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Same old same old Political Promises

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posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 04:56 PM
I have been watching the news about Hilary and Trump, every once in a while something catches my ear and I listen, but I am at the age of my life were I can see through the BS that is being televised on TV, its like the Beer Commercials, Insurance Commercials, and Drug Commercials, they are trying to sell us a product that the 1. I will never use 2. tried but did not like it or 3. Used it but it broke right away, the past three examples like Insurance, Beer and Insurance they do a lot of research to see what works and wont don't.

So sitting back watching them on TV having a beer, which turns into a drinking game on when ever they use the term like, "My Record" is a drink, I could not keep up with them.

After listening to the DNC candidate I thought to myself that for over 50 years I have lived with politicians that promise me the world, that my life would be better If I voted for them, well my wages have not gone up or kept pace with inflation, my insurance went up even after Obama Care, School lunches cost a arm and a leg for the kids, and every other aspect in my life seems to cost more, but all those in Washington vote to give themselves raises and when they get there they have only two nickels to rub together and when they leave they have millions because of all the back door deals they make so that they can stay longer, example Byrd, he has been in the Senate longer than I have been alive, he is old and out of touch of what is really going on in the world.

we are stuck in a rout with Washington and the politicians and their lies to us on how they will fix things, I can sit and tell you all that I will do all kinds of great thing just so you will vote for me, hell I will buy your house for you or pay you mortgage all for your vote.

Washington Politicians know what to say and how to say it to win your vote, but for me its been the Same Old Same Old BS coming out of there mouths and I am tired of it, lets get a outsider in and see what they can do, like any other business if one CEO don't perform their gone and another one comes in to take their place, Washington needs to get their heads out of their back ends and listen to the people and come back to reality, I am no longer going to sit and listen to those commercials about how great they are and their records, I want to see someone that has hired and fired average people base on job performance.

I look at it this way, why not a Trump Presidencies, it will only be 4 years and if I don't like what he is doing in 4 years and can vote him out, so I don't know about the rest of you but I am tired of the same old same old crap.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: 19KTankCommander

Unless Trump is going to abolish the federal reserve, the IRS, taxes, the CIA, FBI--and every other government corporation....

Unless Trump ends the war on drugs...

Unless Trump closes the US military bases around the world and disbands the standing army...

Unless Trump gets rid of business permits, drivers licensing, conceal carry permits, hunting and fishing licenses, marriage permits, and any other "the government must grant you permission" item...

Unless Trump brings back a gold standard...

Unless trump removes all government subsidies and market regulations...

Unless Trump uses his political authority to abolish political authority...

Then it is going to be 4 more years of the same old crap.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: 19KTankCommander

The only thing is Trump has been caught in lies just like all the other established politicians. He's been on the other side buying politicians to do him favors.

I find myself listening to Clinton saying Trump has something to hide and I laugh. We can ask the same exact thing about Clinton, what is she hiding? They're both dishonest candidates pure and simple. To think one will be better than the other is wishful thinking.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 11:39 PM
Yeah , nuthin but reruns. When does the new episodes start ? I am tired of 50+ years of repeat performances with only a tad of refreshing views during that time.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: LordSatan
Got my money on your last statement...
Oh , well. Hope for the best and expect the worst.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: LordSatan

Got my money on your last statement...
Oh , well. Hope for the best and expect the worst.

I wish this wasn't the case.

We need something new.
edit on 22-9-2016 by Dalan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Dalan

I am something new. A colour-blind (literally) self taught physicist who shred guitars and who has a foot in the hidden side of reality and aother foot in solving real problems once and for all. Vote for a Swan!

Seriously though: I agree with the OP however this is true for not only the DNC but for both sides of the political theatre.

edit on 22-9-2016 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: swanne

I am something new. A colour-blind (literally) self taught physicist who shred guitars and who has a foot in the hidden side of reality and aother foot in solving real problems once and for all. Vote for a Swan!

Ha, we sound like twins. You'd make a good representative, I'll vote for you.

Seriously though: I agree with the OP however this is true for not only the DNC but for both sides of the political theatre.

That's because the republican and democratic parties have a monopoly over the elections, imo. I think laws against gerrymandering would help to undo this.

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