posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 04:10 AM
Just a quick introduction, been a bit of a lurker in recent years. A part time lurker if truth be told, I think I first started being a 'lurker' on
ATS back when the 2012 stuff was going on. This sounds like the start of an AA meeting. Hi my names Bilbous and i'm a lurkaholic.
Topics that interest me on here are varied, but the ones that have piqued my interest the most have been.
Mars Anomalies
Badselfeater (What a let down that was)
As well as the many 2012 threads there was at the time.
Probably the most enjoyed thread for me has been the
Titor/Trump/Pence masterpiece
that has a mix of all the right elements to make it interesting but wildly insane at the same time. (I know it originated on 4chan but I cannot get my
head around that site.)
I am never going to be a massive contributor, but I will be about and I will throw in the odd casual comment and pass out the odd star.
So this is my way of saying Hello.