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Videocameras in my High School

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posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:11 PM
Its not as glamorouse as you think it is. Its a little small, there are 3 couches made out of PLASTIC, and the tables are small. Like I said befor they had a meating to discuss how lounge isnt what it should be called.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:33 PM
Hey its illegal to install cameras in public bathrooms, so no there are no cameras in your bathroom.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by JoeHead
Hey its illegal to install cameras in public bathrooms, so no there are no cameras in your bathroom.

Thats good because I just cant go if somebodys watching me.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 11:47 PM
With the current state in public schools, I would think you'd welcome them. Examples, Gangs, Teachers sleeping with students, Football team players threatening teacher's for failing grades, outsiders coming in from the street..etc.

Heck, we had it worse than cameras at our school. We had Priests who could make up sheesh! Try serving detention hall at 6:30am! That was for having your button undone, under your tie,.. having a shoe off in class,.. or your butt was not touching wood, when the bell rang! Count yourself lucky.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by fourth horseman
Teachers sleeping with students.

Whats wrong with that. There are some teachers at my school I wouldnt mind giving extra credit to.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 01:56 AM
Gang bangers? Dude, you mean white kids who want to be black, a gang banger would be someone who participates in orgies and such. Besides, if you get them one on one they shut up and act like the white trash that they are, and if they still don't shut up and try something big ol redneck beats skinny white boy any day.(another reason cameras should be out of bathrooms, if they there then no place to teach skinny white boys that they are white and not black gangstas from the hood, really embarresing to them when someone who knows they a redneck beats them in a fight)

Croat, so true, some of the teachers/TA were fine, would love to get some extra credit, not that I needed it since I got out of highschool, on time even.

[edit on 26-1-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 01:27 PM
Back in 2000 when I was still in high school there was this huge bomb scare. They rightly evacuated the buildings, but rather than simply call up the buses and send the students home, everyone had to sit out in the soccer field for four and a half hours. The remaining five class periods were all scrunched into the last two hours of the day, in which nothing was really accomplished. Furthermore, there was a massive food fight at the lunch, that included the throwing of glass bottles.

The result of the food fight was that the cafeteria was fitted with security cameras. I think there were about eight of them. Guess what the security room looks like? There's only one monitor to look at all eight cameras, and furthermore they only hired one security officer who is too busy investigating people's classroom doodles to watch the monitor anyway.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:41 AM
The U.S. of A. is running on fear and that fear is used daily to browbeat people into accepting everything from cameras in school bathrooms to illegal search and seizures on the highway to a Patriot Act which now allows illegal monitoring of private citizens in their homes and "secret warrants." But that's okay because that is all for our "protection," right?

Meanwhile, educational funds which could be spent on, oh, something dumb like more and better teachers and books, you know, dumb stuff that might actually educate children, are being spent on cameras, drug testing, and intermittent psychological evaluations of students with mandatory medication in the near future -- and if you do not believe that, check out Ohio, mandatory psych evaluations in grammar schools and mandatory medication is already in progress there.

Children under 18 have almost no legal rights or standing and are very easy to target. And a youth that grows up under constant surveilance will grow into an adult population that accepts and even expects or, more frightening still, may demand it. That is already happening. And that is not a good thing.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 06:16 AM
now ppl we all know that these have been installed for various reasons such as dealing of drugs skipping school amongst other illegal and irrational thing that a dum a*s would do at school

me my self i would break in to the school at night, beat the sicurity guards butt and find the area were the have the camera monitors or even recorders (or how ever they get the fotage recoded) and fricken just destroy 'em. u know if u do it right no body will find out......if ur capable of doing ne thing right not that i care.........yes then the schools will realize that the cameras are bothering the students and they have obviously taken matter into thier own hands and decide not to replace 'em

but on the other hand they could also just say wdf? and replace 'em any ways, right?

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