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Breaking News: BLM’s Wild Horse Advisory Board Just Voted To Kill All 44,000 Captive Wild Horses I

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+71 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 09:48 AM

The Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board has just voted in favor of killing all the wild horses currently in short term and long term holding, approximately 44,000 horses. The only NO vote on the Advisory Board was from Ginger Kathrens of the Cloud Foundation.

Being extremely fond of euphemisms, the BLM uses the term “euthanasia” which is incorrect.

.....This is in fact murder, not euthanasia.

Breaki ng News: BLM’s Wild Horse Advisory Board Just Voted To Kill All 44,000 Captive Wild Horses In Holding

In a country that has gone to great lengths to protect species like the sport owl and the snail darter: where is the outrage??

My heart was sickened to read about this, yet in researching for this thread, I found little MSM interest.
So, I'm posting this here in hopes of getting more information about this senseless murdering of innocent animals.

How can this be allowed to happen? Tens of thousands of will horses to be slaughtered...who speaks for them.

Further reading:
Fattening up wild horses for slaughter
BLM criticized for selling Wyoming horses for slaughter
Protect Mustangs™

Other ATS threads:
The Mustang Conspiracy: Part 1: Sex, Drugs, Corruption, and BP.
BLM Killing More Wild Horses (despite Congressional letter

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Hey Don'tTreadOnMe: I've got plenty of outrage, but can't do a damn thing about it. It seems to be another case of the dollar bill, in terms of pipelines and oil, taking precedence over the protection of land or animals. Not very shocking. It seems the BLM has been breaking all the rules about that land as a preserve for wild mustangs for quite a while: i.e. herding by helicopter into paddocks till they are slaughtered.

Very sadly it seems that soon there will be no wild horses anywhere at all.

+14 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Sick. BLM seems to just do the dirty work for companies that have paid/lobbied enough to government.

BLM is for sale to the highest bidder.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: tetra50

If they are overpopulated, why not round them up, sterilize the males, and let them loose again to live in peace and freedom?

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

I just read that as Black lives matters!
I was thing dam I know they are crazy but killing horses? How are they racist!

But as to the topic that is sad. Are they a pest in the area?

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Sick. BLM seems to just do the dirty work for companies that have paid/lobbied enough to government.

BLM is for sale to the highest bidder.

Nothing new. Same with the FDA keeping Pharmaceutical companies rolling the profits by denying competitor's access to the market.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:20 AM
Or another possible solution . . . sell them at a low price to all the people who want horses for their own farm but can't afford them. Or start a giant dude ranch or petting zoo. There must be alternative solutions to the blatant slaughter of wild horses. But then again they are wild, which means they have as much right to be there as BLM.

Best yet idea, transport them to a National Park. Perhaps Yosemite, didn't it just get some new land?

+32 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

This is predictable fallout from closing the slaughter houses. Yes, I know they ship them to Mexico and Canada. It still bottlenecked the market and took the bottom all the way to 0. The horse market crashed because of it all the same. Over the next few years people got rid of a lot of horses, mares especially. Some people just turned them loose onto federal land and quite a few of these joined wild herds, swelling the population. More and more horses ended up in BLM holding and fewer and fewer people were willing to adopt a mustang.

I understand that people are sentimental about this but the reality is that all of those horse "advocates" caused this mess and not one of you will ever acknowledge that your emotionally based decisions without a firm understanding of the repercussions has caused this mess. This is your fault too.

While I gelded my stallion prospect and did not breed anything once they closed those slaughter houses, plenty of people kept right on going for a few years; (1 part stupidity, 1 part hope and 1 part belligerence to be perfectly honest). I knew where this was going and pulled out of the market so I wouldn't be putting unwanted foals out there but I was definitely the exception for the first few years. Within a few years I was being offered "free" horses (mostly fillies), and I still have one of those here. While plenty of people in the horse community did not respond well, the slaughter houses should have been phased out; what happened hurt horses more than it helped them.

