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Question about pyrmids

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posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:45 PM
How did pyrmids get from egypt to aztec to china and all of them in the shape of orions belt?

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:50 PM
And why does china not let people go to the pyrmids?

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:51 PM
Why are the aztecs and egyptions obsessed with the Sun?

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:57 PM
By einstiens thery I think thay Sacraficed people to the Gods so they could use the pyrmids to time travel or teleport. Because with a shape like that with the sun hitting it after an eqlipse with that energy I would say It could bend light and send some people elsewhere. But they would need water to? I wonder if there was water under all the pyrmids at one time?

My god Thay where smart like jepardy smart...

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:57 PM
I dont know if anyone has a factual answer to this. All that can be created is theories, im sure some people have a pretty good idea. Im not one of them though, i know very little on the topic. sorry i cant help.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:01 AM
The megaliths in Peru, Mexico, and Egypt, are all similar in their method of joinery. They are so similar that a close up picture of the joints cannot be told apart from each other. They also all have astronomical design features. The exact construction methods used are far from solved. The Great Pyramid alone has numerous anomalous design details that have yet to be explained, and the logistical plan for duplicating it today is an often attempted, never achieved puzzle.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:35 AM
I don't know. But perhaps this depiction of Hathor is a clue. the closeup is much more revealing if you can find one, I have had no luck. It is of her at the temple at dendera.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:52 AM
They were obessed with the sun, because it was the figure that gave them life. As for the pyramids, i think the theory in "alien vs. predetor" (even though it was a horrible movie) had a kinda good theory on the whole "first pyramid" that all the other pryamids were based on. It would of had to of started from somewhere, but where?

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 04:54 PM
Some say that so many cultures simultanoeously developed the pyramids because it was like a stairway to heaven.

From a Biblical perspective, perhaps you've heard of the Tower of Babel--a mammoth ziggurat much like a pyramid. From what the Book of Genesis says, we can assume that all the people in the world were living in one land, working on this one tower. God mixed up their languages and caused them to spread out over the face of the Earth. Maybe a memory of the Tower of Babel was in the back of these cultures' minds as they constructed step pyramids at first, then later moved on and constructed greater and more diverse varieties.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 03:35 AM
There are too many theories on the pyramids for me to elaborate without taking the rest of my life but I wish to refer you to Dr Richard Hoagland of WWW.ENTERPRISEMISSION.COM who (amongst his other questionable ideas on Hyperdimensional theory) has been studying such theories as the Queens Passage of the Great Pyramid and its possible connections to the questions raised here. I am performing a study of this presently and will elaborate as my study progresses.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 10:18 AM
I first have a couple questions, and then some comments:

1.) I was unaware that any other set of pyramids followed the pattern of Orion's belt. Which set are you referring to?

2.) I was also unaware that China prohibited people from investigating/visiting their pyramids. Could you elaborate further? Has anyone attempted to visit them?

I think that there are several possible explanations for the comonality in design.

***If its each culture came up with the design on their own***

1.) General shape - It's the most structurally sound way to build a very tall structure (although its also the one that requires the most material). So the people wouldn't have to worry about rebuilding the structures.

2.) The use of 4 sides - It's a heck of a lot easier to make a perfect square than to make a perfect equilateral triangle or pentagon, etc... (simplest shape).

3.) General shape - Immitates the natural shape of the mountains (which many of these cultures held holy, and also consider being at the top of a mountain being "closer to god"), and therefore would be a first thought to many people on what shape to use since there are mountains not too far from any of these pyramids.

4.) Easiest shape to build without sophistocated equipment.

***Possibilities if they didn't each come up with the designs on their own***

1.) Common design... common creator. (make of that what you will)

2.) These cultures were once part of the same culture and therefore had the same idea on how to build these structures (Babylon throry I guess).

3.) Perhaps the inspiration came from one source. Perhaps one culture built one, then members of another saw it and thought it was a good idea to have one of their own, and so on.

4.) Perhaps the shape was seen somewhere else... alien ship that visited them, dream, crystal formations (many of these cultures used crystals as religious objects)...
As for their obsession with the sun... think about this:

You're a primative person. You have no means of gazing into the heavens except with your own eyes. Everything you see in the night sky appears mysterious and beautiful yet you can not explain what it really is. A huge, hot, blinding, ball of light crosses your sky every day and brings warmpth, light to nourish your crops and to let you see, etc...

