a reply to:
"almost all" was a well played disclaimer....lol...well done Fenceman.....lol....being an Abductee who witnessed multiple races ,I can tell you that
the contrasts are what dismiss the media or story catalysed excusatory allegations of copy-cat issues......there is zero doubt these races are
different....yes some people will be more likely to visualise something they have seen a picture or video of but our mind does an AS CLOSE AS WE CAN
GET FUNCTION when it replays our memories....just saying......heres a first-hand example from me of the superimposition of media or story based
"bleed-overs"......I went through a process of escalating levels of awareness when my abductions began....I was able to experience self-awareness
despite the anesthsia effects being projected upon me.....and these levels escalated expeditiously and exponentially......culminating in my full and
complete awareness being recognised by the abductors during an event ....you CAN make yourself a blank slate to them and they cannot tell you are
fully "awake and aware" unless you cerebrally "blink"...sooooo......my initial "visual memories" of my first abductions were processed by my
autonomous mind and then projected to my self-aware mind as visuals of a Vampire leaning down over me to bite me....but not quite biting me,just
leaning down-then leaning down closer-then leaning down even closer entering the red-flag personal zone as if it were closing in to make a Vampire
So theres an example of how pre-stored memories may be utilised by our brains as an AS CLOSE AS WE CAN GET tool....I had no place to put or quantify
the individual which was interacting with me.....my mind guestimated that this individual was a Vampire which I had seen on TV and read about because
of the paralells it identified concerning the tangible experience I was having.
I quickly discovered something was up and I was able to identify a race which was entering my home.
Then I was identified as being awake and aware during an event which included medical aspects.
So sure some people could be having episodes where for example someone is coming into their room at night to see if they are sleeping,or maybe hubby
is sneaking out at night with the neighbor lady and at 2am he consistantly leans down over his wife peering at her for an extended period making sure
she is deeply asleep.....or maybe his wife has him on a diet and he is sneaking out to feasty on midnight junkfood all over town.....or maybe kids
parents coming into their rooms at night to check on their well being catalyse some peoples superimposing aliens over the people tangibly interacting
with them....I note that there still remains a TANGIBLE EXPERIENCE underlying these possibly media induced impacts.
I hope everyone who has not experienced an abduction realises with a 100% certainty that those of us who have been involved in one THINK YOU ARE ALL
VICTIMS OF YOUR OWN SELF-IMPOSED IGNORANCE.....after all we are TELLING YOU....so it is SELF-IMPOSED BY PROXY.....so contrary to how things are in
terms of expressed and recognised status quos you have to prove we werent abducted....we dont have to prove we do.......and WE KNOW TPTB HAVE made a
PRIMAL EFFORT to build a satus quo which encourages the masses to be programmed to expect abductees to prove themselves while they divest themselves
of any accountability on themselves to DISPROVE TANGIBLY.....the status quo benefit of the doubt must always go to the abductee and the HUMAN WORD
must be FIRST ACCEPTED AS TRUTH...forcing you all and TPTB who manage you to ......tangibly disprove abductees...something which can only be done
forensiclly and something which TPTB will NEVER ALLOW WILLINGLY.....because they know full well that all roads will lead to Rome or full
Soooooo.........the sooner YOU ALL come together and build a status quo which ACCEPTS A HUMANS WORD FIRST and then allows for fair tangible
disavowment.......the sooner you will all force the truth out of TPTB......you see once you VALIDATE ABDUCTEES YOU PUSH THE BIG RED BUTTON.....all you
have to do is FIGHT the methods TPTB are using.....you just learned how to sink their battleship....lol....FIRST validate and aknowledge a HUMANS
Good luck.....this abductee is preparing to bug out......everyone must do what they do.....it is what it is....we are who we are.... I am going
"underground " and am going cyber-free COLD TURKEY in 2017.....just to dull the shock of whats coming down the pipeline......IMHO people should be
easing themselves into "survival shape" to reduce sticker-shock over our new coming shared reality.There will be no time to dawdle.....and survival
may in many cases depend on mental and physical adaptability.
A strapping fellow who is 6'2 and 220 lbs ...a linebacker......will have his lunch handed to him by a 5'8 150lb "weakling" who has been living on an
erratic survival level diet for years and who has devloped uber-mental endurance capability....whithin the first 4-5 days of NO FOOD the linebacker
will be wilting epiclly.....when the taps get shut off the 220 lb body will require substantially more incoming water and nutrients to sustain and
maintain itself externally and internally.....with ZERO INCOMING.....the linebacker will be shutting down terminally quickly while the Ally-Cat will
be setteling in for the long haul........if you can dig it.....lol.
I will be sitting on my bony little 145lb arse twiddeling my thumbs comfortably passing time watching the 220lb linbacker beginning to enter the early
phases of shock ,when he REALISES the taps are shut off he will begin to have physiological instinctive reactions which will encourage him to go to
extremes to maintain his traditional levels of comfort...food...water...emotional strength....once these small cracks begin to widen and squeeze his
mental stability panic will set in and food stress will begin to lead the linebacker to his doom if there is no intervention .
I will be sitting in the corner....not hungry.....not thirsty....not worried....not stressed and not pushing myself towards sensory and physical
overload and by proxy death.I know I only need to find a cup of rice every day or two and one ration of water per day to run my minimalistic
body......I have pushed my limits to the extreme with medical support and supervision....as close to starvation and dehydration as is mediclly
possible under supervised conditions.When you boil it all down you get one chance to play tic-tac-to with Mother Nature....and yes the game is VERY
winnable...about as winnable as tic-tac-toe is if you play it right.
So there you have it....on more abductee is becoming prepared......to find the eye of the storm.