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Facebook privacy and kids: Don't post photos of your kids online

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posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:46 PM

We Post Nothing About Our Daughter Online

Nothing. It’s the only way to defend her against facial recognition, Facebook profiling, and corporate data mining.

Last week, Facebook updated its privacy policy again. It reads in part: “We are able to suggest that your friend tag you in a picture by scanning and comparing your friend’s pictures to information we’ve put together from your profile pictures and the other photos in which you’ve been tagged.” Essentially, this means that with each photo upload, Kate’s parents are, unwittingly, helping Facebook to merge her digital and real worlds. Algorithms will analyze the people around Kate, the references made to them in posts, and over time will determine Kate’s most likely inner circle.

The problem is that Facebook is only one site.

When I see people posting pictures of their children online, it bothers me a lot. Children can't consent to such a thing. They can't even conceive of what's written above. I wonder if their parents can understand it, either.

The video below gives you the issue from the woo angle. The YouTuber in the video claims that witches can use pictures that are posted online to cast spells on people. Do I believe that's the case? I believe that such things are possible.

Stop Posting Pictures Of Your Kids On Facebook Due To Witches Casting Spells
edit on 28-8-2016 by Profusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:51 PM
I wish there was a way for me to delete everything about me online that isn't anonymous to a certain point. I wont be posting my children, if I still have social media by that point.

An old classmate of mine rants about people sharing photos of her children, and has even had someone steal the pictures and threaten to post them on child p*rn sites....

Only reason I have my social media is because i love the videos, memes and other posts out there.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Profusion

What I give up is worth it to me. The privacy, the associations, the 'likes', the opt-in groups, the friends, the status updates, even photos of my children.

This won't be a popular stance on ATS, but frankly I'm not too worried about 'big data' and it's buyers knowing things about me I choose to publicly share.

I'm come from the school of controlling your own narrative rather than having one created for you. Meaning, I'd rather paint the picture of my choosing rather than have a databot create one for me. (Because they will).

As for my kids, I'm painting a very nice childhood for them. Sure, I don't post the regular stuff like diaper changes, meltdowns over the wrong color cup, or anything truely mundane (the same as your parents photo albums didn't have those items either). It's the happy family stuff on FB.

If some ad agency, government, porn site, or witch (oddest grouping ever) wants to exploit mine/their images and data, then so be it. What I give up is worth it. Plus the cat's already outta the bag. And, there's far worse sh*t than what you've described.
edit on 28-8-2016 by Jason88 because: Words... missing

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:31 PM
Three exists only 3 pictures of me that i know of. 1 of them is on the internet, And i wish i could delete it. My mom has 1, Non digital, and my grandmother has a different one. I never even did school photos. I hate when people take my picture and it seems to be serving me well so far. Too bad there are cameras everywhere, And no matter how much you avoid it, pictures always seem to find a way to crop up.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:32 PM
Better walk around with a mask on you and your kids then, because whether you like it or not, you and you're kids ( if you have them ) are already photographed on almost a daily basis via all the CCTVs, School Pics ( they aren't yours, you buy them ), photos other people take, Drivers and Identity cards and the list goes on and on and on.

They don't need social media for all that data mining, you have already been found out via the 3rd and 4th party services you use on a daily basis.

Then, there is the phone use in general, what stares at you while you stare at it but you don't think about it always? Your selfie facing camera.

Scratch your ID chip off cuz everybody owns it...

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:44 PM
I have a question...... what if someone in your family is posting pictures of you on facebook..... How would you get those pictures removed from their fb page if said family member refuses to delete them..... would one need a facebook account to complain about it?

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: imitator
I have a question...... what if someone in your family is posting pictures of you on facebook..... How would you get those pictures removed from their fb page if said family member refuses to delete them..... would one need a facebook account to complain about it?

Yes you need an account. And yes you can officially ask them to remove it with Facebook's help. If that doesn't work, FB will remove them for you. But they're never really gone once digitalised...

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 12:06 AM
I agree with the OP, but I'm not going to watch a video where some guy thinks he gets direct revelation from "Jesus", sorry...

On a related note, I have removed my "real" digital footprint from the web. I do not have any friends who share pictures of me on any social networks. The only way to track my movements is to track this username, which I could care less about. No personal information can be gleaned from doing so.
edit on 29-8-2016 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: Profusion

Consent... never thought about it that way. This is going to bother me now.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Jason88

It's probably not worth trying..... guess I'll work on the beard.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: Profusion

We Post Nothing About Our Daughter Online

Nothing. It’s the only way to defend her against facial recognition, Facebook profiling, and corporate data mining.

Last week, Facebook updated its privacy policy again. It reads in part: “We are able to suggest that your friend tag you in a picture by scanning and comparing your friend’s pictures to information we’ve put together from your profile pictures and the other photos in which you’ve been tagged.” Essentially, this means that with each photo upload, Kate’s parents are, unwittingly, helping Facebook to merge her digital and real worlds. Algorithms will analyze the people around Kate, the references made to them in posts, and over time will determine Kate’s most likely inner circle.

The problem is that Facebook is only one site.

When I see people posting pictures of their children online, it bothers me a lot. Children can't consent to such a thing. They can't even conceive of what's written above. I wonder if their parents can understand it, either.

The video below gives you the issue from the woo angle. The YouTuber in the video claims that witches can use pictures that are posted online to cast spells on people. Do I believe that's the case? I believe that such things are possible.

Stop Posting Pictures Of Your Kids On Facebook Due To Witches Casting Spells

First problem is how you are posting because you fed the beast. You are comparing people to an entity. Facebook. Notice the people that work for facebook are absolved in your text. It's facebook's fault. No. The people at facebook are morally decent and facebook is made up of people. Stop acting like it isn't.

