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My Grey Triangle Sighting

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posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 02:58 PM
I've been wanting to post this for a LONG time but just became a member. I've seen UFO's before (mainly balls of light, that kind of thing) but this was one of the longest lasting and up close sightings I've ever had.

It took place about 2 years ago in rural western Kentucky, about 60 miles north of Nashville, TN, outside a little town called Elkton. I had gone out on the back steps with a friend to smoke a cigarette and as we were sitting there, this triangle shaped aircraft dropped underneath the clouds from above (it had been raining all day and the clouds were really low over head that night) about 0.2 miles in front of us (according to google maps distance) and began floating towards us really slow. At first, I couldn't make out the shape of it. All I could see were the insanely bright lights on the front edge, but as it got closer I could see what it was.

It had almost the exact shape as this:

Except it was about twice as big, slowly, I mean SLOWLY hovering towards and over us and the edges of the wings were in a vertical position so it had a more triangle sort of shape. It had the three lights on the bottom that everyone reports when they see these things and one blinking red light directly in the center. It had hardly any sound except when it passed directly over us and then it was just a not-that-loud humming. The entire sighting took about 2-3 minutes as it dropped underneath the clouds and flew over us, and doing the math using the time and distance the speed comes out to around 7 MPH.

That is INSANELY slow. My first thought based on the speed alone was maybe it's some kind of advanced stealth blimp or something but compared to what it takes to keep a regular blimp in the air there just isn't enough surface area. I don't really know anything about aircraft but maybe it's some kind of new secret jet engine or something that allows for quiet hovering. Anyone well versed in aeronautics help me out.

I couldn't help but think afterwards that maybe this is what a lot of people that see these triangle craft are seeing. With the wings being in a vertical position I can see how from certain perspectives it would look like the triangle UFO's that are reported all the time. Maybe the government is dressing these aircraft's up to look like the image of the infamous 'triangle" (3 lights on the bottom etc). I don't think it was alien, it hovered so low and slow over the top of us I could see the seams where it was built. And it looked almost exactly like the X-47 just a whole lot larger.

So? Any ideas? This has been stuck in my mind since then and it's something I think of daily. Anyone else ever see a grey triangle?

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 03:24 PM
You say it was hovering close any decent pics?

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: btattersley
Nope, no pics lol. I kick myself everyday for not taking a video of it. At the time I was so amazed I was seeing what I was seeing that just seeing it and knowing it was real was enough at that moment (if that makes any sense lol). Moral of the story, no matter how amazed you are by what's happening in front of you, TAKE A DAMN PIC! Lol.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 03:37 PM
Cool thread and well written account. By wings being vertical do you mean it was facing the direction it was travelling to with its bottom/top to the front? ( | instead of _ according to the horizon )

Also, grey is a color that got me curious recently. I witnessed one of these black matte triangles, along with a group of 20+ other objects, distance between us and the objects ranging from 300 meters to a few kilometers, whole length of sighting - around 7 hours. Anywoo, there's an extremely detailed thread around here catching dust. After years of going back to the region on multiple occasions, talking with local people from the nearby villages, hearing other accounts of close distance sightings one story really stuck out (btw yes, there were tons of repeated sightings in the region between 2008-2012/13).

I spoke with a mountain cabin caretaker living throughout most of the year on top of the mountain range in the region, welcoming tourists, etc. First, he said he has had numerous sightings of fighter jets flying as low as a few dozen feet off the ground (which are US/NATO fighters), but he has also seen (along with a group of tourists) a GREY triangle reflecting the surrounding (therefor mimicing it) that flew a few feet off the ground, was the size of a small farmer's plane (his words) and was completely silent. He said it glided towards a vertical rock and while he and the tourists gasped in fear it'll crash, it actually followed the exact curvature of the ground, taking off vertically to suddenly make another sharp turn and continue it's gliding to hide beyond their sight within seconds. It all happened for a total of 4-6 seconds, during broad daylight. No photos due to the short time the object was visible. Our sighting was throughout pitch-black night, so no photos here, too (not good ones, at least).

This all happened in Bulgaria.

Also, this is the region where NATO's first line of antimissile shield (read - crucial) has been supposedly held throughout 2008-13 and as far as my knowledge goes, was recently moved to Romania.

Also, I've heard stories about places in the same region where the ground opens up in seconds and underneath are openings from old hangars/missile silos, which might very well be used to this day by foreign allies (as our army is a laugh). And that idea actually would account for one of the close-up objects we saw just "above" the hill next to us.

