I believe the Jacinta 1972 Codes clearly reveal that at some point in the future, much gloom will be coming in the month of June. The codes reveal
that World War III and the Great Chastisement occur within days of each other in June. I am hopeful that in the coming days, and hopefully months and
years, we can unlock from these codes more messages, more possibilities, and more time.
Heaven-sent messages like the Bible Codes and the Jacinta 1972 codes predict the future with accuracy by presenting a group of possible eventualities.
Some events are certain, and others can be postponed or avoided altogether. I believe the season of destruction is inevitable, but the year can be
postponed when enough people succeed in elevating their spiritual character. I believe (hope) we can find subsequent years clearly written in the
Jacinta 1972 Codes because if we cannot, what does that mean?
Veronica - "Antichrist into mitres 1972." (Messages of Bayside – 10/2/89)
Our Lady - "Fatima - Jacinta 1972… Within this photograph lies the date, the month, the hour, the year, of the coming Chastisement." (Eve of Our
Lady of the Rosary – 10/6/79)
Jesus - "I cannot, My child, give you your request of last week of the date. But you will keep those photographs that I gave you, and you will know
the date. But you will keep those photographs that I gave you, and you will know the date." (Messages of Bayside – 5/17/86)
Our Lady - "Assuming June 13 to 18, 1992 is the time of the Great Chastisement, then on or about June 3, 1992, the comet is first seen with the naked
eye. It comes closer and closer to the earth. Three days before it strikes the earth, World War III takes place on June 13, 14, and 15. The comet
strikes the earth and cleanses the world on June 16, 17, and 18." (Messages of Bayside - 7/15/73)
Our Lady - "I, as your Mother, I am terribly depressed in knowing what is fast coming upon mankind. I see beyond me a ball, a large ball. Were it
placed next to the sun, this ball would be like two suns in the sky. But it is a ball of destruction, and I tell you, My children, we have been
attempting to hold this back with all manners of graces and fasting and suffering. But the Eternal Father says, ‘Look up, My child’; He said to
look far up into the sky. Your human eyes cannot perceive yet what is up there, but there is a ball to mankind known as ‘unknown origin.’ But it
is not unknown: it is the Ball of Redemption.” (Messages of Bayside - 6/18/88)
This final panel is my most exciting find. It is too specific, too obvious, too much to be wrong. I don't know if the power behind the picture are
good or evil, but the message is there, without a doubt.