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The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Originally posted by mwen
Has anybody notice where the TV channels' LOGO are located...they are all placed on the lower RIGHT side of the TV screen...From what i have learned about hypnosis, when the eyes stare at something from the RIGHT side, the Right brain tend to be more active and the mind goes to 'Alpha State' as well...(Although, most people dont pay attention to the logo, Subconsciously they do...)

Sorry about that!

First of all, good post mwen.

Second of all, could you share your source for the Right side of the brain staring/alpha state? I'd love to read it.............

I dont have one source per say...

I would suggest to your to read about:
1-Brain Wave frequencies (what they are and how they work and how they can be induced.)

For example:
Alpha waves occur when a person is relaxed, but alert, having a frequency of 8 - 13 Hz. During this state, a person is awake but resting...


3-NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) ( political figures use this technique when they are giving a speech...notice their hand movement when they are talking or stressing about a point...

Or you could start from this thread: 'The magician and his sheep...'

or You could read the chapter about Hypnosis in Fritz's books which is the title of this thread...

Or you could do a google search?

the list goes on...Good hunting

[edit on 25-1-2005 by mwen]

[edit on 25-1-2005 by mwen]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:41 AM

Talk to someone who has these disease and you might look at things a bit differently.

I am familiar with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. As I've stated, I HAVE talked to victims of SRA. These people are often [A] female, and [B] trapped inside generationally religious families. Perhaps you don't know anybody like that. Perhaps you just don't care about people who are weak or who need help. I can't tell from your avatar or your attitude.

If you think you know enough about life to just dismiss texts like this, then I congratulate you on your wisdom. Well done. I hope someday to be as sure as you are.

It is possible that this is a hoax entirely and that the SRA cases I am familiar with are just isolated events. Possible, but not likely. If the methods stated here do work on helpless kids than the temptation to USE these techniques would be a thing too great for some folks to resist. They would gladly crush their own children or someone else's to drag humanity into their glorious future.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:56 AM
MemoryShock - here is another link from this forum:

link 1:

link 2:

Notice the (link 2) US Patent! about frequencies, ' Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors'

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:08 AM
Thanks for all the responses. I believe one thing we can all agree upon is the fact that mind control is real and that our government and others have indeed experimented on its citizens. If someone is reading this that has never heard of our history with mind control, I suggest you start here:

As far as Fritz speaking of the Bible and God in his writings, I have this to say. When someone writes something, it is very easy to ingrain your personal belief system in what you are writing. Because he writes a book that centers around his personal beliefs does not necessarily make it false. Now I'm not saying that it's 100% legit either. Maybe some of the things are false memories that were implanted into his head. But while I read and reread the words, I am constantly looking for clues, errors, and truths that will help me understand the real motivation of the book.

So far, I have found nothing that isn't theoretically impossible. I take what I can and will use it to inform and to stay aware at all times.

There are bad people out there who want to use others to accomplish bad things. For that I am certain. What better way to accomplish this than throug mind control, brainwashing, and manipulation.

Anytime someone does something that another has asked them to do, they have convinced you to do it. It may be because you agree with them, perhaps they lied to you and manipulated you emotions agianst you,or it could be because they threatened you. Regardless, there is a method to manipulation. The Illuminati formula seems it have nailed it down to a science.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Talk to someone who has these disease and you might look at things a bit differently.

I am familiar with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. As I've stated, I HAVE talked to victims of SRA. These people are often [A] female, and [B] trapped inside generationally religious families. Perhaps you don't know anybody like that. Perhaps you just don't care about people who are weak or who need help. I can't tell from your avatar or your attitude.

If you think you know enough about life to just dismiss texts like this, then I congratulate you on your wisdom. Well done. I hope someday to be as sure as you are.

