posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 08:12 AM
We can't have a serious discussion about this until you define what "progressivism" is. Progressive and conservative are vague and relative terms.
What's considered progressive in one city can be considered conservative in another. But since I'm assuming your talking about the typical American
progressive stereotypes, I'll play along.
Are you asking if the promotion of green technology is anti-American? Because American "progressives" tend to love green and sustainable energy
supplies. Ironically, getting our cities to generate 100% of their own power sustainably would decrease our dependence on foreign energy
supplies & help national security.
Is the promotion of high speed rail anti-American? Because American "progressives" tend to want a nationwide high speed rail system, which would
vastly increase inter-state travel and domestic tourism. How is it anti-American to create a faster system for Americans to travel through our
country? That's like saying the interstate and highway system is also anti-American.
Is the promotion of equal rights, benefits, opportunities and duties for all Americans also anti-American? If so, that's new to me because the 14th
Amendment to the US Constitution agrees with our position. Unless the US Constitution is also anti-American in your eyes.
Is the promotion of women's rights, women's reproductive rights, and equal pay for women somehow anti-American in your eyes? Because American
"progressives" tend to push for women's rights. And since females make up half of the American population, I think it's fair to say they should have
an equal say in their country.
Oh, maybe you consider the strengthening of the American social safety net, public school system, and social programs to be anti-American? Because
American "progressives" tend to push for American tax dollars to help out poor Americans, elderly Americans, and American schoolchildren. Please
explain to me how it's anti-American to help poor Americans and to have the American govt improve the daily lives of the American public (unless you
think good roads, high quality schools, and other public programs are anti-American).
There are many other examples I could use, but I'll leave with this one: the environment. I'm unapologetically a "treehugger". I want America to have
clean air, clean waterways, clean drinking water, and unpolluted soil. I want every single American to be able to visit our beautiful national parks
and swim in the waters without worrying about toxic runoff being in the water. I don't eat meat anymore, but I want all of you to be able to go
fishing and get fish for your families without worrying about mercury poisoning. How does that make me anti-American? Environmentalists literally want
all of us to have clean air, water, and soil, but somehow that's considered anti-American?
Are you sure you even know what it means to be progressive?