A bit of advice would be welcomed here if anyone could help.
I guess people do not really care about poems very much. Threads get ignored. They disappear from view. I put much effort into writing them and
nobody cares. Just takes the sails out of my enthusiasm. I suppose being new to the site did not prepare me for the disappointment. Would I be
better off placing them in a different forum? Or is what I have written just not very good? Funny how I think what I write is so important and well
meaning, yet very few have responded.
unless it involves conspiracies, off beat news, politics, secrets, or general news... this isnt the site to have your poems critiqued -
try allpoetry.com
im sure people who actually care about literature are on sites like that.
I seldom read poetry personally . Not sure if this site has a big base but it could be that your poems are taken up by lurkers (non members) . It
could be also that what you put out is not controversial . Hard to say ..As long as you enjoy doing it ,it fills that purpose ...peace
The site is recently overwhelmed with short stories and poems mostly from the same few members. Sorry to miss yours. I kinda burned out on it in
Ive just read some of your poems and think they are rather good. I enjoy hearing your view point.
But i think most people (including myself) are here for in depth conspiracy discussions, although your poems are both deep and beautiful they are
probably overlooked.
I think its more context than content, dont be disheartened!
Keep it up!
and even if one person reads it and it changes there day or perspective, then its all worth it right?
I have seen your poems/short stories and flagged some. I like them, i don't comment on them but the flag is kinda a 'thumbs up' from me. Keep up the
good work.
Probably just not the ideal place, unless your poetry is related to conspiracy / mysteries type material. If it is, perhaps "market it" (thread title)
as such. I certainly understand wanting to share your art, so I hope you find a way/place where it can be appreciated.
Personally, the only poetry I'm into is either classic masterpieces, or irreverent or dirty haikus.
Are you after praise? write for yourself not others.
Like others said not the best place for poetry is ATS but I'm sure some enjoy them so continue just don't care about critics.
like the above said, probly not the best place for poetry.
That being said, there are plenty of members who do read the poetry and short stories, and some even comment. Don't be discouraged for lack of
feed-back. Sometimes poetry just doesn't leave much to be critiqued. After all is is your views and feelings put into words.
There once was a Cowboy from the Pac-West
Who ate so much chow he grew breasts
One day he asked so deliciously
While eyeing his mammaries lasciviously
'Why is everyone nauseous when I get undressed?'
edit on 12-9-2016 by AugustusMasonicus because: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Guys please, this is about what's his name complaining he doesn't get enough attention and what do you do? Getting more stars than he does. Ts, ts,
edit on 12-9-2016 by Peeple because: In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming
The audience for poetry is very very small anyway, so if you're looking for feedback and an audience, I'd recommend looking for websites of fellow
poetry lovers.