posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 03:26 AM
America is perceived as conquerer, what she cannot get thruogh coercion
she will strive to get through might. be it by use of her economy or military might. She pursues an ideal of a global America , She has already
Americanised much of the west with hollywood and Mcdonalds etc, but its not enough, she is not yet "THE" global superpower.
She still has to contend with china and russia being militarily an equal match of threat, let alone france, korea, india pakistan. She pumps billions
yearly into so called "defence" creating and instilling cold war fears in her own people so they dont question the expense on "defence" that isnt
needed. She already is nuke rich, what more deterant and defence could you need?
Is she paranoid? of course not she can already obliterate any country on the planet if nessesary, but she knows that her competitors dont sit on their
military laurels either, they keep up as best they can to keep her in check. no wonder she wants to curb proliferation, she has enough to overcome
with russia and china france already, if she is to become "THe" superpower she must nip it in the bud, she must continue to develop ever more
efficiant and powerful weapons and control evermore of the planet.
Why does she want to control the middle east, why does she place trade sanctions on a nations that have only oil to trade, oil that she wants?
Why does she not trade fairly, because she dosent want to pump the finance needed to build weapons(which will add to threat against supremacy) into
the hands of folk who control the oil.
Why? because of their historic and ongoing hostilities in the region? They might blow each other up?
No, she dosent care less about them, she cares about the oil feilds, because her economy depends on oil. Why?
Because all the billions she is spending on "Defence" in pursuit of supremacy, prevents her from developing an alternate energy source.
She needs that oil, short and sweet, a nuke war inside the middle east and she can kiss the oil goodby, then her dream of supremacy is sunk, game
But why would the middle east destroy the only product they have to trade with? How can America stop them anyway, by nuking them? not on your sweet
nelly! By might, while she has the opportunity, any excuse will do and retaliation against her oppression resulting in 9/11 is just perfectly
convenient. [Thankyou Osama, the money has been transferred to your swiss bank account, now dissappear quickly and dont forget new tapes from time to
But if she just pulled out and quit the might race and stopped playing cosmic slingshots shooting things at comets, those billions could be pumped
into developing sustainable alternate energy. Just imagine, make mid east oil obsolete, save her own arse, save the worlds arse, stop pollution, and
save the enviroment all in one!
America would be God, no need for her current agenda, no need to dominate with might, because she would dominate with economic power, and no need to
dominate at all, she would win the respect of the entire planet. We would follow by choice not with threat.
So why does she not? Because even with alternate energy she will still only be another nation, not "the" nation. She wants the cake and eat it too.
If she can spend billions pissing around in space, why can she not trade fairly and pay for oil ? oil is all the middle east has to trade with.
oil for for food because there naughty people? They need more than food.
Why does America not say to the middle east, cease all hostilities or we will stope trading period? Because she needs oil. Why does the globe not
stand united in such an ultimatim? because we all need oil.
How can you bargain with someone who holds what you want, without ultimatly destroying what you want?
It would seem you have a few choices:
(a) trade fairly pay for oil ~ they might develop weapons and you dont want that
(b) try to buy oil through another nation ~ ? not likely to work for l;ong
(c) Invade while you have a tecknological advantage and take what you want by might.
So you bung trade sanctions on them, so they suffer and they retaliate which in turn gives you an excuse to invade. Convenient.
She wants a global America, Right by might is not working so she decides to control by controlling oil instead. perfect, because everyone needs oil,
after she gains control of oil, she bungs trade sanctions on her more difficult enemys one by one, weakening their economies so they cant afford
defence, finding or simply creating self justifications along the way.
invade one by one, all for the sake of freedom and liberty ofcourse, give ultimatimes about their WMD, pretend there a threat to herself, eventually
America controlls land, sea, air and space, bingo! America rules supreme.
Global America atlast.
You decide!