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White nationalist movement growing much faster than Isis on Twitter

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posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: TheBulk

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: TheBulk

The paper isn't a comparison piece. It's identifying a rise in subscriptions to Nazi and white nationalist social media accounts.

It also points out that the uptick in Nazi promotion is occurring in Europe too. Nazis are bad, right?

It's a total red herring. The same people telling us to be scared of Nazis, are the same people constantly downplaying Islamic terrorism. Islamic terrorism is played out daily and has been for a long time. What are the Nazis doing exactly? Oh nothing.

Speaking of red didn't answer my question.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: TheBulk

feel free to map them out sweetheart

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: Winstonian

Indeed but the groups are made up of individuals... making it an individual choice to say hey I hate the letter G on my keyboard whos with me? Then that mass conglomerate seeking to destroy all G letters off of every keyboard in the entire world.

Seriously wtf? Racism etc isn't some ominious hate cloud floating around in the air waiting to possess people except when voiced from an individual doing so... no group involved unless the coward too scared to be personally responsible for it needs one. Of course they don't need one, they need to say hey everyone I'm an asshole that hates a large number of people I dont even know over something extremely stupid... help me get over it... not help me justify it or continue it.
edit on 5-9-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: trollz

What are you even talking about? When I go to a resturant or another country it is to eat or visit... I don't sit there going this is the salt shaker this is the plate thats a person of this racial identifier thats the invisible line where this country ends and another begins, thanks sign or wall or border patrol otherwise id have had no idea... and i wouldn't have known none of us would other than 500 miles back that way I knew what those people were saying this sounds completely different.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

We have BLM, La Raza, Nation of Islam, and THIS is the group we should be worried about?
edit on 5-9-2016 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Sorry but its not just white nationalist groups you should worry about. We have multiple racist groups who self identify by race forming, and they are all hostile to one another. IMHO this is by design, get us all fighting so you have an excuse to ramp up the erosion of civil rights. Divide and conquer by TPTB.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Right, it is an individual choice. What I am trying to say is that the reason we are seeing a rise in it is because of actions coming from these other factions. Most racists mind their own business and the ideology never manifests in any meaningfully outward way. Now, they have a reason as they feel like they are being attacked.

If the false narrative of "all whites are evil racists" was not a mainstream mantra, these people would still be talking to themselves and bitching at the TV whenever a Will Smith movie comes on. Now that BLM, La Raza, Democrats, Progressives, etc., talk about race non-stop, these people are coming out of the woodwork.

We were in just about the most peaceful time in American history regarding race relations, and then Soros and his footsoldiers on the left had to stir the pot, and this is the dish that we get.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:39 PM
White people are blamed for everything that has happened in the past. Black people complain how their lives were ruined and they were slaves, that had nothing to do with me or any other white person that is alive today, stop complaining. Native American people complain that we took their land, and they don't get treated fairly. This also had nothing to do with me or any other white person that is alive today. The only people who have been destroyed and stopped complaining about it are the Japanese. The two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during world war 2 was more recent and more devastating in some opinions. Yet do you hear the Japanese complaining and blaming white people for doing this to them? No you do not. Also do you see the Japanese failing at life blaming their addictions and poverty on white people? No you do not. Instead the Japanese have flourished after hardship, and have not let the past control their future. Yes bad things have happened to everyone in the past but it is your choice to lead your future. I can see why white people in America are getting fed up with the racist bull# they are being submitted to and blamed for every day. If black people can stand together and spread hate and racism towards whites, why can't white people? If ISIS can stand up and spread hate towards the west why can't the west spread hate towards them? Everything is a contradiction and racism is a figment of imagination, its a scape goat used to often for people to make themselves feel like they aren't truly a #ty person, but that it is someone else's fault that they are a #ty person.
edit on 5-9-2016 by warehouse7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Winstonian

As one head on the hydra arises another one does too... but it is the same hydra... individuals keep perpetuating this ignorance and of course free will to continue being ignorant when whatever group or label someone has attached to in self defense or fear but the reason why it is ignorant is because there is nothing to fear in over coming it... ones life will cease when their breath and heart does too all things change all of those individual ideologies grasped not oneself will still linger on in others that hold the same ignorance so were they really them or you or me or anyone else? No they were here when we got here, that doesn;t mean we need to pick it up even if it's tradition too, because thats pain thats someone elses burden making it ones own is not fair to the ones people try to pass it off to and not fair to oneself either... dont pick it up lay it down and if it has been picked up the same...

when carrying so much out of hate or greed there's nothing left to hold for the gift of life of truely living in peace and using those hands to help others with that gift.