Why the personal attack? The way it reads, it sounds as if someone is making the claim that mental illness isn't real, and is some sort of mind control? Maybe I misunderstood...
My uncle is a paraniod schizo. My entire family has a history of mental illness. On top of that I am very close to someone who has schizo-affective disorder. So maybe you should not judge me based on things such as my avatar? People who have a mental illness are weak? How dare you make such a statement. They are stronger than most people that I know.

And as for my attitude, you know nothing about me, so keep your comments to yourself. If you can not tell the difference between sacrasm and general discussion, that is your problem. Yes I am sarcastic and yes I am cynical..but these are good things. Show me your facts on it being mainly people of "religioous families', or mostly "women"? You can is simply not true. Mental illness strikes people of ALL backgrounds.

Again I do not know why you chose to make a personal attack towards me. If you do not agree with my statements, that is fine. But there is no call for you to make assumptions about my attitude and my knowledge of said illnesses.

And as for your remark about my so called WISDOM? I can choose for myself what to believe. If it is crap, and I feel it is, can I not state that? Or do you only want the opinions of those who are in complete agreement with you? What would be the point if we all agreed and believed the same things?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:13 PM
[edit on 25-1-2005 by dotgov101]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:31 PM
Thanks for the response dot.

I too am going through the book with a fine tooth comb. Hopefully, I will have finished it by the end of the week and write up my personal belief on what I've found.

Now everyone, if you take the detailed techniques outlined in this book, and used them on an unknowing test subject, would they work? Would you have an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave?

If they did work, would that give it authenticity? On the flip side, if they failed, would that disprove the writings? It seems like this would be easy to prove if you're willing to do it (and deranged).

Anyone out there tried this techniques in a controlled enviornment?

To anyone who instantly denies this to be plausible, I challenge you to become the ultimate debunker and run the experiments yourself to get your hard proof. I'm interested to see what your findings are.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by dotgov101

This piece is bogus, in my opinion. Yes, I have the strength to admit when I am opinionated. The author of this citation does not possess this ability. My response displays only several questionable terms of the writer, and I could go on (I just might choose to do so), but I wish to conclude now in order to expose something about the author of this response.

Did you read the entire book(s)...there is two version...
1 - The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
2 - Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Second, each these books contain more than 500 pages when they first printed out back then...Now they are in Html format for (free!)

Third, why would someone like Fritz waste his time writing more 500 pages of bogus pieces...?

I am, and have been since birth, Schizo-Affective. My mind has been altered by environmental factors, but my doctors and case workers do nothing to alter my life. They are there merely to study me. I am not a helpless victim. In fact, my intelligence level is higher than theirs, by their own admission.

I am also truly blessed with the horror of constant paranoia.

I believe you on that statement...

Unfortunately, this will put you among the perfect candidate for Mind-Control...why?...well, one of the key is from this quote:

list of things:
Monarch programming (where the process start at the fetus stage til when the kid growns and on.)

The Key to mind control is the ability to Dissaccociate the Mind of Victim and the earlier is done the better the programming will hold. (fetus to birth to teen to aldult)

Divide the MIND into 13x13X13 cube where there is altar in each parts. (alter works in groups of three alters, which also explain why TWINING is important aspect in programming. TWIN babies are most favorites.)

The smarter and more creative the person is the better the programming will be effective. Because the person is subsconcionsly creating the Programming s in his or her mind.

The subsconcious mind is very open to suggestion espacially under hypnosis and drugs!

and the list goes on...

Another key is Amnesia'...adding that to Disassociation...allow the programming(s) to remain structurely strong, grounded and difficult to break...(The advantage people have is that having their mind controlled by someone else is Subconsciouly Volunteery!...No harm can happened to anyone against his/her Will!)

[edit on 25-1-2005 by mwen]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:40 PM
For a reason I will reveal later, I am compelled to add my $0.02 to this thread.

First, my credentials:

I was a scholar of Military Philosophy and Abnormal Psychology for several years during my programming at the University of Michigan, prior to my switch to Pre-Medicine studies. I've observed and analyzed countless forms of "propaganda" from the very beginning of its existence. My former career was an independent contractor for the United States Government. My job was classified, though I needed no clearance.

