posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 01:44 AM
originally in the girls room you wad up a soggy piece of toilet paper turn around in a circle three times throw the wad at the mirrror and run super
fast out the i am told, you take a rotting tomatoe turn around five times and throwit at the mirror at the bar, where you can look at
yourself staring back at you...
so this is done at a certain time of the month if i recall correctly...then after this madness a woman worried over somthing not appearing in the
mirror can order a bloody mary drink and then the something pulls through, i add Cats Claw..five drops tincture plus a cranberry drink the next
a hibiscus cranberry cooler before the mirror act..two days with and herb named crampbark...this is all fluffy urban myth belief....the cure from
seeing a haggard bloody mess in the mirror is also at the Chemists...
any one ever try the toilet paper wad at mirror to see the Mary with tears of blood?
this i learned in grade school from a dear, Kim my oldest friend from October fun...
sad how folks drift so far apart over the years...we never looked at the wad just ran plus a buddy another girlfriend...
next month i might ty spinning and throwing somthing at the mirror and yelling a name..see who might appear..?