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TV show looking for UFO "evidence"

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posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 01:55 PM
Dear abovetopsecret users,

I am doing a TV show about UFO's and i was wondering the following: if you had to present "evidence" to a jury in support of the existence of UFO's, what is some of the evidence that would you present? It could be a photograph, a document, a series of events that were reported by the media but never explained, the "testimony" of someone who has had a famous sighting or UFO. Would you want to take the TV crew somewhere to show them some kind of "evidence"? Anything that you think would help convince a skeptic of the actual existence of UFO's, anything that we could film to use as "evidence." You can post your replies or send any thoughts to [email protected] -- and please feel free to forward this to anyone you know who may be able to help think of some good "evidence."
Thanks a lot!

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:03 PM
Do you really think, that those having genuine experiences with friendly aliens, will ever lead you to any evidence?

You'll either find the fairytales of hoaxers, people fooled by aliens, or mutiliated bodies on fields.

Do not expect genuine contactees talk, because they are not only protected by aliens, but are faithful to them, and to their own self. It is a fact, that telepathic information flow is a great fun, but any raw evidence is restricted to change hands.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:04 PM
Go to this website:

Get a hold of Dr. Steven Greer. They have put together everything needed to convince a jury about the reality of UFO's.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:06 PM
No offense but if you're producing a UFO show shouldn't you actually have a pretty good knowledge about this stuff?

Don't get me wrong, I understand that job is job, but the main reason most UFO shows suck is because the people producing them be it Bob Kiviat, First TV or whoever either don't know that much about this subject, don't believe or worse simply don't care about the truth but ratings.

Most ufo shows ask the ufo community for information like this and then heaven forbid someone on here actually has compelling photos or footage the offers tend to be far less than what they could actually be worth.

Bad license fees a lack of knowledge and of course not really giving a crap about the people or phenomena in general is what makes the whole area of paranormal tv a mighty crap fest.

IMO of course and again, I don't know you I'm sure you're a very nice and sincere person but I've certainly seen the darkside of UFO tv and felt I should voice my concern at this request.

Yes I know I'm a tool please no flaming.


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:12 PM
You should go take video in india in the mountain. Isn't at that place that people see UFO each days?

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:15 PM

and the FOIA electronic reading room, unusual phenomenon, UFOs

are great places to look.

In the FOIA documents, you can find plenty to support alien visitation.

I'd also be sure and bring up the law (a few threads down) forbidding alien contact.

Also, some UN speeches made by Reagan would be a nice touch, musing about an ET threat....

The Roswell case of course, including a shot of the July 7, 1947 Roswell Record newspaper front page. Point out how the dummies the USAF claims were seen weren't used until about 5 years after the incident, and in something completely unrelated to Mogul. The Ramey memo (do a search) is another excellent thing to blow holes in the Air Force's case.

Try and talk to Stanton Friedman for one thing....

Kevin Randle would be another good one to get....

Linda Howe perhaps...

I'd also get the recent Mexican UFO gun camera footage.

Point out that many nations have officially acknowledged the reality of alien visitation, Brazil and Mexico come to mind.

The Rendlesham case is another excellent example.

Might want to point out that Edward Ruppelt, former head of Project Blue Book, has written numerous books about Blue Book being a farce, and all the good cases going elsewhere.

That's just off the top of my head, hehe....

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:22 PM
I recognize that some TV shows do not present the facts the way that you would like to see them presented. This show is different, we are going to allow "regular" people to present their own evidence and let the viewers decide for themselves. I'm just doing very preliminary research so, no, i don't know a lot about UFO's yet, but i would like to find out more, especially from the perspective of "how to convince people who are skeptical that they exist" -- or, at least, how to make these people think twice about their disbelief, maybe open their minds a bit. I feel like "real" people can be more credible than so-called "experts." Anyhow, given that people in the UFO community are skeptical of the usual kinds of TV shows about UFO's, i can tell you that the show is that it is not going to be done like a history channel or discovery channel documentary, with a narrator and a story that is "written" by the producers -- we are going to allow people to present their own evidence and let the viewers decide for themselves.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:22 PM
Addition: Add the Battle of LA story too....blackout and air raid in the 40's over Los Angeles....check out old microfiche of the LA Times....

[edit on 20-1-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:31 PM

can tell you that the show is that it is not going to be done like a history channel or discovery channel documentary, with a narrator and a story that is "written" by the producers -- we are going to allow people to present their own evidence and let the viewers decide for themselves.

