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Who in reality is prepping and for what reason?

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posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 07:57 AM
I was watching(better listening to) a TV debate about "security" right now, at the same time i was reading an article about Apples plans about storing fingerprints of "thieves". Then i had again that picture in my head, how certain circles of individuals try to turn Germany into a police- and surveillance state, since "our" german, suspicious terror attacks.

One of the three "IS terror attacks" was a rightwing motivated attack that "security officials" even tried to turn into "IS" terrorism, as they tried to link the other attacks to the "IS". One can believe that official stories, but maybe questioning things sometimes is the better thing to do.

For me it´s all too obvious that these three attacks were a tool that the big brothers needed. What a luck for them that nothing ever happened before and that nothing ever happened after those three attacks anymore, here in germany...

They needed this tool to switch the button, to turn germany(many people here call it The US Outpost) into into a "security"-state. Looked at whole europe, they want to do the same things like the US now, for entering and leaving the EU, it feels like we are in an partly open prison, not long from now. You have to become a transparent citizen before getting allowed to travel outside of the EU, as an EU citizen, in the near future. And for sure you have to become a transparent citizen to get allowed to enter that prison, mirroring the role model USA.

They try to create laws against clothes now, they even go for backpacks in germany (it was discussed in this debate on TV i was listening to, again), what´s next? No more hoodies or turtleneck sweaters, no scarfs anymore, because this would be a problem for the facial recognition cameras(somebody could use those clothes to hide) they want to install in the public space as far as possible? If women want to dress up like penguins(they do this in all cults, in all those religious cults women are suppressed, but many of them seem to like it...) and want to swim like this, why not? That´s our freedom, nobody forbids those comic nerds to dress up as Batman and jump into the sea, so...

I wanted to know if somebody of you average citizen in the so called western world feels more secure, better protected by all those big brother laws since 9/11? Is there anybody that really thinks all that surveillance is for our, the peoples security, the peoples protection from "all evil on earth"? All that censoring, opinion making and cheap "security" propaganda, is that all only for our, the peoples best?

Because, for me it feels like some circles of individuals really use 1984 as an instruction manual. Isn´t it a Brave New World we´re living in? Almost everybody is using big brothers mini-telescreens, using it with their fingerprints on touchscreens, or even use fingerprints or iris scans as a "security" for their mobile telescreens, hand out this data voluntarily to the big brothers.

The officials, better the rich individuals behind them and giving them orders, and their mass media are spreading fear, create maybe even terror attacks, or let them knowingly happen, to raise and maintain that fear. That hits some people, but only the... let´s call them Not So Educated/Informed.

Why do i feel that i need to have a watchful eye on those that do the terrorists jobs? The "protectors from all evil", evil things like peoples own opinions, a free internet, freedom of speech, freedom of everything. How can it be that "our protectors" are stealing our liberty, freedoms, by allegedly protecting our liberty and freedoms from being destroyed by the terrorists? How can we people let them do this? Are we that stupid?

Not to see that "they"(They Live, really, but are not aliens, as i like to say xD) are trying to create alleged security for themselves, better for the rich and only because of that powerful circles of greedy individuals which control "our" politicians and officials, as they control the mass media. Like owners of multinational corporations and their lobbyists, like billionaires and millionaires, those well known but idolised tax dodgers, for example.

Isn´t it obvious that if somebody wants to know everything about YOU, average citizen, and uses every tool to get all the informations about YOU, average citizen, that YOU are the enemy that certain circles of individuals need protection from, dear average citizen of the western world, the former free western world, better former more free than today´s western world?

They want to install facial recognition cameras at every central station in germany, to film and check millions of respectable tax payers and paying passengers. To maybe, MAYBE find a terrorist after his attack. Because, as we know, "flops, failures and fumbles" make it impossible for "our protectors" to prevent us from terror attacks. Even if this terrorists were well known by the officials or even under surveillance, often since years. Almost every time the same script. If it wasn´t a rampage, like in germany for example, that was turned into "IS" terrorism.

