a reply to:
Have you tried to drag that little virtual man into that virtual intersection to take a look around?
You made a huge effort to relate that dream. I appreciate that effort. I had a similar one just over a week ago.
My "opinion" is important only to me, and changes with the tides, but the after impression I had of mine was that it was a UFO type of dream and I was
being observed as to how I would respond to a "test" world (a prop) where the crowd was composed of human-ish people that were so close it was hard to
discern. And please, lest you have a knee jerk reaction to this, please know up front that I am not trying to superimpose a personal agenda here. I am
only fascinated with the similarities and I am sharing my take on it, considering how similar they were. Also, I had a msyterious person at my side,
who seemed to be sort of a silent go between myself and the crowd.
They were trying to evolve to where they were able to mimic being human "close enough" that they could integrate without being noticed. They were
basing everything on past observation and imitation but this is not enough. So, they are fine tuning their efforts with test cases, such as yourself.
The feeling I had in mine was that they were looking for the little nuances that gave them away in their seemingly perfectly imitated environment
while also fascinated with how human's think and especially
how and what motivates us.
In mine, the reason that their test world wasn't working, and won't, was because they don't fully understand the idea of independent thought. They do
and they don't. There is a hierarchy -- a rank -- and independence is allowed within your rank but that's as far as it goes.
Your dream would have fit in perfectly with my own on these common points, which you may or may not agree with, or which could just be some
coincidence or archetypical type of dream variation, but:
1. Because they have some sort of hierarchical inner order, which everyone naturally and instinctively obeys without question, they expect everything
to unfold according to a pre-determined plan. You were invited to a prominent place and asked your opinion,
but you declined. Only you were
"subtle" about it -- you shrugged it off. They don't understand such subtleties. They continued with their script by bringing you the paper to vote on
and that is when you
verbally declined. That was not expected, as it wouldn't happen in their world. Thus, the person looked at you with
2. And that's the interesting part...the astonishment. Think about it. They weren't astonished because you declined,
they were astonished because
you did so with such conviction. This is part of the nuances of being human that they don't yet understand and they are "astonished" every time
they are confronted with it.
3. In my dream the book was a song book rather than a Bible. It was a mock church setting. I am beginning to suspect that they use that setting to set
the person at ease in an environment that they believe will best do this. In yours it begins with everyone talking about terrorism, which to me is a
good give away that the intent is a good one and not some evil take over of the world, but that's a deflection of this thought. In yours, the back
ground prop of the discussion of terrorism never changes, from start to finish. In mine, something went wrong and this was the give away that this
wasn't an ordinary church. In mine, every one stood up as people do in most services, but no one was coming to the front, so I looked around, but
everyone looked at me a bit surprised. They didn't seem to understand that in a church service, there is someone up front and either leading the
service or coming down the aisle or otherwise facilitating it. Feeling uncomfortable with the way they were unexpectedly studying me, I tried to blend
in by pretending to look about for a song book. I bent down to see if there was one in front of me, on the back of the other pew, and there wasn't. So
I looked left and right and peaked over the back of the pew behind me to see if I could spot a book. But then the people in the crowd began to imitate
me! They all began to look left and right and bend down towards the back of the pew in front of them and also turn -- but it was obvious that they
didn't know what I was doing or why, so they "missed their cue" to peek over the pew behind them and instead they just sort of turned on the spot and
then began to repeat the process of looking left and right and bending down as if to look for something, and soon they were all off of their group
rhythm, and they began to exaggerate the motions and were looking and turning in different directions, looking like some sort of wind up mannequins,
with a short in their circuits. At one point it all stopped when someone somehow "knew" that I was looking for a hymnal, so they handed me a book, but
when I opened it, it wasn't a hymnal, but a book that was laid out in landscape direction, with a fold out in the left front cover, that seemed like
it was full of some sort of specs. I had the impression that they could read my mind enough to know that I was looking for a book but not enough to
know that I was looking for a
specific book. But I instantly understood that they did not understand and I "pretended" that this book would do
and I pretended to read it, while the person looked somewhat relieved and everyone else filed out of the room.
In your case, this didn't happen, but what I see that is similar is that where things went wrong for them was when you decided to raise your hand and
speak. Think about it. You were invited to speak at first but you didn't. That part was according to plan (except for your refusal) so later, when you
were willing to speak, this was out of order with their script and they didn't know how to respond. Listen to your words: "And then it comes to mind
to me what is happening and then I raise my hand to speak. And the moderator sees me and ignores me for several minutes until finally he acknowledges
me. All the while everyone is giving their opinion on how to get rid of terrorism." In mine, the "delay" was because someone higher up had to give the
go ahead to allow the script to be changed. I think your so called "moderator" was also a prop. Some unseen observer was calling the shots and still
wanted to hear what you had to say. The "crowd" however, was not prepared for your thought line. They expected you to speak about the question of
terrorism. They didn't expect you to speak about various religions, mass destructions and the will of God. You pushed everyone's buttons with that one
and they didn't know how to react so you got a variation of human type reactions including laughter and attack.
And look how it ended. You ran into a glass window and fell through it. That has UFO written all over it.
The next part about suddenly being lifted up, has something mysterious written all over it, and quite profound. I've had those religious dreams
And often the two seem to be somehow tied together. I say that while ducking, but in my world, there is a connection that I am still drawn to but find
no answers to...only hints.
That last bit about the tree and the children and the foreign languages sounds rather prophetic, but I could never do it justice.
Anyway, that's my unsolicited two cents worth...