posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 11:24 AM
My interpretation has much to do with the language you used. I believe that some situations and imagery from dreams are common and can have
"universal" significance, but are about half as much likely to refer to something personal and internal, only having meaning to the individual.
For example, when the average person dreams about bees, it *could* be decipherable symbolism. But what if someone saw something about bees on TV that
day? Is it still "the language of dreams", or is it just the mind processing the day's data. Further still - what does it mean when a beekeeper dreams
about bees? Wouldn't his daily dealings with bees negate their symbolic value? He'd just be dreaming about work.
I may be projecting my own thoughts onto this, but tell me if this is close:
You said the train was in a closed loop. Round and round. No actual progress.
You indicated that Alex Jones sometimes puts on an act. Was Jones one of the people that helped "wake you up", but since then, you suspect that he is
an actor, a player in the game with his own agenda?
The conductor represents two faces of government - one that puts on a visible show for the masses, and one that runs things in secret. The conductor's
"rubbing your face in it" is influenced by your own feelings about how fake, phony and corrupt this dog-and-pony show of an election is turning out to
be, and how the nominees seem to think it's a joke.
It was in Switzerland because you are sick of all of the above, and long for a setting free of political bs.
I could be way off base, but a big part of dream interpretation has to do with "how you feel" during and after the dream. I am speculating about your
feelings strictly based on the words you used in your post.
Hope this was helpful!