Hello everyone. Again, thank you for your continued interest. I have also done my best to reply to all PM's. Let me reiterate, I work, so, I am not
on non-government sites for most of the day, therefore, I just wanted to let you know it is not because I am purposefully ignoring you, I just cannot
be online for a large amount of time during work periods.
I have gone back and have read each comment and I find it easier, more efficient to respond more broadly in one response, such as this, then trying to
go back the dozens and respond separately. I hope you understand.
So, first, I do not delete anyone's comments, and as a kind individual pointed out, that is up to the moderators.
I cannot expound upon the advanced radar systems. This is top secret information, not in the public domain, and If I were to do so, I would not only
put myself in danger, but expose a hidden system that the United States wishes to keep hidden.
I have suggested that we all can find connections. There are open domain sites on the internet that, if you inquiry, you can start to see some unusual
activities. Here is an example...
EXAMPLE, no secrets divulged here
Source Example of an internet query ,
As stated, I work in a top secret but highly compartmentalized area of research, development, deployment and execution. I do interact where needed,
with other areas of compartmentalized work, but the nature of secret and top secret missions follow this protocol.
There was concern from some that I had stated that I cannot release certain types of information, but as they read through the thread, they indicated
that I broke my oath of sorts, and released more information to a number of inquiries. Yes, I have responded with information that both could not be
traced back to anyone specific, nor did I reveal a top secret revelation.
No, I am unaware of any base on Mars, and have never heard of one, nor have I seen one. Yes, the rovers are indeed on Mars and are operational. With
that stated, I am not saying that we have not had successful manned missions to Mars, we have.
The moon is a strange and very interesting subject. It was indeed the very first base that we attempted, and succeeded and have built from to launch
to three other more technically advanced bases. So, yes, you could say I understated the number of bases, 3 but really 4. However the moon base is
deep inside a crater, and cleverly hidden from Russian, Chinese and other probes. It is functional. It's primary purpose today is to maintain
communications between the other bases, another form of redundancy. Yes, exploration has been going on for decades, the moon is not a solid planet, It
does have a hollow core. Yes, have found evidence of ET existence there and artifacts. I have been told, hearsay again, within my program, that ET is
there, and has been for thousands of years. The moon does not appear to be a natural formation, rather a fabricated satellite. All of the mysterious
lights, anomalies are residual activities by ET, not by humans.
It appears, I have reached a point to where I have revealed as much as I can.
I will admit that I made a mistake by using the term 'whistleblower'. I apologize. That connotation would mean that I was going to come out into the
light. To go public with all that I know and tell all. That was wrong of me to make that implication, I am sorry.
I still am working and will continue to work. I actually love my job and the quality and patriotism of the men and women that work on this program. In
THIS matter I trust the United States. I will do no harm to it. I as like every other citizen have many other troubling concerns on a broad matter of
domestic, international and space decisions. But that is off topic, but I just wanted my voice known, I am not blind nor do I accept everything our
government is doing right in front of your eyes. And if the media refuses to explore these and report on these activities, do you really think they
are ever going to touch anything I am discussing?
Someone had asked about a Gallactic Federation. No, there is no such thing, there is no such Space government. Forty years appears to be a long time,
and it is when speaking in terms of human lifetimes. However, we have made some absolutely amazing breakthroughs, but compared to what we know, from
interaction with ET's we have yet to make the advances yet to fully exploit the jewels of the universe.
Lastly, for decades, and in many ways, there are examples, which have already appeared on ATS and elsewhere that we are being observed. Until mankind
can respect itself, protect our planet from man made destruction, we have a long way to go. Also, someone had asked about an 'event' in October. I am
not aware of anything known in my area or the extended scientific community that would suggest some unusual 'event'. Politics aside of course, no
comment, meaning I know nothing.
That's it for now. I hope this has helped a bit. I know it will not give many of you what you are looking for. But in parting words, I restate. We
have left earth in manned missions throughout our Solar System and beyond. We have 3 bases on 3 different planets in our solar system. The moon would
be the original first test, hence making 4 celestial bases.