posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 04:21 PM
I believe you can see the other side way before you fully cross over, and I`ll tell you how I came to this conclusion.
I have always had a longing for a place in time I could never quite pin down. A homesickness for I home I did not know, a life I couldn't remember,
something. A few years ago I became, a bit more serious about spirituality, not religion in a sense but more philosophical topics. Several threads and
post from members here steered me into a few interesting directions and a sort of vague "understanding" started to form, but its just out of reach in
a sense that I know the understanding is there but I can not articulate it at this time. Much in a way a mountain in the far distance slowly gets
larger as you drive toward it and that mountain of understanding is still a very long way off. Perhaps this could also be referred to as
enlightenment? Maybe.
Once I learned how to meditate the correct way, and I could focus more I found myself asking those age old questions we all ask. What am I? Why am I
here? Lifes purpose? so on and so forth... Well eventually the question" Where was I before being born" came to mind, I`m fairly certain I fell asleep
but the vivid dream that ensued answered that question of homesickness. In this dream I was being guided around a school or facility. I sort of
educational institute and everyone I had ever known, whether it was a best friend, dead loved one, random stranger I passed on the street and
remembered was there. Everyone. In different rooms they were all doing many things you would expect one to do if one just realized they had for lack
of a better term super powers, But also super knowledge and the enthusiasm to explore that knowledge. Much like the scenes in the Matrix movies that
had the kids bending spoons with their minds and moving objects around telepathically. It was also much like a hospital in a sense that I saw people
"healing" from traumatic injuries, not physical injuries but emotional injuries. Like a switch I felt that heart ache for my first love turn on, then
off on then off. This made me realize that some people here on this plane for healing as well as discovery all in the pursuit of experience, whether
is was positive(service to others) or negative(service to self). This is the best why I can describe what I experienced that night.
I would like to list a few sources one might find of interest but... Would they be appreciated as much than if I left it to the one to find for