So, does anybody really believe "they" want to protect us from terrorism?
Or does anybody rather think they want to protect themselves, from the people, the rabble, the mob? That we, all average citizen, are the potential terrorists, the upcoming enemy, in the eyes of the "security" fetishists or better, their puppet masters behind the curtain. Because they know that they went to far with their game. The whole world is in real trouble because of the greed of the so called 1%. And meanwhile, since the public available internet, people worldwide know who is to blame for all that.

For me, observing the past, politics, society and all that, "they" prepare for upcoming riots. Those will maybe start with the next bankster crash,when whole nations go down the drain(not the rich people, for sure..) and banks should be rescued with tax payers money again...

What do you think, do you feel protected by "your" "protecors", or do you think all that big brother stuff is against the average citizens, the potential terrorists that need to be be under strict surveillance all the time and everywhere? Do you feel safer or do you start to misstrust all that "officials" behaviour, the further the go on with their "game" of spreading fear and installing big brothers updates, while some people are even thankful for getting their freedoms stolen

Sorry for my english and then the long texts everytime, but if i start to write, it´s kind of an "anti aggression against those in powers therapy" for me. And it´s way to hot to hit my punching bag, so writing was better...

edit on 28 8 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

What does your OP have to with prepping..?

I feel like you lured me in here, and trapped me for 4 minutes.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

One of the three "IS terror attacks" was a rightwing motivated attack that "security officials" even tried to turn into "IS" terrorism, as they tried to link the other attacks to the "IS". One can believe that official stories, but maybe questioning things sometimes is the better thing to do.

Further question the styles of attacks depending on the country. France, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Australia all had terror attacks supposedly by Islamic Extremists, but all the attacks differed immensely. Same terror organizations and all.

How come one country gets bombs and machine guns while others get a few stabbings? Not that the press covers any of them any different.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
How come one country gets bombs and machine guns while others get a few stabbings? Not that the press covers any of them any different.

Different access to weapons is the most obvious suggestion don't you think.
Lee Rigby was hacked to death and run over by a car presumably because the psychos found it difficult to obtain firearms due to UK gun control legislation.
Not really rocket science but hey.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:29 AM

Different access to weapons is the most obvious suggestion don't you think.

Hey 'rocket science', not sure hi explosive like they used in France and Belgium airport is off the shelf in stores there. Is it?

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: intrptr

WTF is your point exactly?
Obviously with strict controls in the UK our psycho killers choose the easiest option, knives and machetes.
Do you disagree, or are you trying to make some other point?

Explosives and firearms are much easier to smuggle around continental Europe, again most obviously due to the lack of borders and the leaky external border.
The UK is much more difficult to get such items in, not impossible of course, but much more difficult due to border controls and being an island.

So again, what exactly is your point?
I assert that UK psycho killers choose knives and machetes because they are the easiest tools at their disposal. Which bit of that do you disagree with?

edit on 28.8.2016 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:38 AM

I wanted to know if somebody of you average citizen in the so called western world feels more secure, better protected by all those big brother laws since 9/11?

NO. I feel more threatened by police and my own government, than I every have by a terrorist. The heavy handed way police enforce the law, escalating small situations in to shootings, because they have to "take control of the situation" makes the idea of my kids being out on their own, one that scares the living crap outta me.
My government frightens me to the point that, if they are speaking, I'm sure they're lying to benefit themselves and gain control over the populace. The "in your face" corruption from the local dog catcher to the President and everyone in between has made me give up hope of ever seeing the U.S. return to being a great nation.
The fact that so many are too busy fawning over social media and fake issues, to see how badly we're getting screwed, just pisses me off.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Sounds crap where you live.
I don't know anyone who is scared of British police.
Being arrested is in the top ten list of least scary things to happen to you in the UK.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: BestinShow
a reply to: DerBeobachter

What does your OP have to with prepping..?

I feel like you lured me in here, and trapped me for 4 minutes.

