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#StopWhitePeople2K16 ,,,,wow thats not racist

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posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: ofpeb777
White men are the biggest threat to the establishment that have a coup de ta in America as the white man led the rebellion that became America - the great rebel of the world. Thus, race politics, hence divide and conquer - the age old maxim.

The perpetrators are the usual freaks such as the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Morgans, Fords, Harrimans, Soros, etc. Notice, that they and those of their ilk are all WHITE MALES. It's very simple - destroy the white man, thus make him weak and fearful and you have a much better chance of controlling the world - NWO.

Ummm white people are the biggest threat to white establishment. Lets weaken ourselves to we can take over even though we already run the system anyway. That makes no sense at all. Well its safe to say white people will win this one. Yep you heard it here first!

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: corkUSMC

Well THAT'S rude,we won't allow them to do that.
If they think they can take major US cities with nothing but agents a few military turncoats and the UN ,Russia,China and ANYONE one else who bothers to show up they NIGHT be right.

MOST of the people with talent for war AVOID cities,they'll never take the country.
I 'm not worried about a handful of clowns obsessed with victimization and their skin ,pretty easy pickings for door kickers.

And the subtle racist comments persist.....if you cant see it you agree with it or just dont want to. Lets say how we feel. Who are these people obsessed with victimization and their skin? You shouldnt label white people that way.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: Jahari

Well I've been arguing against these idiots. Your statement is just as naive.

The people in power are psychotics, their skin color is simply circumstantial.

Unlike the idiots above who see themselves in terms of their skin color and see themselves as made special by it.

The psychotics in charge do not give to #s about their skin color as anything other than a tool to keep us all at each others throats. That these elites for the most part (not all by any stretch) happen to have white skin means nothing. They share no sense of brotherhood with anyone due to skin color. Only thing that matters to them is power and social status.

White or black, most of us aren't part of their grouping. They get a sick glee from stepping on people, they love watching us squabble over stupid things like race. Especially as it allows them to get us to fight each other and blame each other for # they've done. While we sit here bitching about black power, white power, white prestige and all that divisive crap, life becomes worse for all of us while they get fat on the toil of our labor and blood and laugh.

That you honestly think it's whites oppressing everyone is as ridiculous as these idiots thinking whites are super human and the only hope. It's none of that, it's an elite few psychotics that think we're all useless eaters no better than the maggots they crush beneath their boots. The poor white man doesn't have a great life because he's white, in fact he's got it much worse than a black man that's made it to middle class. But people will look at that white man and say "You have white privilege" which helps no one and creates unnecessary division. It's what our masters want.

In the end we'll all be slaves to subhuman monsters because we keep letting them divide us.

There is no white establishment. There's an establishment of psychotics, but you go ahead and believe there's a white establishment. It plays right into their divide and conquer strategy, because as long as they can convince everyone there's a white establishment, that means the innocent white skinned folk they've put into the gutter as well get to act as a barrier between them and any repercussions for any group rising up that believes that stupidity.

Then we kill each other and they laugh as our reduced numbers make us easier to control.

Don't let them divide us, let's band together against our oppressors. There's no white establishment, it's a class divide plain and simple.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Jahari

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: corkUSMC

Well THAT'S rude,we won't allow them to do that.
If they think they can take major US cities with nothing but agents a few military turncoats and the UN ,Russia,China and ANYONE one else who bothers to show up they NIGHT be right.

MOST of the people with talent for war AVOID cities,they'll never take the country.
I 'm not worried about a handful of clowns obsessed with victimization and their skin ,pretty easy pickings for door kickers.

And the subtle racist comments persist.....if you cant see it you agree with it or just dont want to. Lets say how we feel. Who are these people obsessed with victimization and their skin? You shouldnt label white people that way.

How was he being racist. he didnt mention Race at all. Also That description fits almost all ethnicities because there is always someone who is a victim no matter their skin tone. ALso There arent any real races but one biologically on this planet.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Jahari

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: corkUSMC

Well THAT'S rude,we won't allow them to do that.
If they think they can take major US cities with nothing but agents a few military turncoats and the UN ,Russia,China and ANYONE one else who bothers to show up they NIGHT be right.

MOST of the people with talent for war AVOID cities,they'll never take the country.
I 'm not worried about a handful of clowns obsessed with victimization and their skin ,pretty easy pickings for door kickers.