An important aspect of my response is that I am completely indifferent to the theories of the Illuminati. This benefit gives me an objective viewpoint as I read the source of this thread.


Because any person who claims themself as an expert is merely a person obsessed with a single topic. A single thought. A single assumption. A single theory. I consider myself to be an expert of nothing. Might I suggest that others should consider this statement?

It is time to quote.

Here is my personal favourite:

Some prestigious researchers have decided the subconscious doesn’t exist because they can’t find it--its mysterious

Could this statement be any more redundant? SOME researchers? Who? What? Where? When? If this person is trying to write an exposé, why is his scientific data cited by Some Prestigious Researcher? Yes, the subconscious mind is Mysterious. Wowwwww...that's a deep thought.

Pun intended.

Mysterious, meaning the anonymous researchers (and author, mind you) are already admitting they are experts in studying what they already are admitting as an enigma. If it is an enigma, then the scientific data "supporting" the theory is (again) redundant. If the scientific data is redundant, so is the study.

Other anomolies about this piece are the obscure generalizations. Yes, there are quite a few names mentioned, but there are also quite a few generalizations. He is using the names of large groups in order to avoid researching the actual individuals, or to avoid research as a whole. The Nazis. The British. The Americans. (the cowboys, the indians). This is used in order to get the common reader's attention. A true researcher does not generalize by naming an entire country as the instigator of such a crime.

This technique is not being used to protect identities, as this is a supposed exposé? This technique is being used to protect the writer's lack of enough evidence. Yes, there is evidence cited, but he magnifies the citations in order to magnify his theory.

They have not been able to completely cover-up the millions of wasted lives that their programming has ruined. For many years, they were able to shut-up and quietly discard their programmed multiples by labelling them Paranoid Schizophrenics. But therapists are now correctly identifying these people as programmed multiples and are not only diagnosing them better but giving them better treatment.

More cue words from his analysis: Shut-up? That is not an objective tangent. More random people .... "They" "multiples" "them" "therapists" and "these people."

This piece is bogus, in my opinion. Yes, I have the strength to admit when I am opinionated. The author of this citation does not possess this ability. My response displays only several questionable terms of the writer, and I could go on (I just might choose to do so), but I wish to conclude now in order to expose something about the author of this response.

More of my credentials?

I am, and have been since birth, Schizo-Affective. My mind has been altered by environmental factors, but my doctors and case workers do nothing to alter my life. They are there merely to study me. I am not a helpless victim. In fact, my intelligence level is higher than theirs, by their own admission.

I am also truly blessed with the horror of constant paranoia.
(edited due to paranoia)

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:33 PM
dotgov101: You forgot an example of his disregard for his reader:

"It is also written as part of God’s end time work to propel people of faith to the high calling that is prophesied of the Body, but cannot be attained without men of faith understanding these things. Humanity’s great prophet said he came to heal those whose hearts had been broken--literally split and crushed, and to free those who are captive. That work needs to go forward. Blood, sweat and tears are associated with this book. "

His use of God as anything remotely having to do with this piece is meant to instigate pre-conditioned responses to the material he is presenting. I earlier stated that most of his arguements were objective and now must rescind that assessment. Any use of God is meant to convey a subjective reading experience and that does indeed detract from his credibility.

However, I submit that there are credible pieces of information within this body of work. Some examples....

Dissociation is a viable phenomenon. Hypnosis is a tool that can be used to manipulate a mind; it is recognised as one of the inducers of amnesia, along with physical trauma, blood loss to the brain and alcohol/drug abuse. Hypnosis is the only one that can be "controlled."

Given the above, it is likely that extensive research has been conducted and many people have been subjected to the fruits of this labour. In that sense, this piece is not bogus, merely the presentation. The underlying fact is that the potential for abuse is not only possible, but likely. Any arguement to this piece lies in the philisophical and existential presentation of the belief system used, not the physiological aspects of the human organism that make manipulation of this scale possible.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:42 PM
I have a question: Which is more abhorrent, the idea of roasting millions in nuclear war or of hideously traumatizing say, 100,000 children? I believe this question could be debated for some time.