I know for a fact that you and everyone else that is waxing maudlin over this will never, ever, EVER admit that those actions and sentimentalities have contributed to their suffering, but it has. So yeah, I'm outraged. I'm outraged that the BLM are doing this. I'm outraged that so many people in the horse community just kept right on breeding, and I am just as outraged that all of these advocates caused this and will never understand or admit their part in it. If you want to help a horse pony up (pun intended) the money and take care of one of these "mustangs". Get the land, build the fence, buy the feed, pay for the vet, pay for the farrier, get a truck, get a trailer, freeze your ass off in the winter feeding, boil in the summer, risk broken limbs training these horses no one wants because they are half crazy from starvation and neglect. C'mon now, do your part. I have, and plenty of people in the horse community have, while you whine and get all righteous and do jack squat to actually help any horse. You've "saved" nothing but your own ego and pretentions.

edit on 10-9-2016 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: eeyipes
a reply to: tetra50

If they are overpopulated, why not round them up, sterilize the males, and let them loose again to live in peace and freedom?

Sterilizing was considered and dropped as a solution. But the females would have been targeted.
It was considered unnecessary and murder isn't?

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has dropped a research effort that would have led to the surgical sterilization of more than 200 wild mares at a facility in Oregon.


"The Bureau of Land Management is obligated to protect wild horses under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 and has absolutely no authority whatsoever to experiment on wild horses with new and risky surgeries," said Jennifer Best, assistant director of Friends of Animals' wildlife law program. "Congress has expressly prohibited the use of funds for activities that would kill wild horses as this experiment may have done."

edit on Sat Sep 10 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Too true. And people just keep turning a blind eye to the corruption in government.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: eeyipes
a reply to: tetra50

If they are overpopulated, why not round them up, sterilize the males, and let them loose again to live in peace and freedom?

hey eeyipes: I'm not so sure it's a question of overpopulation, though, and unfortunately, given the history of this issue, I don't know I'd believe much the BLM would say about it. There have been issues for quite a while now about the building of a pipeline through that "protected" land preserve, and water rights and availability. Cattle ranchers in the area have struggled with "unknown entities" building fencing around watering areas, cutting off the availability not only to the wild horses, but also to their cattle.

It used to be that when the herd populations became too large, they would round up some of the mustangs and offer them to anyone with a trailer who could get there, and assuming they could load a horse on said trailer, for free....
Then came the stories, with video, of illegal herding practices, using helicopters, to push herds into paddocks, awaiting illegal slaughter.

Sterilization isn't too bad of an idea, but easier said than done, and I'm not sure what the effect would be on the natural herd hierarchy, as it were.....which usually contains ther most powerful, verile, stallion and a harem of mares and their progeny.

There are "rescues" that used to operate that attempt to round up some of these mustangs and tame them down for possible adoption. I've only had personal contact with one such operation, and unfortunately, wasn't all that impressed with the person leading that organization and their abilities. And yes, I've had some personal, up close experience as a horse person, over the years, with mustangs that have been adopted. As horses go, in general, they are exemplary.....
They almost never need the attention of a farrier, as their hooves are in so much better shape than their domesticated counterparts. On average, they are very healthy, and one has to remember they've lived their entire lives without all the yearly vaccines we give our domesticated horses. Once trained, they are extremely reliable and trustworthy, as well.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:30 AM
Totally agree. And like previously stated, this is the result of shutting down slaughter houses (as inhumane) because people didn't like the idea of killing horses. At least then it served a purpose (not saying I like or agree with the purpose but there it is), and now is the same exact result. It'll be truly sad when they take these horses to the same slaughter houses which were shut down in order to do the gov's bidding.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: eeyipes

I have been following the wild mustang issue for years. It is an outrage BUT it is complicated to untangle.
Bureau of Land Management means they have to manage the land in the best interest of all. So BLM can decide what is more important.
Mustangs, like all other animals, have hierarchies. Living in the wild, neutered males would quickly be killed by dominant females and intact males. So the question: do we let them be truly wild? If so, then we leave them alone to die and reproduce at will. If we decide to neuter all males, then they will die out in more peace, but they will die.