And the subtle racist comments persist.....if you cant see it you agree with it or just dont want to. Lets say how we feel. Who are these people obsessed with victimization and their skin? You shouldnt label white people that way.

How was he being racist. he didnt mention Race at all. Also That description fits almost all ethnicities because there is always someone who is a victim no matter their skin tone. ALso There arent any real races but one biologically on this planet.

We both know what he meant. "Their" skin color eliminated his own.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: Jahari

Well I've been arguing against these idiots. Your statement is just as naive.

The people in power are psychotics, their skin color is simply circumstantial.

Unlike the idiots above who see themselves in terms of their skin color and see themselves as made special by it.

The psychotics in charge do not give to #s about their skin color as anything other than a tool to keep us all at each others throats. That these elites for the most part (not all by any stretch) happen to have white skin means nothing. They share no sense of brotherhood with anyone due to skin color. Only thing that matters to them is power and social status.

White or black, most of us aren't part of their grouping. They get a sick glee from stepping on people, they love watching us squabble over stupid things like race. Especially as it allows them to get us to fight each other and blame each other for # they've done. While we sit here bitching about black power, white power, white prestige and all that divisive crap, life becomes worse for all of us while they get fat on the toil of our labor and blood and laugh.

That you honestly think it's whites oppressing everyone is as ridiculous as these idiots thinking whites are super human and the only hope. It's none of that, it's an elite few psychotics that think we're all useless eaters no better than the maggots they crush beneath their boots. The poor white man doesn't have a great life because he's white, in fact he's got it much worse than a black man that's made it to middle class. But people will look at that white man and say "You have white privilege" which helps no one and creates unnecessary division. It's what our masters want.

In the end we'll all be slaves to subhuman monsters because we keep letting them divide us.

There is no white establishment. There's an establishment of psychotics, but you go ahead and believe there's a white establishment. It plays right into their divide and conquer strategy, because as long as they can convince everyone there's a white establishment, that means the innocent white skinned folk they've put into the gutter as well get to act as a barrier between them and any repercussions for any group rising up that believes that stupidity.

Then we kill each other and they laugh as our reduced numbers make us easier to control.

Don't let them divide us, let's band together against our oppressors. There's no white establishment, it's a class divide plain and simple.

Am i the one being naive here? No white establishment? Just crazy people huh?

But i do agree with most of what you said.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Jahari

Clowns who think they need to rise up in violence ,only to be educated it its SKILLED use?
WHO cares what color they are covered with?( YOU might)
F##K 'em all.
If YOU are seeking ,speaking or any OTHER way ,tying to pursue an idea in the name of racial segregation enjoy your holiday.
THE Traitor will be booted soon.
GUESS what , HILLARY is now with "THE MAN".
GOP sh##theels went with her...
edit on 26-8-2016 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-8-2016 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Jahari

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Jahari

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: corkUSMC

Well THAT'S rude,we won't allow them to do that.
If they think they can take major US cities with nothing but agents a few military turncoats and the UN ,Russia,China and ANYONE one else who bothers to show up they NIGHT be right.

MOST of the people with talent for war AVOID cities,they'll never take the country.
I 'm not worried about a handful of clowns obsessed with victimization and their skin ,pretty easy pickings for door kickers.

And the subtle racist comments persist.....if you cant see it you agree with it or just dont want to. Lets say how we feel. Who are these people obsessed with victimization and their skin? You shouldnt label white people that way.

How was he being racist. he didnt mention Race at all. Also That description fits almost all ethnicities because there is always someone who is a victim no matter their skin tone. ALso There arent any real races but one biologically on this planet.

We both know what he meant. "Their" skin color eliminated his own.

What he SAID is what I go by not what he "meant" This is TEXT so trying to assign a meaning to something THAT WAS NOT SPECIFICALLY TYPED is WRONG.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 04:55 PM
I had a white female co-worker tell me that you can't be racist to white people, just like you can't be sexist to a male.

Really? Does that make any sense what so ever?

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Jahari

Yes no white establishment. Nothing naive about that. If you look at the economy you will find that only a few people have real wealth, most of us are living at poverty wages of every color. In fact by pure population alone there's more whites in poverty than any other color simply because there's so many more whites. How are all these white skinned people in poverty struggling gaining anything special because of some elites in power have all the wealth? Have you looked at the charts of how wealth is distributed in this country?

