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Evidence for Reincarnation - what do you believe?

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posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 01:44 AM
Watch this first - the top ten most interesting cases providing evidence of reincarnation.

Even Jesus felt that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah and asked his followers, for those who could handle it, to accept it as true.

If you have any other stories or additional evidence, particularly any presentations or videos of either these ten cases, or others not covered, that would be very helpful and much appreciated.

Next I'd love to have a conversation about the idea of reincarnation as a metaphysical possibility, and why I both believe in it, and yet consider myself a Christian believer.

If reincarnation is accepted within the context of the highly developed system of the karmic wheel, there are problems that can arise for say a stubborn soul who refuses to learn it's lesson as but one example.

Another would be the idea of a Bodhisattva, who, on the threshold of nirvana, negating any need for further reincarnation, the enlightened being chooses to return, again and again until every blade of grass from here to Tim buck two has been enlightened or, in Christians terms the redemption of the Cosmos at the revelation of the sons of God (same difference).

But that too might lead to an accumulation of Bodhisattva's who might just plug up the purgatory valve from the top down, but better that than a breakdown in the karmic wheel amid a cataclysm of reincarnation for all the wrong reasons where it may be said that even the road to hell might be paved with good intentions, except for all the past actions that led up to that point - ah!

The resolution to the potential breakdown and the necessity to uphold the karmic wheel, to sum it up and resolve it, is the reason that I'm a Christian, and, someone who believes and accepts that one possibility of life after death could include reincarnation, but for all the RIGHT reasons, as if already learned, resolved, forgiven, and then forgotten, but still left to be enacted or made manifest as the best choice ie: for all the right reasons, to make it real, with no loose ends. That's a hopeful view of many lives here on Earth.

Where do the extra souls due to population growth come from, that's perhaps a valid question, unless the manifestation of form doesn't function in the manner that we presume ie: there was nothing, you're born, then you die and there's nothing. The frame of life, even an individual life, cannot be nothings all around, so there's still a metaphysical argument that once you're in it, you're always in it and always have been at some level.

I'd be willing to do another round.. but I'd want the same mother, so she would have to reincarnate ahead of me at just the right time, and if my death cannot be anticipated in advance, due to free will instead of superdeterminism, then where would I wait after I die, when my past mother becomes my future mother by taking the dive, because I so love my mother (now passed on) even still that I would never want to trade her in for any other, so in that love, am I already generating it right now as I type, in my past and future life in the context of the life that I am now living?

Hey if there's reincarnation then it's time to start planning, because this life will determine the next.

Me I was thinking of a future run for President of the United States because I'm not entirely satisfied with both candidates running today.

Presumably we can start putting in our order now, right?

Or we just die dead as a doornail, but I don't think so, and these testimonies along with those of NDE's, strongly suggest otherwise.

And an avalanche of loving, compassionate Bodhisattvas ascending and descending upon us and through us, like angels upon the son of man, isn't that just the kind of thing we need as a type of divine intervention?

Or, must we be born from above while still on the way..? That would make the most sense to me if we're interested in progress, learning, and the discovery of the solution to the problem of an abject failure in love in our world.

So like the Bodhisattvas before me I say bring it on!

As many times as is necessary, first for my own learning and benefit, 'cause you can't give out of what you don't already have, then for the benefit of all others, and God willing may I rise, and not descend and drag other people down with me.

So I don't think it's like being "stuck" here, when some among us take wing and fly in the spacious firmament of love and freedom, while we're still alive and in between it all when there's something that can be done to bring about the needed shift in awareness and understanding.

I added these thoughts to provoke some deeply intuited ideas and responses when considering reincarnation as a possibility.

Be blessed!

AnkhMorpork : )

edit on 18-9-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

My friend, you've lived many lives so far and more to go.

Reincarnation is very real. Even science is catching up with the fact that nothing truly has an end, it only changes form.

As far as the question about the "extra souls from population growth", you have to realize that time is not linear. We only percieve it to be. Everything that's going to happen tomorrow has already "happened."

It's a tough concept to grasp, but there are many things that are simply beyond our limited comprehension as third density beings.

And because of that, we can see that there's soooo much more out there that awaits us to experience it.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Ha HA!

(that's what I was meant to type, no explanation needed)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

It's all very fascinating however there are a few reasons which make me question it. For example in Lynn McTaggerts( best-selling author, researcher and lecturer whose work has rightly been described as "a bridge between science and spirituality") book'The Field', she mentions we connect to 'a field' of energy above our heads, thus not storing information in our brains, but rather, above us.

