a reply to:
1. Why do you think you incarnated into this life of yours? Is there an overall purpose to your life that you can discern? A pre-incarnational "plan"
that you have been working towards?
2. And, to be blunt, why do you think you are still here? Is there something you still wish to do with this life? I also think we keep reincarnating
until we are done with this type of existence at this level of reality. Then we move on to other games entirely in other realms of existence. You have
indicated in a previous post that you'd like to come back in future time for another life to see what the future looks like. If you could see and know
all of that without the rather onerous effort required of being born into another life and being a baby and learning everything from scratch AGAIN...
Would you still wish to incarnate again? I guess what I am asking is this:
3. If your curiosity could be completely sated without incarnating again... would you still want to do it again? And if so... why?
#1 is a subject of much talk around here... I have no idea. Maybe just to be a witness to history. I've outlived so many people; half the men I went
to HS with died in the war. All those kids we went to the dances with, just gone! weeks later. So many young widows and heartbroken girls who never
married. Then I get over to Japan just in time to be saved by the bombs, literally, and ended up spending the next two years being a tourist there,
almost. I never had to shoot at anyone and never was shot at, or even threatened. The Japanese people were warm and welcoming.** When I got back, I
spent my free time hunting the desert for Indian artifacts, fossils and arrowheads; hundreds of them. I think I just love the idea of time and how
little we understand it. Our ancestors were only a blink ago, and their way of life lasted so much longer than ours has; we're carving out new
lifestyles faster than we can adjust to them and our technology is exceeding our ability to control it. Meanwhile, we still 'believe' in ancient fairy
tales and explanations that were dreamed up for things we didn't understand, like lightning, etc. It's all quite odd and shows how the human brain
works (not well enough!)
2. Again, no idea why I'm still here! And why I've retained my 'oomphf' compared to others. And why my excessive sugar intake (Coke and Snickers
bars) hasn't killed me yet. I keep waiting for something to happen that will show me why I'm still here; I've been interviewed many times in the last
year since I turned 100 and became a bit of a celebrity - my story will be on video in the Library of Congress and the Balboa Park (San Diego)
Veteran's Museum and I've had other various local newspaper articles. Even in very military San Diego, I'm one of the last of the WWII vets; even
though technically I was part of the occupation army and not WWII proper. Maybe I was just waiting for my companion to come along and help me both
document things (she's been the impetus for lots of these interviews) or maybe all the talks we've had will mean my life story will survive longer
than I can.
I keep busy but I don't feel like there's anything in particular I need to get done in any given day, except lately I've been labeling the back of all
my memorabilia, indicating where it came from and who in the family should get it. I wish my great-grandkids were more interested in some of this
stuff, but they're long distance and fairly young still. Only one has shown an interest in genealogy. And nobody wants the Model A! Sheesh!
3. I'm not sure how 'my curiosity could be sated without incarnating again' - how that would work exactly. I would think that the other side, the
spiritual side, is so overwhelming and compelling in its own right that maybe that's why we tend to forget from one side to another - imagine being
able to see
everything without eyes! Being born/incarnated must be like a long jump into a dark pool by comparison.
I did have a talk with someone long ago who claimed he remembered 'billions', that was his word, of lives, on other planets also. Never was sure if
he was hallucinating, cursed with perfect memory or what. He did seem emotionally very fragile.
I guess rather than staying in the other side 'too much' whatever that means if you have eternity to work with, I'd love to explore other planets.
This can't be the only one. Forever is a helluva lot of time to kill...
being a baby and learning everything from scratch AGAIN
My companion claims they 'knew' how to read English from birth, and only needed to be exposed to writing again to relearn it, instantaneously; perhaps
proof of reincarnation. So maybe we don't have to relearn everything but old souls that retain some things are a possibility. I sure wish I
'remembered' Egyptian hieroglyphs; now THERE's a strange writing system! But fascinating in the extreme. Possibly the most alien/foreign
civilization the world has ever seen.
**That reminds me of a story I forgot about Japan - in one of my weekends off I traveled far out into the countryside; nothing for miles, the paper
and bamboo houses had been firebombed. I came across an old man who was squatting down straightening nails he had retrieved from what was left of his
house - with the head of a hammer; the wooden part of the hammer was gone! I went back that night to my camp and requisitioned a 'large box of big
nails and a large box of small nails' and a hammer - no one asked what for, and the next day took them out to him. He acted like I'd given him a box
of gold! In a way I probably had. I'm sure he could have traded those nails for gold, food, anything.
War is hell.
I hope I've answered your question. It's quite the esoteric one and I've spent 90+ years on it already without much progress.