There's definitely privilege in this country, but it's for a select few. A select few need I remind you that want to keep the power they have. They gain nothing by having us get a long. If the people in power target some races more than others, it's because that division helps them. It's not because they just love the common white man. It's cause it makes a better divisive story.

The "white" man living in poverty is not magically less so simply because he's white.

Being born white or being born black are both things you cannot control. Keep that in mind when you decide to bitch at some white person for white privilege. They are in no more power as an individual to change what the people in power do than you are. They don't control some racist cop. They aren't racist just because they were born white. Chances are they're struggling with poverty wages too, most of us are.

The only power we have to defeat those in charge is unity. Is why we need to drop the white privilege and white establishment crap. It creates division where there shouldn't be any. That struggling white skinned fella is having the toils of his labor raped from him same as a black man in the same position.

Obama is one of the establishment, do you think he's suffering for the color of his skin, is he not establishment because of his skin color? We're all in this together, white privilege and the myth of the white establishment exists to keep us blaming each other. And boy does it work.

Tell me how does believing in the white establishment and white privilege help us unite to defeat the people stepping on us all? How does holding some white people responsible for things they do not control help in fixing things they didn't do? What benefit is there in this line of thinking other than to turn other struggling people into an enemy unwarranted? Creating an us vs. them mentality when the truth is people of all skin colors in poverty have the exact same enemy.

Please tell me how it helps in any way to hold onto these beliefs? I don't get the benefit. It seems to me to be crystal clear who's really responsible for all of us suffering, and what gives them that power over us all is not the color of their skin.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Seiko

Subconscious racism being redirected and projected on the outside world.

People are barely even aware of their own real motivations, metacognition seems to be a rare thing. Have people always been this unresponsive and unreflective?

Or are they doing that thing that Brzezinski described in his book? Seriously impairing the brain performance of very large populations?

"Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J. F. MacDonald specialist in problems of warfare says accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes 'could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth. . . . In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period. . . .' No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages, to some the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades."

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

Black culture and Hispanic culture don't exist I already said such was idiotic.

Find a better descriptive term. If you really cared about and respected your culture you could think of many aspects to describe it better than a skin color.

Wow! I did not know that "Hispanic" was a skin color. Thank you for enlightening me. I now realize that neither African Americans nor Latino Americans have a culture. All they have is a skin color.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 07:12 PM
Well you gotta understand that black people have traumatized embedded memories of their ancestors getting raped or killed. The 50s was not too long ago and there are hate crimes still happening, only it's undercover. It's in the police force. (Bad) white people just went under the radar with killings. Its like having Lynch mobs but without the public knowing.

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

na, I dont think so. No one is getting lynched, and any residual racism that was not ended long ago was kept alive by people identifying with it via a victim mentality.

If people stop assuming others are racist and acting out on that percieved racism, the whole actual racist culture in the US would lose steam and die.

I have met actual hardline racists. Even they didnt go out to "lynch" people. Maybe fight them and humiliate them, not murder. Thats not a representative reality.

BTW, I am talking about neo nazi skin heads, I know them very well. They mostly get their asses kicked when not roaming around in large numbers picking fights.

They also cant get very large numbers since they have no true brotherhood or loyalty. Bone heads just kind of live a sad and pathetic, destructive life as loners until they die young or go to prison where its safer for them.

That sort of real racism is a prison thing, and on the outside, they die early on.

The KKK wants to go back to being a formal organization and so they really stay clear of violence. Hell they would rather get elected to government and pass legislation to undermine minorities.

Everything else is just people not being ultra nice and lovely to people they just dont like for many other reasons not limited to race. Those do exist...duh.

So who is really being racist? Cops? Well, I see plenty of white people getting shot lately. Autistic, nerdy, female of all walks, homeless, and so on.

Stop identifying as black or hispanic over AMERICAN AND FELLOW.

Celebrate your cultre, dont cheapen it by making it the entirety of who you are as a person.

We are all something. Big freaking deal.

edit on 8 26 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 08:35 PM
My ethnic people (Spaniards) lived under 800 years of black slavery, opression, rape, theft, murder and an extermination of our culture that still prevails today.

