posted on Sep, 4 2016 @ 11:21 AM
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Right, what you are talking about is not Ghost but aetheric recording's, an old theory that strong emotion's and major event's can be recorded
somehow in the aether or perhaps the aerth's field of energy and can be triggered under certain circumstances.
Believe me you do NOT want to see a ghost, An Aetheric echo is another matter and though I have encountered spirit's in my lifetime (not a nice
experience in my case) I have not as far as I am aware experienced an Aetheric echo.
There are I must say many type's of spiritual encounter's from time slip type episode's in which people find themselves almost in another world or
encounter living people and places that they can then never find again but which they sometime's then find out USED to exist but have been gone for a
long time, those I would put into the Spirit category and most often GOOD spirit category, I unfortunately have never had one of these encounter's but
believe they serve a purpose, what that purpose is though, well it may be to protect or to simply show those people cought up in these encounters and
they range from people visiting country estates here in england finding themselves walking in the garden's and thinking they were seeing actors in
period costume only later to find that time was off on there watches and for the national trust whom owned the old mansion to tell them were was no
one dressed in period costume,. Too a couple getting lost in France and finding a pleasant little guest house were they stayed the night, had
delicious meal's and met the lovely elderly couple who ran that guest house only when they decided to return to find that it did not exist and after
further digging they found out there had been such a guest house but that had been before WW2.
Now what you are talking about remind's me of this.
It has become a tourist attraction but I believe the story to be true,
Here is a tourist mobile of the tourist tour of that cellar.
There are also other type's, a ghost that is locked in it's last memory's or refusing to leave, often spirit's are only here because of unfinished
business, something they had to do but did not but other time's trauma may be the reason or even them revisiting a place they were happy or that had
strong emotional identity for them.
The Egyptian's wrapped there dead and built home's for them because they thought that if a spirit forgot who it was then it faded away, this was why
the Egyptian king's tried to make themselves immortal through stone.
But today we believe in other world's like heaven, hell and pergatory (Bardo to the buddhists were a soul waits and is judged before moving on to
it's next world or reincarnated).