These horses are not some wild beast-most of them have bloodlines from their domesticated ancestors. A LOT of the wild horses are descended from tame horses released into the wild.

If we truly consider them a national treasure, they must be managed in the best interest of the herds. Fences to keep them from private properties. Hay drops and water in the bad seasons. And...some will have to go. Food and water will make them reproduce more and the land cannot sustain that many animals. Some will need to be killed OR adopted.

From personal experience, I can say mustangs are amazing, easily adaptable animals. They seem to enjoy having a home and a job. Adopting some is the best way to preserve them. Horse rescue is their hope.

But, how many people adopt dogs and cats? We do, but honestly, how many Americans adopt VS go to a breeder? I do fish and reptile rescue-my rescuers and I are always busy getting fish people no longer want (and turtles! My goodness!) Bird rescue-my friends are FULL UP! Rabbit rescue-PACKED!

And how many do we adopt out? Happily fish rescue is at 100% adopted, but fish are in glass boxes in peoples' homes. Think about the time, land, money and effort it takes to adopt a horse. Go to the website of any rescue ranch-they have equines (good, trained, vetted, friendly) everywhere!

Mustang rescue via BLM requires special fencing, training, shelter. You do not own the animal until after a year and the BLM approves the transfer of title. The BLM website clearly states all you need to get ONE horse.

Wild mustang management VS letting them go wild? Adoption VS kill?

Anyone who is passionate about the mustang topic, please read up on both sides. Still passionate about saving them? Then put your money where your mouth is and adopt a couple. They make excellent friends. Cannot adopt? Volunteer at Mustang events or support the local rescues. PLEASE.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: redhorse

hey redhorse: I can see by your description of what it takes that you actually have ponied up and done your share, and understand your point, very well. Perhaps you are right in that closing the slaughter houses did more harm than good.
For my part, though, I don't take too well to being blamed for my "sentimentality," or for overbreeding, because as a horse person, I did do my part: I've rescued many horses in the "domesticated" horse world, where people who just don't know any better keep them in deplorable conditions, and even locked stalls. And I've done everything you've described, including and not limited to, risking limbs, freezing and baking weather, and a life that revolved completely and totally around feeding, watering, turnout, working, and cleaning well as staying up all night with one in colic.....

So, not all of us, sentimental about this issue lack understanding or the hours, days, years of the work it takes to be a responsible horse person. Just saying.....

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

originally posted by: eeyipes
a reply to: tetra50

If they are overpopulated, why not round them up, sterilize the males, and let them loose again to live in peace and freedom?

Sterilizing was considered and dropped as a solution. But the females would have been targeted.
It was considered unnecessary and murder isn't?

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has dropped a research effort that would have led to the surgical sterilization of more than 200 wild mares at a facility in Oregon.

No. It was too expensive. Period.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: redhorse
I'm sure the expense and difficulty was an issue.
I should have quoted more of the the article.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: katfish

I agree with you completely, as well, katfish. Certainly, if I were in a different position (not in a city), and had the funds I would happily do so. But I join with you in encouraging people who can to either support the rescues, or consider adoption. Agreed, these horses make wonderful domesticated companions and mounts, and absolutely seem to enjoy having a home and a job, just as you've wisely pointed out.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

My question is...where are all the Native Indians that are supposed to protect nature and the beauty of wild life???

Oh wait, they are in line to invest in the energy sector as they have changed their view in protecting their wallets instead.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

This is sad

We actually raised a couple wild mustangs on the farm (transferred to us through the BLM in Nevada) and they turned out to be great ranch horses.

posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 11:32 AM
I just want to point out to everyone here that those horses are not indigenous to the Americas. Starting from 1493 Columbus onward they were brought over and made their way into the wild.

It is said about 13,000 years ago there were indigenous horses in the Americas, but for some reason they went extinct. Famine, disease, predators, natural disaster..who knows? One thing is for sure though, if the population isn't kept in check in this era famine, disease, and destruction of habitat will occur and 44,000 horses can destroy a lot. It isn't great making those kind of decisions, but they have to be made.
edit on 10-9-2016 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

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