When we connect to this field, we grab information from it. This could be in part how people tap in, 'in part' only.There are other reasons i wont get into here but there are other things not yet known to us in this place.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Evidence for Reincarnation - what do you believe?

Well, for me its the writings on the person known as Tuesday Lobsang Rampa and yes I am very familar with all the accusations made about that person so dont bother coming back to me on that matter.

The work of Elisabeth Klubler Ross who worked with terminally ill people, mostly kids reinforced my belief as did a couple of other cases I read of including the little boy who went up and down the wards of the hospital saying good bye to everyone and telling them when they got upset, that they should not worry as he will come back in a health body.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

It would be nice to think that the little babies and kids who don't make it, get another shot..

They say the universe, if it's anything, is fair. That would be fair, particularly if they might have lined up to get here in the first place or waited a long time for the opportunity to incarnate.

It's happening all the time from all over the place, from above, I agree, but I can see situations where it might be best to manifest in the form of more traditional reincarnation.

Could be there are MANY rooms..

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Reincarnation is proven via Quantum Mechanics

Because the first two photons were entangled -- a quantum property meaning the particles could speak to another across an infinite distance -- the interaction sent the data to the photon stored in the memory bank, where the team was able to retrieve it.

Scientists make quantum leap, teleport data from light to matter

The original data is essentially "deleted" at photon A as it is reincarnated in Photon B

It raises the philosophical question for when we achieve quantum teleportation of humans as your original you is deleted and remade perfectly at the destination, but is it you because the original you is deleted and you're now a new you but still the same you

Might not be reincarnation as you imagine it, but it is essentially being reincarnated as yourself complete with memories and it's perfectly possible once we acquire the knowledge and tech to do it
edit on 18/9/16 by Discotech because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

My friend, you've lived many lives so far and more to go.

Waiting for said evidence...

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
a reply to: Azureblue

It would be nice to think that the little babies and kids who don't make it, get another shot..

They say the universe, if it's anything, is fair. That would be fair, particularly if they might have lined up to get here in the first place or waited a long time for the opportunity to incarnate.

It's happening all the time from all over the place, from above, I agree, but I can see situations where it might be best to manifest in the form of more traditional reincarnation.

Could be there are MANY rooms..

If we assume this place/level is a in between room where souls are being taught on one level of awareness. If we increase the number of souls here and it is not the same souls used again and again (playing around with time) then those souls have to be taken from somewhere. What souls do you think are the ones you will get when you overpopulate and pull souls from other levels of awareness?

If humanity wants souls with awareness then sometimes it is better to have fewer souls that you really take care of instead of pushing as many souls as possible thru here.

Some reincarnation stories might not be the souls reincarnated but telepathic/synchronistic information exchange where a soul picks up the information from the matrix. Some are probably same soul, some are probably psychic awareness of the other.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 03:57 AM
Well the key thing here is there needs to be actual evidence... I mean when I was a little boy I told my mom I picked her out from heaven .. I made that up with no real memorable knowledge of religion.. but years later mom did tell me she used to tell me stories when I was an infant... similar to that.. it obviously stuck... memories can be imprinted ... and imaginations can be plentiful .. cherry picking a select few out of billions doesn't count in any way...

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
a reply to: Azureblue

It would be nice to think that the little babies and kids who don't make it, get another shot..

They say the universe, if it's anything, is fair. That would be fair, particularly if they might have lined up to get here in the first place or waited a long time for the opportunity to incarnate.

It's happening all the time from all over the place, from above, I agree, but I can see situations where it might be best to manifest in the form of more traditional reincarnation.

Could be there are MANY rooms..

The little babies may be suicides in the last life or perhaps just met with an unfortunate incident. TLR says we live for a given number of heart beats and not one longer and if we knew what life is like back in the particular room we come from, we would all commit suicide on a wholesale basis, and that just wont do. That's one of the reasons we have no conscious memory of life back in the room we come from.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 05:03 AM
Why we have to necessarily prove it? Science is not enough to prove everything, at least not yet, we don't even have enough scientists to research about everything, and things depend on their interests, finances provided and politics and so on. Besides they don't usually want to see things that is something earth turning or against their beliefs. And if one is able to prove, ten opponents is going to prove it wrong, make false science, suppress its publication etc.

