posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 02:37 PM
Hello ATS -
I've been lurking for quite some time. I've found fascination in several subjects, although I'm an expert in exactly zero of them. I've been
resisting creating an ID here for a while, but...whatever, I'm tired of resisting the urge. I'm a little nervous about the posting guidelines so if
I screw something up please forgive me.
There's not much extraordinary about me: husband, father of 3, Christian, Caucasian, mid-west middle-class middle-age software engineer, musician by
education and hobby, hobby writer, hobby cook, hobby brewer.
I generally find the Aliens and UFOs forum the most fascinating (although I must admit I have spent quite a bit of time reading at least some
of the political threads lately). I truly hope there is some breakthrough with regard to discovering extraterrestrial life - it always seems to be a
let-down, however. Nevertheless, I remain hopeful.
I also find some topics the Religion & Theology forum interesting, however, I am not a theologian - quite the contrary, in college I was a very
late night decision away from being an atheist. Strange paths we follow for me to go from booze, women, and disbelief to a situation where I teach
the Bible to others.
I have a great love of epic fantasy fiction, and to a lesser extent science fiction. The Wheel of Time is one of my favorites (insert
respectful nod to ATS member BlueAjah here) along with many I have lost track of over the years. My passion is to ultimately write my own
fantasy stories, but having a day job and children sort of puts damper on those aspirations. Nevertheless, I have some 50-60,000 words written, a
rough storyline, and several characters fleshed out with their backgrounds. Unfortunately, I tend to second-guess myself with "that's too
trope-y/lame", or "so-and-so already used that idea", and the ever-dreaded "but what are you really trying to say?"
Finally, I do not anticipate posting a great deal. I am well aware of the potentially deleterious effects of having an ID on an online forum - they
can quite literally suck away hours of your day, which most days I cannot afford.
So there you have it - all that said, I'm happy to be here, ATS!