Can you tell us if this is for a network or syndication, if network which one and can you tell us who the ep or production company is? I understand if you can't.

Also how would people on you show be compensated? WOuld they be given the privledge of "final cut" on their segment to assure they're portrayed the way they want to be or will that be left up to the producers?

Also is this more documentary style or say a john edwards type thing where people are telling their story to a live audience?

Just curious,


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by uforesearch
"how to convince people who are skeptical that they exist" -- or, at least, how to make these people think twice about their disbelief, maybe open their minds a bit.

Do you want to be well paid by the Government, or do you want to end your life in jail?

I guess, there is no other option. You know: those who dare to make any show of this, must select from the above options, depending on which country they are located in. If you are any member of the media, you probably know this already. It is not a game.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:34 PM
Gazrok has got you covered.

Look up and research everything he has mentioned and you'll have a nice compilation of the cream of the crop UFO evidence available.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:36 PM
I can't talk about the production at all at this point -- confidentiality terms of the contract, unfortunately (sorry to be non-responsive about this, but those are the terms to which we have agreed during this development, that's how the network protects itself)
it's definitely documentary-style, not talk show/studio style

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:38 PM
thanks a lot to all of the respondents so far, some of those links and ideas are really useful, i've started to look into them already, keep 'em coming if you have any more
when we're ready to go into production i'll post more info about the show and a request for people to apply to participate

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:48 PM

I can't talk about the production at all at this point -- confidentiality terms of the contract,

I Completely understand where you're coming from. Well happy hunting and I look forward to your updates.


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by uforesearch
I can't talk about the production at all at this point

Is it possible, that you had a shocking experience with the production of that shadowperson near your fireplace, and now you want to go for sure?

That shadowperson was too close to your camera, and was way too small. But its presence wasn't a coincidence, as you may assume. But that's another story.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:50 PM
Here is the evidence you requested. It is the best evidence you will find, I assure you. I am not going to go into in depth details, as I've already written about these cases before.

1. Roswell 1947 and Philip J corso
2. 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid
3. Iran UFO case
4. UK MoD files on Rendelsham
5. Phenoix lights
5. FEMA UFO preparation
6. The Disclosure project
7. Phill Schneider
8. Mexian government reports
9. UFO testimony and depictions from the past
10. UFO's in religion, particularly Hindu and Egyptian
11. 1939 Cordell Hull's testimony
12. Linda's(?) Abduction case

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:52 PM
Another bit of very good evidence you'll want to include that people are always stunned when they see it on TV are the UFO's caught on video by the Space Shuttle missions, most notably the STS-48 and STS-80 missions. Some of the best UFO footage out there and hard to debunk since it came straight from live feed broadcasts on TV from NASA.

Should be easy enough to find, just use Google.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 03:00 PM
Just wanted to point out that a man by the name of Mark Evans is inviting anyone that wants to see UFO's and Greys first hand to contact him, fly out to Indiana and he will take you to an area that's been having constant UFO activity which was first reported by John Tosti.

Check out this thread to learn more. Mark Evans contact information is on the last couple of pages of the thread.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 03:13 PM

1. Roswell 1947 and Philip J corso
2. 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid
3. Iran UFO case
4. UK MoD files on Rendelsham
5. Phenoix lights
5. FEMA UFO preparation
6. The Disclosure project
7. Phill Schneider
8. Mexian government reports
9. UFO testimony and depictions from the past
10. UFO's in religion, particularly Hindu and Egyptian
11. 1939 Cordell Hull's testimony
12. Linda's(?) Abduction case

I'd echo those above, but exclude Schneider and the Phoenix Lights as they can be convincingly debunked...(doesn't mean they are, just that they are easy for skeptics to do so). imho only of course....

#10 reminds me, check out UFOs in old art (just google on UFO artwork) as there are numerous Renaissance paintings with bona-fide UFOs depicted. The average viewer is likely unaware of this, and it would be an excellent tidbit to set you apart from the flock of UFO documenaries....

Another hint, avoid the names "Adamski" and "Meier" like the plague....

[edit on 20-1-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 03:23 PM
I don't think you should take the UFOs in Ancient Egypt (that's been constantly debunked.)

Nor are the Vedic UFOs terribly convincing to the skeptic. In fact, if you're looking for things that might be convincing to the SKEPTIC, I wouldn't use very many of those. They would convince those inclined to believe, but they won't convince the skeptical.

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