posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to:
I think money works reasonably well as a representative entity. However, we have lost sight of what it represents and its "purpose."
In many cases, people will eschew actual, permanent improvements to quality of life across the board solely to have more/higher integers in a digital
bank account. Its really rather silly, but its well embedded.
Technologies that can be applied, built, and maintained by the vast majority of the population for little to no cost will supercede anything
'nuclear.' There are simply better ways to manipulate plasma, if you will, that are more accessible due to everything from materials to knowledge.
The problem is that with increased efficacy and availability, comes an increased chance of weaponization and destruction. Something which could
feasibly address "all the worlds power needs" could also be the end of the world as we know it should the concepts be applied into a weapon.
I don't see a time where the benefits outweigh the risks in this regard, even if those benefits are truly world-changing. In a sense, its a literal
interpretation of "with great power comes great responsibility."
Knowledge of such things will go down with the ship(s), hopefully arising again at a time where humanity has matured enough for its introduction. Even
then, it will be a day of judgment.
Should that day come too soon.. God(s) help us.