Rather go to regressive hypnosis session, ask psychics, learn meditation, ask little kids you will be surprised, most of them remember something from past life. Contact the ETs they are more advanced and know. Ask any Guru. Use your common sense.

When enough scientists are able finally to prove reincarnation, the religions will be gone, racial fights finish as people may have been different race before, or from different planet. Psychics and hypnotists will be busy, and many other things will happen. Waiting for that fun.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 05:32 AM
I can only speak for myself,but I can be considered a believer of reincarnation. It has always been pretty much a gut or heart belief. Seems to have been a belief of mine all my life really. Just seems natural.

I know that when someone I know passes on, I'm sad on one hand, but on the other I whisper to them, "See you next life time my friend."

I also think it explains why you can meet certain people and hit it off right off the bat. To me that is just picking up where we left off from our last lifetime. I assume the people that rub you wrong when you first meet them may someone you had some differences with in a former life that have yet to be resolved.

That's my two cents on it anyway in the short and sweet.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

I have done my own research and concluded yes reincarnation is very real!!

Overwhelming evidence suggests we continue on evolving in the human state until a certain state is reached.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:34 AM
I would say...tentatively that I'm a believer, but that I'm still fairly skeptical in general about reincarnation. I would definitely be happy if it were true. For the moment, however, I actually want to ask a question that somewhat bothered me from the OP.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not arguing that the OP is both Christian *and* believes in reincarnation... however, I see a majority of Christians say that you can't believe in reincarnation and simultaneously also be Christian - because of assorted reasons that I don't recall immediately. So, I'm hear to ask a question. Can the OP (or anyone else) chime in on this topic and explain a) how both can co-exist? and b) (assuming they can and do co-exist) why there are so many Christians who may the "they cannot co-exist" claim?

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: SomethingLingual

You can easily follow the teachings of Christ and believe in reincarnation, because Jesus never actually says that you only live one life. He talks of "heaven" yes, but that's certainly open to many interpretations.

Not to disrespect Christianity, but the church is responsible for promoting this idea of heaven and hell, judgement, one life, etc. as a political device to keep the people in constant fear.

The philosophy of reincarnation pre-dates Christianity and was embraced by Native Americans, Paganism, and Eastern religions, who have still never strayed from this belief.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 10:07 AM
Wouldn't reincarnation be interesting if reality was a breeding game of sorts where ones upbringings and habits determined there physical and mental abilities and where ether passed down that ether got better or degenerated due to not being excercised enough to pass on to the next life through family ties.

And that the more identity or familiarity the soul gains the more likely parts of that identity would pass onward where characteristics where ether have been improved and done with, to being excerised and gaining the experience first hand for the first time.

And that no soul is stronger then the any othe soulr, where the object of the game is to understand the soul and maybe gain the experience of using it is ehat determines ones strength.

Wouldn't that be fun.
edit on 18-9-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Well...1st? Not everyone can even contribute to this thread because not everyone can watch any videos for a variety of reasons(not me...just giving a voice to them as you didnt, by excluding their participation-by asking them to watch 1st).... thats out of the way...I came from somewhere, I am somewhere now...and Im going somewhere when I leave here. How hard is that to understand?

Confirm just 1 part of the equation ie: "I CAME from SOME-WHERE, right?" So..there you go...over and over and over and over and ove..and ov...and...and.....

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Specimen

we had a show here in the usa called "the ghost inside my child" only ran 2 seasons 2013 2014....I remember 1 story where a boy seemed to be from the Titanic (the captain) he had many dreams and I remember was mentioned that a video game about the titanc came out and it was very detailed all the rooms laid out like the real ship..

when he played it he knew the whole layout and Zipped right through to the captains quarters without making a single mistake in direction..

another story..was a girl she and her mom went to visit an historic house,,she got really excited and started describing things,when it was time to go she starting screaming because she didn't want to leave HER house.

reincarnation..either it is real or they are somehow tapping into information...but tapping into info doesn't explain when they have the same marks and scars...very interesting topic!
edit on 18-9-2016 by research100 because: dang spelling

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: MamaJ
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

I have done my own research and concluded yes reincarnation is very real!!

Overwhelming evidence suggests we continue on evolving in the human state until a certain state is reached.

I've done my research and concluded that reincarnation is not real at all.

Quite strong evidence suggest that common reincarnation of the soul in human body, life after life is a faust. An opera. Illusion.

So why not, me and you, get into the details, and like friends discuss it straight here. Maybe you can show me something I missed, maybe I could do the same for you.


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