posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 03:55 PM
Our first update/correction
Sremmos80 had 11 wins.
1) tinner07.......13 wins
2) rockintitz.....12 wins
3)Sremmos80.....11 wins
4) intrepid, , Boscov and MrCrowley88.....10 wins
5) DEANORULES24, ValentineWiggin, BeefNoMeat, Zerodoublehero, BornYesterday ...9 wins
6) ketsuko, Arizonaguy.......8 wins
You should really check your score each week. I do my best and promise that mistake had nothing,or least very little to do with not picking the Lions.
And my sincere apologies to everybody, and I mean everybody, that picked Detroit.
To check your scores, I use, they are posted in the order they list them. Probably a gazillion sites to find the scores but that might make it