a reply to:
I've noticed that in my job as a corporate recruiter.
I used to try and try and try to make placements, and just was barely managing to scrape by. I'd get as many as 20 "semd outs" (people set up on
interviews with clients) and end up getting nothing out of it. Something was always going wrong. If it wasn't the employer not jumping to hire them,
or the person's unwillingness to make the move, or their spouse or whatever, there was always something, some wrench in the works screwing it up every
time. I'd lost the touch (been at it for over 30 years). The harder I tried, the worse it got. I just needed to make a damn deal!
Then I had a profound spiritual experience last fall, including a "dark night of the soul" and lots of strange occurrences, that I cannot begin to
relate or you'd think I was psychotic, and maybe I was a little bit I don't know, but it was very strange the nature of the synchronicities.
As an allegory, the Raven's barrel role 360 degree upside down turnover is kind of apt.
Anyway, out the other side of it, I just stopped
needing so much, and so I thought to myself, screw it, if there's no love in it I want no part
in it. Unless it's in their mutual best interests, while setting aside my own self-interest. I don't want it to be a placement, and so I dedicated
myself to trying to just be of service, and to care for others in the process of doing my Headhunting gig.
After that, everything I thought and did just turned to gold. When I place a recruitment call now, no longer as just part of a "numbers game", it's as
if there's something in the connection that I'm making with people that they find to be very attractive and compelling, where, even if they weren't
really wanting to change, they seemed to want to be recruited, and more often than not, during the "innerview" that I'd conduct with them in the
evening when they're not at work on company time (maybe with their boss in earshot), I was able to elicit a legitimate motivation for change, which in
most cases seemed to dovetail almost perfectly with what our client was offering in the opportunity, and lo and behold, didn't almost every send out
after that turn into a placement. It's like I couldn't miss.
So I started working at it with much less struggle and striving and put way more energy into each potential match, on both sides, to do everything I
could to honor the best interests of both parties out of a certain love for them and for myself, such that when I'd offer encouragement, make a
recommendation or even challenge people in terms of the various paradigms they might be operating by, like fear of change, misguided loyalties, etc,
instead of seeing me as trying to "sell" them into it, they listened, and shifted their perspective.
I was basically saying almost all the exact same things, same tone of voice, same scripting etc. but something fundamental had changed when I started
having some fun with it and stopped being so concerned with my own selfish needs.
Sales is a strange business, and it's not the same as it used to be at all.
People are evolving.
What used to work just doesn't work any more.
Now I just love taking people out of companies that are based on the old-school hierarchical top-down management structure and moving them into a
better culture where they'll be happier and more fulfilled.
There's a certain human element that almost can't be quantified except in the context of Love, that few understand, including managers, presidents,
ceo's, politicians, teachers etc
There's a shift taking place, and as the middle man trying to marry people together, I've seen it, and it's a real epiphany.
They know. They intuit it. It's like a psychic field of some kind wherein a type of telepathy and sympathetic connection at a much deeper level
becomes possible, but one that our own insecurities and agendas, and limiting beliefs and paradigms about how the world works, short circuits.
So you couldn't influence people, telepathically or otherwise, absent a deep love for all and a real passion for their own and what's in everyone's
mutual best interest, and if you could, but it was devoid of love, it will stop working and come back to bite you in the ass of that I'm certain.
Black magic is #.
I feel so sorry for people who's fundamental worldview and paradigm, say atheist materialist monist (matter is primary) entirely constrains and limits
their access to these domains of new possibility in how we relate to one another and to the world around us, including the other beings and creatures
of various types from moths to leopards, horses, dogs, cats, and other people, since we too are also part of the animal kingdom, perhaps endowed with
the greatest capacity for it (given the magnitude of our neural net), but in so far as we can't see it or access it because of bad training and bad
paradigms, it remains largely dormant and untapped.
As to my dark night of the soul / spiritual crisis, I wouldn't trade that in for the world. Sometimes we just have to crack up and fall apart to be
reborn anew. Takes a lot of courage though, and a lot of Faith that God's got our back, which He does, even though it can't be understood.
Be blessed!
edit on 9-9-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)