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Are Televisions Occulted Black Scrying Mirrors?

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posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

I am familiar with the concept of subliminal messages, but not the “autosonomic imprinting.” Google doesn’t recognize the word. Is it related to:

au·to·nom·ic nerv·ous sys·tem
noun: autonomic nervous system;
the part of the nervous system responsible for control of the bodily functions not consciously directed, such as breathing, the heartbeat, and digestive processes.

I have heard that certain sound frequencies affect bodily functions.

And images of intensely emotional content might also get a bodily response.

Also the concept of imprinting is unfamiliar to me in this context.

Sounds interesting. Could you elaborate?

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Yup especially the "not consciously directed" part since it has been shown most people enter a trance like state in less than 5 minutes while viewing TV... in such people they become mentally entranced like with a hypnotist and very suggestible and will laugh with prerecorded laugh tracks that prompt them to laugh at times even when the bit isnt even funny molding behavior as acceptable or unacceptable... the shows and demographics are very catered to specific audiences especially with more channels since the advent of cable that they play directly to targeted stereotypes presumed to be watching... like during day time talk shows it panders products towards women viewers, assumed most likely to be in the home taking care of children... like diapers dish soap etc you wont see those ads during sports thats time for beer and car commercials

edit to add: here's an image of one caught in a KFC commerical for a sandwich that cost 99 cents meaning if you bought it, it would basically be free plus you get money back in a win win (taxes aside of course) there's a youtube video of it floating around somewhere too where the person pauses the commercial and gets the image below

edit on 3-9-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness.
Yes, the suggestibility of people watching TV comes as no surprise. We just kind of sit passively, eyes open and suck it in. And probably focus more on the tube than we do on actual people. In conversation there is a tendency to just nod along waiting for the other person to stop talking so we can take our turn. But with the TV we just listen.

It’s interesting you mention laugh tracks. To me there is nothing on TV more irritating than a laugh tracks so inappropriate that it becomes obvious that it is just constantly dubbed in when nothing is funny.

I actually vowed to not watch any show with a laugh track at one time. Then I caught myself doing it when the sound was so expertly done that I didn’t realize it was fake. It’s an important distinction. When something is conscious you can resist it. When it’s unconscious, resistance is bypassed.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

exactly why it is done as a practice... it isn't called programming for nothing, every single person watching getting their dose.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness.
That KFC commercial is outrageous. It’s just so blatant in the freeze-frame. There’s a million examples like that. Usually more subtle. Sex and money seem to be the big triggers. Advertising agencies make an art of it.

I knew someone who worked in focus groups for an advertiser. They told her plain as day, “We want our commercials to make women feel unattractive and unloved so that they will buy our product to become acceptable.”

That’s pretty cold.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

It's exactly what occurs in capitalism like there is no end to resources and then fighting over them and cheap labor instead of trying to elevate and respect all of them with secularism and ethic based law not moral based law. Every line of clothing needs the last season to be unfashionable and the models used have a unique beauty unachievible by the average person and the only reason many are concidered beautiful is simply because of the label of model... try looking up pornstars with and without make up that industry has the illusion down to a science.

Of course women trying to fit those images make men attacted to that image as beauty in a perpetuating cycle so we kinda just keep doing it to ourselves as a society which then ties into the global drug market for prescription drugs for depression and anxiety that arises from feeling depressed or insecure about oneself because there are feelings that some contrived nonsense is required for acceptance instead of simply being who you are without the image of someone youre not that society calls, normal, beautiful etc etc as labels. Hell it's all Trump has been running on in the popularity contest and pandering every label possible it's what made Romney orange during the last elections...

Image only shows surface though, if its not genuine then the lie quickly follows, yet the sociopaths goal is to blend in tell themselves the lie so much they themselves believe it and repeat it as truth when it is nothing but fabrication.

Neat world huh?

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 08:26 PM

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

where the person pauses the commercial and gets the image below

What I'm I supposed to see?

What do you see?

