posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 10:48 AM
The definition of anarchy is 'no leaders' not chaos.
Yeah, some people will choose to shoot up heroin and sleep on the street. Darwin will take care of them.
Others will use their ingenuity to answer a need and get fiat currency or barter in return for it, thus keeping some semblance of an economy going.
The problem with capitalism is everything takes second seat to the profit motive. And we end up with 20 minutes of commercials for ED medications and
laxatives interspersed with shows about how you need a new kitchen to show off to your friends and neighbors, and if you're not in debt up to your
eyeballs, you're not being a good citizen and reaching for the American Dream, etc. Either that, or teevee shows portraying all manner of violence
and flash bang stuff, because a certain segment of the society really likes violence, especially if they can partake of it from their crumb-infested
Meanwhile, the planet is gasping for air to breathe and clean water to drink because Consumerism is God.