I think you'd end up worshiping this life-bringing, bright, mysterious ball of light you saw every day too. (just as so many ancient cultures did).

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Greyhaven7]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:50 PM
I'll give you a hint without giving away the answer. You should start taking up mathematics, and apply that to your question.

Here's some interesting quotes I dug up

Studies have been made and were suggested by Robert Bauval (Author of The Orion Mystery) that the shafts emanating from the King and Queen's chambers aligned to particular stars of great symbolism. While the northern and southern shafts from the Queen's chamber did not extend all the way to the exterior of the Great Pyramid as construction was believed to have been abandoned midway, Bauval reconstructed the image on his computer and concluded that the Northern shaft had actually aimed at the Star Kocab - a star associated by the ancients with the immortality of the soul. The southern shaft on the other hand, corresponded to Sirius, associated by the ancients with the cosmic mother of the kings of Egypt.

Discoveries of ancient Egyptian's fascination and devotion towards stars (of which they associate with God) tell us that the strong resemblance in the pyramids' layout with the skies is unlikely to be coincidental.

As such, the 4 shafts align with high precision to the exact location of the stars in the skies in the 2500 BC epoch. With the 4 starts targeted being of high ritual importance, it is ruled out that the alignments are of mere coincidence or are accidental. The date at which all Egyptologists and archaeologists believe the pyramids to have been built, is hence 2500 BC.

We all realize how far advanced the Egyptian math was for its time.

There's a good start.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by SleepingDillinger
How did pyrmids get from egypt to aztec to china and all of them in the shape of orions belt?

They didn't.

And they aren't in the shape of Orion's belt.

There are nine at Giza, including three small ones in front of the second pyramid. You get the 'belt of Orion' if you drop out all the other pyramids and flip Orion horizontally. Then it fits.

The Chinese pyramids aren't laid out on anything resembling Orion.

And the Aztec, Olmec, and Maya ones -- There were a varying number in different cities. You can see the plan (to scale) of the most famous site, Teotihuacan, here:

And photos here....

Scroll on down. You'll see what a lie "in the shape of Orion" is.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by ByrdThere are nine at Giza, including three small ones in front of the second pyramid. You get the 'belt of Orion' if you drop out all the other pyramids and flip Orion horizontally. Then it fits.
Scroll on down. You'll see what a lie "in the shape of Orion" is.

But it sure looks like Orion's belt to the layman. I guess it is just coincidence? I once read that around 10 500 BC the Giza Pyramids, and the Nile were a mirror image of Orion's belt and the Milky way. This time period is also the time when the Sphinx, which faces due east, would see the constellation Leo rise just ahead of the sun on the summer solstice

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 10:31 AM
Pyramids around the world, all built at different times but all using the same techniques!

Amazing. The simplest structure needed for a large scale building and cultures around the world adopt it. The joints are indistinguishable, perhaps theres only so many ways big, shaped bits of rock can sit on top of each other!

Not really a mystery, just the simplest way to build big structures.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Not really a mystery, just the simplest way to build big structures.

That's the explanation I've seen in several places. A pyramid/ziggurat is simply one of the easiest ways to build a really big building. Asking why so many cultures developed the pyramid independently is like asking the same thing about roads or wheels or writing or knives. It is simply an obvious solution to the common problem of how to make big buildings.

As for the sun obsession, it was part of their religion, the sun was a god. If you're asking why they thought the sun was a god, I have no idea, but other peoples have worshipped the sun before.

And for the China pyramids, well, the Chinese government forbids a lot of things, this is just one more. Look at their condemnation of Falun Gong for example; there's no logic to that, at least that I can see. Maybe they think that tourists will cause harm to the pyramids (they probably would, too, taking pieces as souvenirs and what not)

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:21 PM
'The megaliths in Peru, Mexico, and Egypt, are all similar in their method of joinery. They are so similar that a close up picture of the joints cannot be told apart from each other.'

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Pyramids around the world, all built at different times but all using the same techniques!

Amazing. The simplest structure needed for a large scale building and cultures around the world adopt it. The joints are indistinguishable, perhaps theres only so many ways big, shaped bits of rock can sit on top of each other!