I would say that the second is more abhorrent simply because children are helpless whereas nuclear war is known and looms large. The millions who'd die in nuclear war (probably including some of those very children) have all had fair warning and have known the risks of living in cities and near nuclear targets. However, in the case of SRA tortured children, there is no explanation for theier tears and no choice given to them. They do not understand why they are being hurt. It is INHUMAN whereas nuclear war is just plain stupid.

Man's inhumanity to man is the issue here.

To doubt a text due to spelling errors is to flag oneself as a mid-rate thinker. Any time spent around professors and engineers will show you how poorly these people spell at times. These two online texts are extremely unique and yet the public remains totally in the dark about the subjects involved. Try to see the forest here, not the trees and see if you can find something to contribute.

This kind of subject hates the light. All subjects that hate the light should have light thrown on them and people who dismiss it out of hand either have no hearts or are just stupid.

What if this text contains say, 50% truth? If there is even THAT much truth to it, it becomes far more important than anything on television or in the newspapers. It becomes the worst thing that could occur, on planet earth, in my opinion. And EVERYONE becomes accountable for their failure to investigate.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by mwen
Did you read the entire book(s)...there is two version...
1 - The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
2 - Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Second, each these books contain more than 500 pages when they first printed out back then...Now they are in Html format for (free!)

Look...I am really sorry, but it appears that you are trying to influence readers to read these books and plug a site. This contradicts the subject matter of the books themselves. Had you U2U'd me that statement, as opposed to posting the website for all to see, I would believe otherwise.

Third, why would someone like Fritz waste his time writing more 500 pages of bogus pieces...?

Because anyone with a lot of time on their hands can write five hundred pages of anything. All it takes is belief in oneself. If I wished, and I had the time, I could write five hundred pages on how my condition was caused by my genetic makeup, loss of gray matter in my brain, and other theories that have already been personally presented to me by researchers and physicians from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Unfortunately, this will put you among the perfect candidate for Mind-Control...why?...well, one of the key is from this quote:

Okay, now this is where this thread get complex. It is also where I am wondering why I am even responding to this. Why would you dare try to convince people with Paranoid Schizophrenia that they are brainwashed? That's the equivalent of telling a suicidal person that theie life is and was pointless.

list of things:
Monarch programming
*edited by dotgov101 to make a long story short*

...the smarter and more creative the person is the better the programming will be effective. Because the person is subsconcionsly creating the Programming s in his or her mind.....

So now I am creating my own Programming? Do have any suggestions on how I program myself to quit smoking? Or is the smoking a plot to eliminate me from a task I am programmed to perform?

The subsconcious mind is very open to suggestion espacially under hypnosis and drugs!

The subconscious mind is open to everything, friend. Societal influences. Financial situations. Everyday stressors. Fumes. Food additives. Positive and negative re-inforcements. Music. Art.

and the list goes on...

That it does....I just have the CHOICE to CHOOSE which list I believe. If I were programmed, wouldn't I be psychologically perfect? Wouldn't I quit smoking? Wouldn't I quit dreaming? Wouldn't I quit listening to every genre of music? Wouldn't I quit loving? Wouldn't I quit hating?

How about a game of solitaire?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:16 PM

I am not trying to offend you in any way...I didn't say that you are Mind Controled...

I am just making my point...Readers can choose to read the books or not read the books makes no difference to me.

However, I still dont think it's a good idea to dismiss anything as being bogus unless anyone read through the entire info...

Yes, I agree with you on that one...where you said that 'All it takes is belief in oneself.' That is why I mentioned that the advantage people have is that having their mind controlled by someone else is Subconsciouly Voluntary!...and No harm can happened to anyone against his/her Will!