The pixels being already illuminated inside the beast that you are trying to empower with spreading fear such as you are have already begun casting upon the viewer long before the viewer of the pic makes a decision to cast. Merely because the illumination hits them, in picture form. Then there are pictures enfolded throughout a person's album that are pictures of direct intent to deflect back ill will or bind it to a pit that guard the other pictures. Then the radio waves and microwaves close in on the caster of ill will because it's programmed duty is to funnel all those who do so together, which creates a seperate invisible net where other ill will casters absorb what they cast and eventually obliterate each other over time.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 02:55 AM

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 05:07 AM
I have a few friends that have never posted a single photo of their child on facebook and I find it really odd because these were close friends and I have no idea what their child looks like.
It's a huge part of their life that they are hiding away from their "friends"
I love to see photos of family growing up as I still feel connected even though I live far away and I share photos of my child going for walks etc.

Seriously why would some big boogy man company with face recognition care about a photo of my kid jumping in a puddle.

Outside your family and friends nobody is interested in your photos. You are not a celebrity.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: LadyTrick

I have a few friends that have never posted a single photo of their child on facebook and I find it really odd because these were close friends and I have no idea what their child looks like. It's a huge part of their life that they are hiding away from their "friends"

You find it odd? They can´t be so close to you, if you never saw their child. If find it a bit odd that you write "friends" like you are upset about them, not divulging their private live to the public.

Seriously why would some big boogy man company with face recognition care about a photo of my kid jumping in a puddle.

That´s not the point.

Outside your family and friends nobody is interested in your photos. You are not a celebrity.

Yet, here you are, writing this:

I love to see photos of family growing up as I still feel connected even though I live far away and I share photos of my child going for walks etc.

There are enough creeps out there where you can strike the "i still feel connected" part. 20 years ago, nobody posted their private pictures on the public billboard in town for everyone to see. And I don´t want to be rude, but if you feel connected, they might feel different about that. And, I guess if you ask them, they would send you a picture per mail (the paper one).

It´s up to everyone how much they make public about their private life. Don´t ridicule them for their personal choice ("big boogy man company"), just so you/others can be noosey.

edit on 29-8-2016 by verschickter because: break lines messed up

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: LadyTrick

Oh and I came up with another point. Think about security.
If I can find out enough about you, I will be able to circumvent a security question somewhere or start guessing your password with a personalized dictionary attack. Work my way up from your mail account or something. Yes, friends could be able, too, of course.

That´s what I did to two girls in university (not proud about it), when they started talking # (eg "mobbing", was a bit older than the rest) about me. Circumvented their hotmail + gmx account pw resetting question and I was in. Worked my way from there to myspace. All the private messages I could gather, printed it on a school printer, posted it on the public billboard. Male friends were furious, threatened me. Asked them if they want to be next. Never buggered me again. Wrote it in a thread somewhere.

Think about the kids. I don´t know how old you are... But think about you being a newborn, your family post pictures about you, for years. Now you discover the internet / allowed to use. All your private pictures are out there. Do you want that?
And if you personally want that, what about those who do not.

Heck, google indexes so damn fast, I copied a url out of a thread that was posted three minutes before and accidently pasted into the wrong form. The first entry was the thread I was coming from.

In the end, the parents decide.
edit on 29-8-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: verschickter

The "friends" part is more about them not seeing the people they have added on facebook as real friends/trustworthy. Why share anything? Why keep me as a friend on facebook? You don't need to share to the public and they are still liking my family photos.

I don't live in the same country so I do love to see photos of family/friends and I'm not sure how that contradicts the celebrity comment as outside the family circle no one is interested.

My grandmother is terrified of joining facebook and I try to send her photos etc but she does miss out compared to my partners 80 year old gran who has embraced facebook.

Obviously people don't have to share photos but they should realize that it alienates them to some degree in terms of social media. It's not very social...

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: LadyTrick
I can understand that. I have relatives in Canada, Saskatchewan. But they send pictures twice a year and goodies, as we do. Don´t get me wrong, people can share whatever they want, just don´t talk down to those who don´t. I get the impression you think, like you give and they only take, or some way along this.

The "friends" part is more about them not seeing the people they have added on facebook as real friends/trustworthy. Why share anything? Why keep me as a friend on facebook? You don't need to share to the public and they are still liking my family photos.

With sharing you mean pictures again, I guess. You should ask these questions to your friends and see what they tell you. You basically demand people to share their pictures because "everyone" else does.

Obviously people don't have to share photos but they should realize that it alienates them to some degree in terms of social media. It's not very social...

Well, only to those who divulge their lives on so called "social media" would think so. And yes, while you say they "don´t have to" what you really say is "they better do". Can you elaborate on the alienate part and the "It´s not very social"?

Why? Why is it not social to be on any social network not sharing pictures? I don´t get that. I can send pictures in private to all my friends. I only once used facebook because of a class reunion, planing beforhand. Of course that´s nice. I don´t damn social media at all, I´m just worried about people that think like you.

No offense! Everybody can do what they want, but your sentence about alienating and not sharing...
The people that think like you are the cause for those who you describe bein alienated. Do you understand that?

edit on 29-8-2016 by verschickter because: paragraphs fixed.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Profusion

I havn't been spoken to by Jesus or anyone else but I've also been having these thoughts about 'Voodooism' & 'Witchcraft' which could be done through a social website like FB. I've been wanting to tell many people to stop posting their kids photos on the net and to stop using their kids photos as a headshot for themselves... I really don't know why the do it tbh. They may be on my list but it's private and personal to them and their family...

Seriously... just stop doing it... I agree.

Not just 'Voodooism' & 'Witchcraft' but 'Paedophiles' too.


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