posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to:
Correct, hoaxes. Trump supporters have edited together footage of Clinton having "that does not compute" moments, like when PETA booed her instead of
cheering her, and her bad attempts to act positive and enthusiastic, dubbed them over with UFO hoax video music and ominous voice overs, and posted
them on YouTube.
SO all the bad said against Hillary is a Hoax and all the bad against Tump in the gospel?
You seem to have a black and white world view. The hoax videos have done more harm than good, since they draw away from the real problems with
Clinton. I have been on the receiving end of one of her "that does not compute" stares. I get the impression that she has memorized lengthy, detailed
responses to countless questions and scenarios, and when someone goes off script she is momentarily helpless, like a deer in the headlights. At least
Bill Clinton could charm his way out of those situations smoothly. As for the stupid grimacing and exaggerated nodding, it is bad acting. She is not
cheerful and enthusiastic, she is cold and cunning, and her insincerity shows.
Trump, on the other hand, has a great deal to answer for, yet his supporters refuse to see him for what he is. His vagueness allows them to project
their own fantasies on him. Remember, he is not a successful businessman, he just played one on TV.
Lets not forget that some of these question are coming from the MSM also.
That is because the whispering campaign online has been successful. Contrary to what many believe, the news media do not invent stories, nor does the
head office dictate what the lead story will be. (It
used to be that way.) Because the media exist solely to make money by selling airtime or
bandwidth to advertisers, they run "news" that will attract viewers. Enough people have been gossiping about Clinton's health online that it has
become "news."