People hand eachother purposes all the time one did not choose themselves it is about control its not about freedom its here Im holding all this up someone handed to me and it hurts and company makes it feel better... its like someone poking themselves in the eye saying Dr. it hurts when I do this and the Dr. says well don't do that. Set that stuff down the reasoning is because it's not yours or anyones unless they claim it...

I seriously dont want it and honestly who really does? It's suffering, it's pain, and it tortures the entire world needlessly
edit on 5-9-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:41 PM
White Nationalism is on the rise due to the fact that this modern world does not offer white people anything anymore. Feminism has destroyed the family and morals. Unlimited nonwhite immigration has brought third world condition to our cities and towns, and all we get in return is food. Well I have news for you, food and can be imported and there are magical things called cookbooks that you can use to make their food.

Young men are not being able to find good work due to a number of factors, illegal immigrants drive down our wages and take jobs away from the young people( I have seen entire fast food joints staffed by adult illegal Mexicans, these jobs are for TEENS!) And you go into debt to obtain a degree in college only for that job to be outsourced or for it to be given to an H1B visa holder.

Whites are constantly being attacked in the media. More and more minority groups want to be separated from whites, but God forbid we want to be separate from them. If anything the rise of white nationalism is a historical inevitability.

We can also very well see this as regions of the country start to more and more belong to certain ethnic groups.(South West=Hispanics, South=Blacks, PNW= White People, Northern East Coast/New England= Liberal Whites) This is the future of America and its destiny in the 21st century.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: proudvolk

You know the scientific term of entropy right? It means things change thats out of our control whether someone thinks it better or not... dragging a bunch of baggage along out of tradition? Is again a personal choice not everyone has or wants that same baggage as many have seen the results of carrying it.

Women in the home as nothing but breeders leaves them trapped in a home as a slave fair absolutely not as individuals each person deserves the right of self determination, not to be held down and enslaved out of any fondness of tradition, belief or ideology that says otherwise.

Freedom means choice, sure too many choices can be overwhelming but everyone seeking will find some purpose if others arent constantly trying to hand them theirs out of that tradition, it happens all the time... this it was good enough for me its good enough for you is choosing for someone else not you, youve already accepted that carrying or holding onto it is still obviously someones choice too. But my blank blank or blank will cease to accept me well if it isnt making you happy what good is it to keep carrying that tradition or yoke plowing the fields for others like an ass when youre a human being and humanity at large agrees that freedom and individual choices are better than such slavery to things others demand or expect that does not make oneself happy... countries already have a lot of laws, adding stacks of other expectations on top of that to live by? No thanks unless you want to shoulder those but if it cant be shouldered alone over burdening onself looking for a group to hold it up... whom does it actually help? Easier to set it down... and live by the law of the land and if the law of the land represses instead of frees, other lands have an agreement to help people achieve freedom instead of slavery.

Thats what a free society is all about in secular ethics

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

We shouldn´t buy the idea that nationalists are white, right wing and fond of a nazi ideology.

There are nationalists on the left, there are black nationalists, there are jew nationalists, there are christian, induist
and islamist nationalists.

In fact, only a small fraction of the nationalists are white, right wing and nazist or even white and nazist since nazism is a short name for national socialism in german.

What they want is to demonise nationalism because its the only force opposing the globalism. Listen to what the chines president said yesterday, they are afraid of the brexit and that similar protectionist movements, they are also afraid of what Trump has been saying about ripping international trade treaties and taxing low wages offshore corporations.

Nationalism is good, its the salvation from a a world governed by corporations. Corporations that are paving the way to put themselves above the law and the people, all for greed.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Winstonian
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Right, it is an individual choice. What I am trying to say is that the reason we are seeing a rise in it is because of actions coming from these other factions. Most racists mind their own business and the ideology never manifests in any meaningfully outward way. Now, they have a reason as they feel like they are being attacked.

If the false narrative of "all whites are evil racists" was not a mainstream mantra, these people would still be talking to themselves and bitching at the TV whenever a Will Smith movie comes on. Now that BLM, La Raza, Democrats, Progressives, etc., talk about race non-stop, these people are coming out of the woodwork.

We were in just about the most peaceful time in American history regarding race relations, and then Soros and his footsoldiers on the left had to stir the pot, and this is the dish that we get.


Blame everyone else for these White racist being racist, its not their fault.

Blame 'the left' for people being racist? Seriously? Are you one of those people that throw the terms 'social justice warrior' and 'triggered' about? It's funny, seeing people that blame what someone else has said for them being racist.


posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: warehouse7
White people are blamed for everything that has happened in the past.

Blamed by whom? Precise primary examples please.

originally posted by: warehouse7
Black people complain how their lives were ruined and they were slaves, that had nothing to do with me or any other white person that is alive today, stop complaining.