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 06:04 AM
Spirits don't need a TV to have access to your home.

So no.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Phage

Phage, I stared and stared at that pic wondering the same thing. all I could see was a gross cheap fast food sandwich. I finally went and looked it up on youtube and I don't see how I couldn't see it now. :/

Do you see it yet?

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 01:42 PM
Didn't take me but a second to see the dollar bill. I must be an easy target

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 02:00 PM
What I distinctly recall from the "Poltergeist" movie (I'm showing my age) is a kid getting sucked into the television.

If screens are some sort of interdimesional portal device I'd be more concerned with what they can hoover up, rather than what they could spit out.

You can mop up ectoplasm, but once your girlfriend has been sucked into another dimension while watching The Kardashians, it's pretty hard to explain to her folks.
edit on 6-9-2016 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Phage
I didn't see it when I was first looking for it. When I scrolled back to look again I couldn't help but see it. Now I'm wondering why it was so hard to see at first.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 08:44 PM
Poltergeist - TV that sucks people up into another dimension.

Imagine, they could put it along the European borders.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: AbesOldHat
I am posing this question because I had recently learned about these black scrying mirrors. I am just going to write in stream of thought so bare with me. I had the thought that if these mirrors could be a portal for "things" to come through, could televisions be intentionally made as black shiny mirrors? And are these being used in the homes of people, allowing spirits, demons, energies, whatever you want to call them, have a free access back door to the lives of the unsuspecting public? Why is the TV as a programming tool for the masses so effective? Is there an unknown link to this black mirror scrying and the mind control being used on people 24/7? And if so, they laid it out pretty plainly in the movie POLTERGEIST.
I would love to hear some thoughts and theories on this, ATS. Because IF it is what I think it is...anyone want to buy a Vizio 32 inch tv?
Almost every substance reflects light to some degree, so if mirrors are portals, so are your pots and pans, the tomatoes in your refrigerator, and your door knobs. The problem with this idea is that the front screen is not black at all... it is transparent. Its what is behind the front screen that is black. And of course at night all mirrors are black as there is no light behind them.

So, if it were the case that objects specifically designed to be mirrors were indeed portals, it would be a result of consciousness creating the effect such as by the law of attraction, the placebo effect, or something along that line.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Look into that mirror and stand proud even if its the last thing you do. Sure a monster may attack you by way of mirror by virtue of the fact that everything is possible, but its more likely a meteorite will crash through your roof and kill you while you sleep. Are you concerned about that? Then don't concern your self with mirror monsters. Its an interesting topic but not something to fear.

posted on Sep, 9 2016 @ 02:13 AM
I find it very intriguing to read everyone's responses. They really show how technology driven we are. The idea of scrying is ancient and has nothing to do with mind control or subliminal messages. The idea (stuff i have read, not practiced) according to occult philosophies: Is one stares into the blackness of a reflective object and with practice over time, can summon forth different energies or divine different sights. Past, present or future.

The idea is ancient and the first scrying mirrors were probably pools of water. Divination is super ancient and scrying is just another form. It eventually evolved into crystal balls and fake psychics.

I do believe the OP was referring to this ancient idea versus crazy ATS conspiracies lol. (oh you guys)

Occulted means dealing with ancient philosophies and practices. Mostly derived from the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. Passed on through the Hermetic, Alchemical and other related teachings such as Wicca and Shamanism.

The Rosacrucians are a good example of modern people who actually study and practice ancient arts such as scrying and other forms of divination and metaphysics. Modern day witchcraft or masoncraft and others have these teachings available to there students if they so choose.

So Yes would be my answer to the question posed by the OP, following the occultist philosophy. I myself have yet to experiment with it but I know there are many people who strongly believe in the Occult philosophies and I can only imagine a turned off tv screen, or any reflective dark surface could work for said purposes.

I am not an expert or connected to any mystery school, I just find them fascinating and enjoy researching the strange phenomenon of ancient magic practitioners in the modern day.

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