Good thread, once again. A rare *+F

Probably not a good place (and even idea) to further on my thoughts/knowledge I've come across, so I'm eagerly waiting to read more.
edit on 8-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: ch1n1t0
When I say the wings were vertical I'm talking about the "wings" like the X-47 has except they were folded straight up as it was floating over, giving the aircraft more of a triangle or diamond shape. Wow! Those accounts from that caretaker are amazing!

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: underwerks

My wife and I saw the same thing as you described. They had the same diamond shape in the op but minus the "wings" like described. We saw 4 of them fly low and extremely slow in formation,no sound louder than the ambient street noise from the small town I'm in.

The thing with pics is, when one of these crafts hovers over you, you get physically shook at what you're whitenessing and the thought of grabbing a phone or camera is furthest from your mind. My wife was literally trembling. I was stuck in awe at what I was whitenessing.

I don't need pics to believe you, I know what my eyes saw.

Edit : we saw this roughly 2 years ago as well
edit on 8-9-2016 by PlasticWizard because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2016 by PlasticWizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: underwerks One thing for sure, what you saw was Alien Technology. No matter where it was made, here or THERE, it was made with alien technology.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:24 PM
Had to ask but i fully understand id be reluctant to run and grab a camera in fear of missing the show i guess. Thanks for sharing your experience with us...
a reply to: underwerks

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: PlasticWizard
I've searched on info about this for a while and surprisingly there isn't a lot of accounts describing the shape and this type of aircraft. Most sightings just consist of a vague "triangle" description so I'm thinking that with all the hype behind triangle sightings maybe people are not remembering the true shape of it exactly as it is, and just going with "triangle" as a default explanation. I'm happy to hear someone else has seen the same thing.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: btattersley
Actually my phone was right in my pocket the entire time lol

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: underwerks

The lights on the bottom throw you off. Most sightings are at night and it's tough to see the edge of the craft. Most people will see 3lights in a triangle shape and assume that the craft is triangle shaped. Luckily we had the street lights to help us with the shape. It was definitely a diamond shape. The whole sighting was only a few minutes as they crept over the town heading south. I'm roughly 30 miles from a few military bases here in texas.

I have no doubt that these are some deep black budget project.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: underwerks

I saw something a year or two ago which was later explained and I also did not take any pics or video as at the time I could not believe what I was seeing.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Let's be clear from your description, it was a truly exotic craft, but at the same time, an exact description of many triangle sightings over the last thirty years. Not likely a US prototype of ANYTHING in that it was out in Kentucky under low-hanging clouds. the low humming is another characteristic of a "genuine" triangle.

You saw either an alien UFO or what most of those interested in these objects suspect, a back-engineered UFO. Take you pick of which you want to believe that you saw. Usually the aviation guys here steer clear of getting into threads such as this as the evidence for SOMETHING exactly like you saw is overwhelming and they just want to discuss things that fly with wings and jets. Why is that?

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Aliensun
It was definitely exotic, that's for sure. If someone on here actually had knowledge of this craft I can't blame them for not being in threads like this lol. Self-preservation first and foremost

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 06:29 PM
Something I thought about at the time was why did it fly under the clouds when it could have just stayed above and not been seen at all? Maybe because it's more important whats ABOVE the clouds doesn't see it

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: underwerks

Let's be clear from your description, it was a truly exotic craft, but at the same time, an exact description of many triangle sightings over the last thirty years. Not likely a US prototype of ANYTHING in that it was out in Kentucky under low-hanging clouds. the low humming is another characteristic of a "genuine" triangle.

You saw either an alien UFO or what most of those interested in these objects suspect, a back-engineered UFO. Take you pick of which you want to believe that you saw. Usually the aviation guys here steer clear of getting into threads such as this as the evidence for SOMETHING exactly like you saw is overwhelming and they just want to discuss things that fly with wings and jets. Why is that?

To aliensun and the OP:

Seen the same thing. It was moving forward ar maybe 25-50 mph, roughly 500 feet above us. It had a strange light configuration and had a low humming sound as aliensun described. Definitely wasnt a helicopter and was triangular in shape. It almost looked like a Nighthawk but was flying very, very slow.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 07:54 PM
I'm so glad you posted this.