Isn´t, let´s say the government prepping, preparing, for maybe upcoming events?
As i said at the end of the text, sorry for my english, if i missunderstood the term prepping.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Moin, Moin my Krautish neighbour!

This might be interesting: (sorry, no english subs)

I like how this bear of a copper stresses the point, that fighting the roots of islamic terrorism is the part most gubbermints tend to ignore completely. Which actually tells a lot...
Combine that with all recent Hillary Email Benghazi Events (TM) and you'll see our Leaders Of The Free World (TM) dismantling, destabilising and destroying regions for profits.

Who prepares what? Take the french state of endless emergency and their new labour 'reform' dictate as the latest expansions of freedom and democracy for our own good. Rivers of Kool Aid will be swallowed anyway.

Gallows humour after all, works fine for me. Stay frosty in this boiler full of mil. ind. complexes!

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Actually, I live in a small, quiet town of around 3,000, with 8 local cops,
who make outrageous salaries, [ $80,000 ].....
[ yes, you read that right, Eighty Thousand a year ] compared to the tiny amount of crime here. Mostly, I'm talking about the times I have to travel to a bigger city, like Indianapolis, Terre Haute, etc. Police brutality is a wide spread problem in the U.S.
Govt? Don't get me started.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:56 AM
The only prepping I do is to prepare myself for a life outside the rat race. I'm there in mind and partially in IRL. Terroristic threats don't influence my day to day actions, or long term plans. I don't take much illegal risks to be worrying about jail or prison. My area is pretty safe and most cops can be reasoned with. I honestly have no need to prep for anything but success in life.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion
I know this guy from somewhere, André Schulz. Guess from any interviews anywhere.
And for sure Tilo Jung, the only one journalist that "dares" to ask question, at Bundestags press conferences, that hurt the officials, from a little bit of angry shaking to stuttering and getting red and pale in their faces you can see everything there, since he is doing his job at those press conferences

Have to watch that video later.

edit on 28 8 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

edit on 28 8 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: DAVID64
Little losers, that abuse the powers their jobs give them, one will find everywhere in the world. I witnessed and experienced police brutality in germany, too. They are not that trigger happy like US cops, but that changes too. When i was younger one never heared about german police involved in shootings, now it´s around one time a week.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:38 AM
I am getting supplies ready because I plan on leaving society behind and living out in the national forest near by. I will still have a bank account and plan to have enough money in it to feed myself for at least 10-15 years. I'm about half way there. I'm also figuring out how to entertain myself. I will be getting solar powered generators, bike powered generators and a few days ago I found a water current powered generator. You see I'm not trying to ruff it, I just don't want to have any bills to pay. Being a slave to my rent, car payments, electric bill and all the rest really makes me feel like I'm losing at life in some way. I think I got about 2 more years of getting supplies together before I start trying to see how long I can last. Luckily my mom is going to let me stay with her during the transition period. So I'll go out and see how long I can make it before something happens that forces me back. I'll stay with mom and learn how to get through whatever it was and then head back out and try again. Eventually I'll be able to stay indefinitely. When it happens I'll be sure to let everyone here know about my progress. There is a free wifi signal 5 miles away from where I'll be living so I can walk or ride a bike to it once a mth to download movies and talk with family online.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Your English is fine!

I am a Emergency Disaster 1st Responder, Homeland Security/FEMA...and yes, not in the country where you are, but in the United States. Let me pose something to you and everyone else on this issue from one who is trained to help you during this time should it ever come, and for whatever the reason.

Survival and prepping obviously is a good thing. But what you, and everyone else NEVER...and I mean NEVER addresses? Is what kind of world would be left after such a horrific life changing event happens that we are preparing for?

There may be no world, society or anything left thats safe to prep for. No internet, wifi, tv, telephones, transportation, government, police, fire, food, water etc etc....You will last as long as your supplies...unless of course your neighbors start breaking down your doors to get them from you for themselves because they DIDNT prep! But we all need hope. Here though is the issue.