Not really a mystery, just the simplest way to build big structures.

Well, Uncle Joe, if they were built in the simplest way, I would agree. But they most definitely were not. They were built to an accuracy of alignment, and complexity of design that was far beyond what the naked eye can see, and hundreds of times more difficult to do than they could have been. For example, the Giza Pyramid, it is aligned with true north more accurately than the Greenwich Observatory. The sides are .015 % off of square, whereas the average modern building is 3 % off square. Three percent is good enough for the naked eye, so why make your job far more difficult? And each tier of blocks is a different height, and each block a different width. Identical blocks would be far easier, but the design they used is far more earthquake proof.
And re: my previous post, I specifically stated joinery, because the way some blocks are tied together is identical in locations on opposite sides of the planet. And considering the number of ways they could be tied together, the fact they used the same method is, at the very least, interesting.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 05:19 AM
Most of the world "pyramids" are not similar to each other, were not built using the same technique, and served for different purposes.
Not even the Egyptian "pyramids" were the same.

1.the first type was mastaba - simple rectangular building

2. Djoser step pyramid - from six mastabas

3. Sneferu "bent" pyramid - build before Giza ones, shows that pyramids were not build by aliens but by normal people who made mistakes and had problems with designing it (that was reason why they needed to change the shape during building)

4. Giza pyramids - clasics, build from stone with limestone casing.

5. Middle kingdom pyramids - build from mud brick core faced with limestone. So much for using the same technique...

6. Nubian pyramids - " differ markedly from the Egyptian edifices that influenced them: they are built of stepped courses of horizontally positioned stone blocks, and range from approximately six to thirty metres in height, but rise from fairly small foundation footprints that rarely exceed eight metres in width, resulting in tall, narrow structures inclined at around seventy degrees." Again so much for using the same technique.

other differences/problems
- Ziggurats upper levels were build from brick not stone. The interior was also many times build form brick.
-The Egyptian pyramids served as tombs. Ziggurats and Mayan pyramids were temples/observatories.
- There is a HUGE time gap between the egyptian and South American pyramids. The Egyptian ones were build 2500BC. The great pyramid of Chochula was build from 2 century BC to 16 cent. AD. That was time when ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia no longer existed, nor were the pyramids built. So how could the SA pyramidal structures be influenced by egyptian ones?

And each tier of blocks is a different height, and each block a different width. Identical blocks would be far easier, but the design they used is far more earthquake proof.

I think thats because they had different stone sizes from quarries and it would be more difficult(and expensive) to break the stone block into two parts with copper or stone tools, than simply tabulate the surface. That is the reason why the blocks have different sizes.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 06:15 AM
And each tier of blocks is a different height, and each block a different width. Identical blocks would be far easier, but the design they used is far more earthquake proof.

I think thats because they had different stone sizes from quarries and it would be more difficult(and expensive) to break the stone block into two parts with copper or stone tools, than simply tabulate the surface. That is the reason why the blocks have different sizes.

I just totally disagree. I wonder who was in charge? Would they not specify to each quarry what size blocks they wanted or did they just say, send us any old blocks, we'll make do? Sounds very strange to me. You state that your view is 'the reason'. I challenge that claim, since I cannot see how you could possibly know that for certain.
My previous comment re: joinery is actually in regards to the most ancient structures, the megaliths like the Oseirion, the Mortuary Temple, the Giza Pyramids, the Peruvian megalithic walls, and the Mexican megaliths. There are in some of these, metal fittings set into the stones to hold them together, and these fittings are the same shape, sort of a butterfly shape.
The majority of the world's pyramids are nothing out of the ordinary. There are a few, though, that possess qualities far from ordinary. In fact, they are so extraordinary, no explanation of their method of construction has yet been proposed, though some of today's best minds have tried.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 04:44 PM
Its simple Labor. They did not have deadlines like we do, if it took them 100 years to build a Wall, or a pyramid, or an observatory, who cared?
They had very resourcefull cultures, and little went to waste. water and heat can crack the toughest rock, they knew how to manupulate their environment with far less, they had too.

todays best minds....we still sell hot dogs in packages of 10, hot dog buns in packages of 8. I dont think we are all that bright, and our ancestors would think we were too stupid to count.

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