a reply to:
I'm not a Trump supporter, but can we keep the election out of a thread about my depression. Also I am a bit of a socialist. If it were anybody but
Hillary running there's no way I'd consider voting Trump, but let's drop the election talk there now that I've clarified that.
I worked for a small business owner. Good guy, couldn't pay much, only ever had 1 - 3 employees at most, but bent over backwards to help whenever we
were in trouble. A very respectable person. The crazy taxes, and regulations he had to deal with were such would have been nothing to a big business
owner, but drowns small businesses. He could have paid us more, had better equipment and better products, but I saw daily, while helping him on his
computer system and more the crazy hoops he needed to jump through. As far as jobs went, working for him was probably one of the best I ever had.
Most of these crazy regulations are there to protect big businesses and are there for the same reasoning places are now telling kids they can't shovel
snow without licenses, or people can't capture rainwater, or help feed the homeless. Big business is working to regulate us into slavery, and it's
Also there are exceptions to every rule. Not EVERY business in existence, not even big business, has refused to or failed to find ways to do right.
But these are the exception rather than the rule, I'm not going to give the entire business world a pass or the benefit of the doubt simply because
there are a very few diamonds in the rough. Is a generalization.
Addendum: Actually I'm technically a moderate in a lot of ways, as I recognize both policies on the left and right have been enacted in tandem to
benefit big banks and big business to destroy we the little people. You might cry about socialism, and I might cry about capitalism, but the truth
is, you've never seen true socialism, and I've never seen true capitalism, all either of us have seen is mutilated versions of both ideals usually
combining the worst aspect of each other to the benefit of the few over the many.
edit on 9/12/2016 by Puppylove because: Addendums are
edit on 9/12/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)