a reply to:
I see, quite interesting.
I asked this because the one we saw was flying in the manner I described in the previous post. Spoke with a few pilots and radar technicians after -
they certainly found the total lack of silence and wacky senseless flight characteristics, aerodynamically speaking, to be quite weird and
"out-of-this-world". I don't, however.
As we do live in a world of sensionalism and even airmen are prone to this human trait (I'd say 95% of the populace are, me included).
When a person puts on a skeptic hat keeping an open mind to a healthy point, the options are vast. So here's a bit of speculation for you.
Lets say they declassify a triangular large craft 20 years from now - modular in nature (can change shape according to its current needs, and quickly)
has a very effective visual camouflage which is a totally conceivable reality even if you're not a Skunk (it would be only a matter of money to put it
together on a large scale), IS totally silent, except for the hum that's noticed when it hovers above. Ah, and can also carry smaller drone-like craft
which can fly off of it.
Well, I'm worried that such a declassifiation wouldn't help me one bit, as that still wouldn't necesserily answer all questions going around my head
for 6 years now, unless I choose it to. So it's not something I'm looking forward to really.
current opinion about the triangles is as follows - the craft are real and actually it is more than one model/maker that account for these
sightings, the alien conspiracy makes for a perfect scapegoat for the military/alphabet agencies/private sector that are all involved with the tech, I
also don't see the need of these craft being reverse-engineered or have to do with anything from outer space, but even by being a secret, they are
exotic. Also, this doesn't by any mean discard the option of something "else" either being the muse for, or imitating the craft. Not
reverse-enginnered tho, quite certain, due to the following reasons.
How they could be made:
1. Silence - you can cancel out any sound with its own exact copy played back with an inverted phase and delayed just by a slight bit. This is
apperently used in Apache choppers nowadays and when witnessed, unless the chopper is directly above or very near the "target of practice" it will not
produce any clearly noticable sound at all. So, while with the Apache the sound is actually a chopper sound that's de-phased, with these triangles
it's a hum. That should tell more about the propulsion method.
2. Fast speed yet hovering - doesn't actually need high speeds to be actually evasive - if it activates optical camouflage to imitate disappearance,
or a combination of that + a fast laser, an appearance of a quick escape is conceivable.
3. Optical camouflage - the most simple, and although very expensive, yet would work scenario - place screens on the side which will be viewed by
people from the ground, and cameras on the other side. Also, keep in mind that with enough money, you could actually route enough hi-res ultra
expensive cameras to enough ultra expensive matte display screens, each of them correlating to each other to produce a detailed and real-like picture,
so that it could actually show what's behind it. Put graphene into the equation, too, and you got yourself tons of options. Not a new idea to ATS,
4. Propulsion method, see suggestion from 1 and ask me no further, as I'm not an aviation expert.
You know what they say - if it's imaginable, it's more likely not anything out of this world. And since I thought of this, I'm sure others have, too,
and a long time ago at that. Of course, there are people getting paid enormous amounts of money just to think of such concepts, and their employers
have close to unlimited amount of possibilities. Now, if you gave me the resources, I'd gather the right people and build you a silent slow moving
optically deceiving craft in probably less than 10 years. And I don't consider myself genius.
Of course, many, like Aliensun would argue about reverse-engineering providing us the goods we have today, like the chip, Internet, smartphones and
laptops, etc. I agree to disagree but it's a different topic.
With all that being said, saucers are a whole different story.
edit on 9-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)
ETA - I'm, of course, referring to the big triangles, the small ones seem to really have speed up their sleeve, but nothing un-Earthly.
edit on
9-9-2016 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)