Black muslim moors did this. We still have some of their imposed language in ours, their culture forced into ours, and their opression left in our history.

Literally twice the amount of time that American blacks claim left scars on their psyche. We are fine. I like that when I say hopefully in spanish that I say "to Allahs eye", and when I say that I want to buy pants that an arabic man would understand what I am talking about.

I dont like that countless native cultures of the Iberian peninsula, some of the oldest in human history, have been wiped out. That our customs and history are lessened and missing huge swaths of rich and plentiful legacy... now gone forever.

I dont like that some of the peoples they wiped out are gone for ever and we will never see their faces in our future generations ever again.

But you know what? I am a modern man that didnt live that, and I wont hate every black muslim even though technically they owe ME 800 YEARS worth of payback acording to American liberals....if we really are going to make everyones descendants pay up for everything out of a history book.

So lets not make a tally shall we?

If not, I want 800 years worth...

Black Muslim

edit on 8 26 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: DJW001

It was an accidental slip due to responding to someone including it with black and white was it you, don't remember. Yes Hispanic isn't a skin color, oops my bad.

I'm pretty damn sure you knew what I meant, but thanks for picking out one thing and discounting the rest, egg on my face. Good on you.
edit on 8/26/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

Here's my problem with that, white skinned people throughout all of the bad things in the US fought and died defending black skinned people.

Civil rights movement, white skinned people marched with black skinned folk, rights gained by large numbers of white skinned voting to give them (meaning enough whites were swayed or believed that they agreed), KKK killed whites for being 'n-word' lovers. There was not a single point in our history where it was honestly all black skinned folk being held down by all white skinned folk. Civil war whites fought and died.

The black vs. white things is nonsense. To hear you all talk about it, all whites owned slaves and the black man all by his lonesome with no help from white sympathizers threw off the shackles of slavery and in time wrestled all the civil rights he has today from the reluctant white man by his pure force of will and grit with all the white men fighting it kicking and screaming.

Now I'm not defending that most white skinned folk were comfortable and reluctantly to fight to change the status quo. Nor am I discounting that black skinned folk had an upward battle as social change happens slowly.

But to pretend it was the black men surrounded by nothing but predatory white men ready to strike at a moments notice is absurd. Black skinned and white skinned folk have been allied with each since the very beginning. Many white skin folks fought, died and sacrificed for their black skinned brethren.

It's not only dishonest to make it about black vs. white, it's a spit in the face of every single white skinned person who was there from the very beginning fighting and dying for their black skinned brothers and sisters.

So seriously people drop the white oppression crap and see things like they are, power hungry people trying to gain and keep power through any means, and stop ignoring the very fact that there've been people on both sides of this fight of both colors from the very beginning.
edit on 8/26/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/26/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: DJW001

It was an accidental slip due to responding to someone including it with black and white was it you, don't remember. Yes Hispanic isn't a skin color, oops my bad.

I'm pretty damn sure you knew what I meant, but thanks for picking out one thing and discounting the rest, egg on my face. Good on you.

It is clear what you meant. You do not believe that minorities have unique cultures, or that it is legitimate to celebrate them if they do.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Wrong, I do not believe a skin color can define a culture.

If an African American family adopts a white child and they grow up in their community they are as much a part of that culture as any black child. They don't suddenly stop being because they are white. The child grew up with and lives the same culture as his peers and family.

What I disagree with is dividing culture by skin color. That someone would tell this child he's not the same culture as the only one he really knows, same as his family because of the color of his skin.

Culture is more than skin color, if it's not, it's a racist culture, plain and simple.

Addendum: Actually the accidentally typed Hispanic culture mentioned earlier is a perfect example. Hispanic culture has people within it that range from light to darker skin. It's not a matter of color so much growing up in it because they are not restricted that way. My friend is ethnically a Gypsy but was adopted by Jewish parents. He grew up in and is considered a Jew because he's a member of the Jewish culture even though he hasn't adopted the religion. Yes Jew the odd one that's both a religion and a culture of which you can be either separately or together. Just as another example of culture being who you grow up with and the people you call family.
edit on 8/27/2016 by Puppylove because: Addendums are fun! So is more correct spelling and grammar!

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Urantia1111

Heck, I'm glad to be white. Just as others are glad of what they are. They won't stop this white boy. You can lay money on that.

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