posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 12:53 AM
The one compelling story that comes out of any discussion involving "Titor", concerns the mention of the IBM-5100, and why "Titor" had to appropriate
one. It is mentioned earlier in this thread as well, but if you go into the suspected detail as to why the IBM 5100 may be so important, it is all
about time itself.
The chatter about the IBM 5100 having a "reversible binary" engine is utter nonsense.
What it did have, however, was optimizing compilers that looked ahead to see if an iterative loop would always produce the same result, and it would
just generate one line of code that passed that value to whatever variable that was to be assigned to it.
This kind of optimization, common and much more advanced today, would have been crucial in boosting the speed of what we would consider an ancient
system, but back then, it gave it the speed that scientists and mathematicians required in so many of the revelations that were to come after.
So, the suspected "reason" that "Titor" needed a 5100 was suposedly because of an anomaly with the UNIX date/time function (based upon the number of
seconds since "UNIX epoch") in software that was implemented using the 5100's machine language. The Unix epoch is the time 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
1970 and has a range of 136 years, however due to it's complexity of using signed numbers and also that it computed "leap seconds", more than half of
that range is in the past. This leaves the highest date that it can compute to be in 2038.
The date/time function was written in assembly language and the algorithm interfaced with the 5100's real time clock, a motherboard chip. The RTC
further breaks down time to milliseconds (Today, it is Microseconds), but requires the 1 second running count to do so. Thus they needed a working
model to fix what ever that anomaly was.
It is suspect that the anomaly occurred because the "UNIX Epoch" runs out in 2038, and they did not have access to the original assembly code so it
could be modified, nor did they have the assembler and linker required to re-compile it.
It is suggested that without this fix, specific development in further refining time travel would not have been possible, and perhaps some people were
being "lost in time", for lack of a more accurate reason.
I find the Titor story remarkable in the implication of this machine, both in it's past importance, but how it may have been required in the
The speculation of links to Tesla, Titor, J.Trump, D.Trump, Pence and Valient Thor are fantastically amusing, super Speculative at best, and really
makes ATS fun again.
One thing emerges though; In all of this, there are these bits of technical minutia that are remarkable in the way they can be fit together.
Fascinating, very scary... but entertaining for sure. Go ATS!