Stay SAFE and FOCUS!

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
What if this text contains say, 50% truth? If there is even THAT much truth to it, it becomes far more important than anything on television or in the newspapers. It becomes the worst thing that could occur, on planet earth, in my opinion. And EVERYONE becomes accountable for their failure to investigate.

Smallpeeps is right. If even 50% of this is true, it represents a manipulation and power that completely negates the laws and ideals we are subject to. If there are some out there that aren't accountable for the very laws we are(read: with money comes power, but HOW much power?), then there exists a vast chasm in our realities. Do we want to continue along this path with the nagging feeling that "something ain't right"?

Maybe we should endeavor to quantify some of this information?

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:52 AM
Thats funny you brought up "telling a suicidal person their life is hopeless",
because even discussing mind control and past abuse with many schizo abuse victims TRIGGERS their suicidal tendencies, and you would in effect come across as not offering hope, only making the person remember pain that was inflicted on them and how helpless they still are (in their head).

When was Schizophrenia recognized officially? Disassociative Identity Disorder MPD?

When did teen suicide numbers start to skyrocket (in the American pie 50s, come on)?

Is it unfair to assume many teen (or mid 20s) suicides are people who have suffered some form of sexual abuse, and been disempowered for much of their life?

Or that abuse leads to disassociation? Please, skeptics, test on yourself.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 01:37 PM
From the text in question:

Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1880-1949), who was professor of philosophy at Tubingen University, Germany studied MPD and demonic possession and wrote a classic study of it in 1921 entitled Possession Demonical & Other, which was translated into english in 1930. His classic work on this subject provides documented cases which reveal that the basic trauma-based mind-control was going on in Germany, France & Belgium long before the 20th century. Although he is unable to put together all the pieces and the clues for what they are, the reader of this book might enjoy reading the 1930 English translation of his classic work after they finish this book. Oesterreich’s research in early 1900s was the type of research that the Nazi mind-control programmers were very aware of. In 1921, the Germans such as Oesterreich would describe personality switches, by the term "somnambuliform [hypnotic states] possession" or "demonical somnambulism" or what might be called "Besessenheit von Hypnotismus und bösen Geistern." The ability to study both the spiritual & psychological aspects of mind-control phenomena, is often lacking today. There are exceptions such as Dr. Loreda Fox’s book The Spiritual Dimensions of MPD. In the 1920s, the Germans also were aware that the human mind has a variety of ego-psycho-psysiological states rather than one unified mind, which they termed "Sub jecklose Psychologie" or the psychology of having correlated psychological states rather than the concept of a single ego. The Germans and Italians under the Nazi and Fascist governments began to do serious scientific research into trauma-based mind control.

Under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Joseph Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins, and thousands of other hapless victims. Himmler supervised genetic research. The Nazi research records were confiscated by the Allies and are still classified. A trip can be made from downtown Washington D.C. on a gray-government van which serves as a shuttle to the Suitland Annex where the government’s secrets are buried including research papers captured from the Nazi Mind-Control research. Most of Mengele’s concentration camp research is still classified. Much of it dealt with mind control.

Ask yourself why your government thinks you are too stupid/irresponsible to know the truth about Mengele. Why not post his real atrocities so as to ensure that the Nazi tortures don't happen again? What could be so bad that we should not be allowed to see the data when these atrocities happened SIXTY YEARS AGO. Ask yourself what could be so damaging or secret that it must remain hidden.

It is one thing for Americans to accept the torture at Gitmo and in Iraq, but are they also willing to accept their direct or tacit involvment in MPD research and baby torture?

For all the stupid banter about aliens on the internet, the answer regarding who is human and who is alien on this planet is located in the above question, I believe. We humans care for our offspring. Who are you?

[edit on 26-1-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Ask yourself why your government thinks you are too stupid/irresponsible to know the truth about Mengele. Why not post his real atrocities so as to ensure that the Nazi tortures don't happen again? What could be so bad that we should not be allowed to see the data when these atrocities happened SIXTY YEARS AGO. Ask yourself what could be so damaging or secret that it must remain hidden.