Again, precise primary examples please. Since you said 'Black people', I'm expecting published work that reflects that this is how 'Black people' feel, not a few nut jobs from youtube.

BTW, I'm Black in America, I don't complain. Its funny how some react at my wife and I since we've moved to Texas; but I don't care, I pay more taxes in a year than most of them gross.

originally posted by: warehouse7
If black people can stand together and spread hate and racism towards whites, why can't white people? If ISIS can stand up and spread hate towards the west why can't the west spread hate towards them? Everything is a contradiction and racism is a figment of imagination, its a scape goat used to often for people to make themselves feel like they aren't truly a #ty person, but that it is someone else's fault that they are a #ty person.

White people do, and have been doing so for a long time, where have you been?

I guess race is a 'scapegoat' and used to make '#ty persons' feel better about themselves only when the racism is towards Whites eh? And when it's reversed, its because the non Whites are '#ty persons'?



posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: CrapAsUsual

labels arent bought except with education or position through work... many we accept and many we give but they are not us they could never describe a person as a whole... except the same way we do with animals when we see cats thats what we call them cats in the english language we dont know the names their care giver has given them unless told... same could be said for people but we as people differentiate by many names and none of those names could ever encompass one individual so complex so we call them other things by groups... instead of human beings what does that do for anyone really? It gives them an identity? No still people the clinging to that identity as a self or giving one to another is the self that does not exist it is just a noise that cannot ever encapsulate an individual that is what it is the names we give it never make it something else.

It does do one thing... cause separation and unity... but still people still a group of individuals or in simpiler terms life. Skin is just that skin it functions the same blood is just blood it functions the same borders no matter what side of the lines function the same... what does not function the same? All of the belief, philosophies ideologies but those are meant to give all of these people some kind of purpose... then what has happened? We start dividing eachother by that yet again... then we see a group that seems to have some advantage and feel disadvantaged and this causes hate out of greed so those people now get a hateful name and vice versa from drawing those distinctions... still just people and people that continually do it to ourselves over and over, needlessly, senselessly, thinking it will give rise to any better future passing that same ignorance along... future will come of it's own accord, why drag such things forward posioning the future generation after generation peace wont occur with that, but hate always perpetuates hate, dont grease that wheel and eventually it stops turning in ones mind.
edit on 5-9-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: wall and grammar

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: xstealth

I totally agree with you. Sooner or later people (White) are going to get sick and tired of all this whining. I know I am. I have an idea on how to make everything better. Start a magazine called "Ivory", and start a miss white America pageant. Oh wait, that's racist. I wonder why we can have a Miss Black America, and Ebony magazine? Maybe that's part of the reason that white people are starting to get fed up.

edit on 6-9-2016 by stelth2 because: change

edit on 6-9-2016 by stelth2 because: edit

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness

The number of white nationalists and self-identified Nazi sympathisers on Twitter have multiplied more than 600 per cent in the last four years, outperforming the so-called Islamic State (Isis) in everything from follower counts to number of daily tweets, a new study found.

Researchers at George Washington University’s Programme on Extremism analysed 18 accounts belonging to major white nationalist groups and organisations – such as the American Nazi Party and the National Socialist Movement – mostly located in the US.

Hate group map Hate group map

feel free to use it no different than: Kids live safe

No words really other than hate does not cease by hate, and continually perpetuating it on impressionable ears generation after generation is concidered a crime in the various ways it manifests for good reason as it is a social disease that is taught and learned not innate or born into us.

Spoiling the beauty that is this with past burdens? Shameful and inexcusible

All a white nationalist would see in that picture is that whites are in the minority and would have to compete against affirmative action programs in order to get grants and scholarships to go to university.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: proudvolk

This is the future of America and its destiny in the 21st century.

Why not just post a copy of the Turner Diaries?
Take that BS to Stormfront where it belongs.


posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: proudvolk

White Nationalism is on the rise due to the fact that this modern world does not offer white people anything anymore. Feminism has destroyed the family and morals. Unlimited nonwhite immigration has brought third world condition to our cities and towns, and all we get in return is food.

Which cities and towns are in 'third world conditions' because of 'immigration?'

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: stormcell

Have you not heard of the Pell grant? It's how I went through college there are programs in place the ones that had to be placed there by affirmitive action was due to the very discrimination occuring to insure that these programs were fair and unbiased towards everyone... they weren't and many still aren't so those programs exist. When diversity reaches the level that it should occur in the melting pot that this country called the US is? Then such programs will be of no use...

No one is being attacked it is saying hey theres discrimination to things that legally should not be there... so there are legal ramifications that make sure that those barriers and hurdles are removed in the name of equality.
edit on 6-9-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

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