You could have food, water, shelter, some med supplies...but what happens when they are gone? Nothing outside of your immediate environment may exist anymore. People may killing people all around you for a simple glass of water or for a crumb of bread. What then?

We think of preparing, some do prepare, even now others will start to think of it because you started this thread-and thats a really good thing you did. It raises awareness. But we fail at one thing. Understanding that supplies last only so long. Then what?

We can prepare to last a week, a month maybe...some longer, some less..some not at all. What kind of systems/world will be left in a worst case scenario? We just dont know. But we have to TRY. Do the best we can for the survival of the species-ourselves and families 1st.

But the sobering reality we fail to address? Its what happens when our supplies run out? Where do we go then? Who do we trust when they may be starving? They may be killing in groups to do away with us. Enslaving us. We just dont know, nor do we prepare for what happens when all our supplies are gone and we cant replace them because those places and supplies themselves are gone?

The greatest and the most sobering question we need to understand ourselves? What kind of world is out there then...when we have no supplies left? We may find it was pointless to try and last a week, a month or more...when it may be inevitable...that there is nothing left after we used all our prep supplies.

But, we need hope. We need to prepare, and its human nature to want to save ourselves. But to what type of world out there afterwards will left? Prolonging our lives may be pointless if we are to perish soon after anyway...

Thanks for the thread, and I will still respond to save those who need it, because someone has to. Even if there may no reason to save people who will die anyway. And they could be in the millions, all needing help.

I will still be doing what my team mates and other emergency workers do: save lives. But will it be pointless when there may be no world left to survive for? We never stress that point, or are just too afraid to ask the question or think about what are we going to do when the supplies are gone and we cant get more because our world we once knew.... doesnt exist anymore?

Advanced Disaster life Support
FEMA/Homeland Security/Citizen-Medical Corps/CERT
Region 2 South, Wayne County, Michigan
edit on 28-8-2016 by mysterioustranger because: splchk

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: DAVID64

Sounds crap where you live.
I don't know anyone who is scared of British police.
Being arrested is in the top ten list of least scary things to happen to you in the UK.
Bucket list item for most folk in UK these days!

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:49 AM
Sorry I commented before reading your entire post. Do I feel safer in the US since all the surveillance stuff began? Truth is I never felt unsafe. The only time I feel unsafe is when I'm face to face with another human being that is threatening me with physical Violence. I am not afraid of immigrants. I am not afraid of other races. I am not afraid of refugees. I am not afraid of religious nuts. The only thing I fear is waking up one day an old man who has to take 50 pills a day just to get through life. Buried by dept wishing I had spent more time in nature doing the things that I really enjoy.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Thanks for your great addition and for keeping up the good fight!

But, we need hope. We need to prepare, and its human nature to want to save ourselves. But to what type of world out there afterwards will left? Prolonging our lives may be pointless if we are to perish soon after anyway...

Being in my head that's the main issue after all, devide & conquer did a helluva job. Thanks again!

Dep. for Public Opinion
Advanced Information Warfare/ Propaganda Concerns
Bananenrepublik B.R.D.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

In training, we discuss this often. Just putting out there the only real question that needs a real answer and we never seem to ask it.

Obviously, it depends on war, famine, natural or man made disasters...but the question no one seems to address? What will be there to survive for...and how for how long? Do we really WANT to?

We may never even know the reason of what has happened with no tv, radio, internet,com-towers, newspapers...and word-of-mouth person to person and community to community...may be completely wrong without any way to verify what has happened.*

*Reminds me of lyrics to an old Crosby, Stills and Nash song "Wooden Ships":

"I can see by your coat my friend...youre from the OTHER SIDE...can you tell me, please? Who won?"

"Say, can I have some of your purple berries?" "Yes, Ive been eatin' them for 6-7 weeks now. Probably keep us both alive..."

Thanks for the reply....MS
edit on 28-8-2016 by mysterioustranger because: edit

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