You could say this about any Top Secret document could you not? And by making them public; you feel it would prevent it from ever occurring again?

For all the stupid banter about aliens on the internet, the answer regarding who is human and who is alien on this planet is located in the above question, I believe. We humans care for our offspring. Who are you?

So discussion on a conspiracy website about aliens is as you say stupid banter? But what you have to say is not? So, caring for our offspring = telling them a lie instead of the truth? Telling them they are brainwashed slaves, as opposed to the fact that they have a mental illness? Explain the logic in that?

Do you think you will get far calling people's ideas stupid?
If someone challenges your views and ideals, you are going to label the naive and stupid as well?
What you say is a contradiction. You yourself could be one of those mentally weak people you speak of. You might not even know it. They might have programmed you to do this.

I will inform all my relatives that have hereditary mental illnesses that you know for a fact that they have weak minds and have been used by the NWO. I will also inform my shrink as well. He will report it back to the powers that be, and hopefully correct this leakage of information.

I guess I should actually be thanking you. Because pf this thread I can now be fixed to be put back into my sweet oblivious life as a slave to the NWO.

Sarcasm aside you haven't shown me anything. All you have done is repeatedly try to make metal illness look as if it is none real, when in fact it is very real. You need to show some more compassion. I find your posts to be very belittling and berating. You obviously know no one close to you with a serious mental illness; otherwise you would not say the things that you have.

But you win; you will here no more of my weak minded whining on this thread. I give up. For the 1 millionth time I must admit:

Everything you say is true; everything I say is a lie.

I am naive and stupid. I should believe more far fetched, one sided, none foot noted books. Who needs scientific proof? I am truly sorry. I shall never interrupt you again...good day and good luck.

[edit on 1/26/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:54 PM
'Fear is the mind killer' a quote taken from this fictional story titled, 'Children of Dune'

People with mental illness does not mean that they are (specificaly) mind controlled slave...

However, what is mental illness?...When doctors says that someone has mental illness...Is a guessing game they are playing...or are they just trying to reassure themselves and their patients that is normal or OK...just to be on safe...Most (so call) mental illness, doctors dont even have a clue what causing them, yet they still would prescribe some type of drug to patient...

Why are they keeping people in mental hospital all drugged up everyday of their life...instead of trying to truely help them.


They are two different type of slaves in this world
1) Specificly programmed...such as sleepers amoung society
2) Generallly programmed...such as society

The question is which one are you?

A good slave is the one who doesn't that he/she is a slave...

[edit on 26-1-2005 by mwen]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 02:11 AM
The reason the symptoms of abuse, and multiple personalities, etc. were not noted in the field of medicine until about the 1800s....

Is because these people (who were abused, and suffered from mental illness) were probably in the Kings Court, for example, or perhaps children of a wealthy family, etc.

Face it, our world a few hundred years ago knew a lot about slaves, we just have to admit they knew a little about drugging, dissassociation, and hypnotic suggestion.

Now let me ask EVERYONE, the word 'spellBOUND', what does it mean? Similar connation to Hypnosis? Brainwashing? Mind Control? Yes, it means complete control over someone. Now re-think the past.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Out of curiosisty....

Do Actors/Actresses experience a temporary Mutiple Personality Disorder(MPD) or DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder) after they have done acting in particular Movies?...And are they mind controled one way or another?...

There are even actors that play Multiple characters in one single movie...check out this movie for example, from the link below(movie='Angel in America')...

From the mini-series above, Meryl Streep plays as...Rabbi Isidor Chemelwitz, Hannah Porter Pitt, Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg and The Angel Australia...

Another example: One thing I notice is that when Will Smith played as Ali...he actually become that character for a while...even after the end of the making of movie, he continued to behave or acting out the 'Ali' character...for a while.

Is this what it take to become a good actor...?!

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