A few weeks ago now I saw something so similar to what you've described. 15 miles away - less than 30 seconds when he answered my call immediately after I spotted it - my boyfriend saw it. We didn't take pictures - I was driving and in a dangerous location to stop - and he was more interested in chasing it. When he grabbed his keys and jumped in his car it was gone, but there was a blimp (apparently) very high up - so high it was just a dot - and he chased it until he realized it wasn't what he saw. He thought that the light from the blimp was just one of the lights at the bottom of the craft he saw the first time.

Great post.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 08:03 PM
Amazing description, as always the psychological effect takes shape, you dont know exactly what you are witnessing but when you start to realize its shape, and the no-noise low humming you are just in 'awe', and then the lights configuration. You said it was slowly coming in your direction, it passed overhead? and is there any air force base nearby that you know of?

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Substracto

Ft. Campbell is about 30 miles from there in the direction it was flying. But with this type of aircraft who knows where it came from. It could be on a 3000 mile round-trip or something crazy

posted on Sep, 9 2016 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: underwerks

I see, quite interesting.

I asked this because the one we saw was flying in the manner I described in the previous post. Spoke with a few pilots and radar technicians after - they certainly found the total lack of silence and wacky senseless flight characteristics, aerodynamically speaking, to be quite weird and "out-of-this-world". I don't, however.

As we do live in a world of sensionalism and even airmen are prone to this human trait (I'd say 95% of the populace are, me included).

When a person puts on a skeptic hat keeping an open mind to a healthy point, the options are vast. So here's a bit of speculation for you.

Lets say they declassify a triangular large craft 20 years from now - modular in nature (can change shape according to its current needs, and quickly) has a very effective visual camouflage which is a totally conceivable reality even if you're not a Skunk (it would be only a matter of money to put it together on a large scale), IS totally silent, except for the hum that's noticed when it hovers above. Ah, and can also carry smaller drone-like craft which can fly off of it.

Well, I'm worried that such a declassifiation wouldn't help me one bit, as that still wouldn't necesserily answer all questions going around my head for 6 years now, unless I choose it to. So it's not something I'm looking forward to really.

My current opinion about the triangles is as follows - the craft are real and actually it is more than one model/maker that account for these sightings, the alien conspiracy makes for a perfect scapegoat for the military/alphabet agencies/private sector that are all involved with the tech, I also don't see the need of these craft being reverse-engineered or have to do with anything from outer space, but even by being a secret, they are exotic. Also, this doesn't by any mean discard the option of something "else" either being the muse for, or imitating the craft. Not reverse-enginnered tho, quite certain, due to the following reasons.

How they could be made:
1. Silence - you can cancel out any sound with its own exact copy played back with an inverted phase and delayed just by a slight bit. This is apperently used in Apache choppers nowadays and when witnessed, unless the chopper is directly above or very near the "target of practice" it will not produce any clearly noticable sound at all. So, while with the Apache the sound is actually a chopper sound that's de-phased, with these triangles it's a hum. That should tell more about the propulsion method.

2. Fast speed yet hovering - doesn't actually need high speeds to be actually evasive - if it activates optical camouflage to imitate disappearance, or a combination of that + a fast laser, an appearance of a quick escape is conceivable.

3. Optical camouflage - the most simple, and although very expensive, yet would work scenario - place screens on the side which will be viewed by people from the ground, and cameras on the other side. Also, keep in mind that with enough money, you could actually route enough hi-res ultra expensive cameras to enough ultra expensive matte display screens, each of them correlating to each other to produce a detailed and real-like picture, so that it could actually show what's behind it. Put graphene into the equation, too, and you got yourself tons of options. Not a new idea to ATS, too.

4. Propulsion method, see suggestion from 1 and ask me no further, as I'm not an aviation expert.

You know what they say - if it's imaginable, it's more likely not anything out of this world. And since I thought of this, I'm sure others have, too, and a long time ago at that. Of course, there are people getting paid enormous amounts of money just to think of such concepts, and their employers have close to unlimited amount of possibilities. Now, if you gave me the resources, I'd gather the right people and build you a silent slow moving optically deceiving craft in probably less than 10 years. And I don't consider myself genius.

Of course, many, like Aliensun would argue about reverse-engineering providing us the goods we have today, like the chip, Internet, smartphones and laptops, etc. I agree to disagree but it's a different topic.

With all that being said, saucers are a whole different story.
edit on 9-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

ETA - I'm, of course, referring to the big triangles, the small ones seem to really have speed up their sleeve, but nothing un-Earthly.
edit on 9-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

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