. Then add insult to injury, people acknowledge this as an issue, but then turn around and do the same thing.

Again thanks for the replies and I too look forward to seeing you all on da boards!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 10:15 PM
Hello, also from the NW! Welcome to the borg ship careful to not be assimilated by partisan politics!

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 04:40 AM
fare well here!

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:11 AM
Welcome to one of the most objective places on the Internet. If you want the truth I suggest you have a better chance of finding it here.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:36 AM
Let me extend a very warm welcome. I moved from the PNW about 3 years ago. Oregon / Washington Lived there 13 years.

Looking forward to your contributions

edit on 22-9-2016 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:42 PM
Welcome to ATS waftist!

I'm kind of the PNW but try further west! Up here in the AK. The trees are changing colors and we had a wide spread rain storm all day. Of course that only means that when the clouds part here in Anchortown there will be a dusting of snow up on the mountains! I guess what I am trying to say is, the times they are a changing!

Glad you made you made it here. Remember to leave the place in a better state than when you found it! One more thing...

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