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Mankind's Duty as Shepherds of the Collective Intelligence; EgoWorship and Liberation of Spirit

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posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 01:02 PM
Humans are primarily metaphysical creatures, and this is what separates mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom, our ability to think and abstract and use logic. We have access to the realm of ideas, and we can consciously manifest these ideas. Mankind is the strongest animal on the planet, but only when viewed collectively. So how is it, that we don't live collectively? We have been convinced to be ignorant of the realm of ideas that is integral to the human experience. First, I feel I must explain this realm of ideas, this metaphysical aspect of reality, what some refer to as the 'spirit realm', where heaven and hell are manifested from. So, caveman gained the ability to abstract, to think the box about his surroundings, which allowed him to process ingenuity and begin the process of experimentation and invention... Mankind is not alone in this aspect, but he is unique in how far in this aspect he has been entrenched in this aspect of (non)reality... See, this newfound ability to Imagine is what gives us the ability to manifest heaven or hell... This ability to imagine does not come without consequence... The bible and other sources like norse greek Sumerian mythology all have similar tales of the destructiveness of knowledge and creativity... Odin gave his eye, loki brings about the destruction of everything, adam and eve eat the apple/shroom...

My point is, that Somehow only tangentially important, we humans gained the ability to think outside the bounds of known reality, and this is called insanity and intelligence. Now, when this happened, a knowledge center in the brain was activated. This knowledge center now has the ability to arbitrarily manifest thoughts and feelings and perceptions and ideas that do not have to match reality... This leads to daydreams, intuition, invention and also evil... This is because this knowledge center, called Ego, is actually the human link to the collective intelligence, where all truth, good sense and harmony come from, and this is spirit, which is mathematically represented as zero, or mindful awareness... Well, ego is literally the Spirit only twisted by pride and power into infinity... The Ego is tainted by human imperfection because we are still living in the metaphysical realm of animals... Ego remembers being perfect and being tainted by pride and power thinks it has the perfect solution and perfect knowledge of everything...

So it not only has the ability to arbitrarily manifest hallucinations of nonreality, it does so every chance it can get, constanly bombarding us with thoughts and ideas that are the result of junked up mind... If you never clear away your mind of all the nasty habits and useless clutter of ideas and feelings, how will you be able to process clearly? You cannot, and this is the fallacy of ego. t tries to protect us, tries to do the perfect job but in reality hes trying way too hard and actually needs to slow the f* down, stop doing what it wants when it wants and instead be subservient to the awareness, and both these to the Event...This is the individual ego, and the worst news I have is that there is a collective ego for each level of community on the planet, from familial to human society at large... In this day and age not many people care to try and escape the tyrannical rule of Ego and its flesh servants the 'elite' Powers That Be... I mean, the only way we can make the collective intelligence of humanity whole and healed is if we first work on taming our own egos in an atmosphere of cooperative understanding, and then from there turn our eyes to shepherding the collective psyche of mankind...

I mean, we've all heard of mob mentality, but have you ever really stopped to think about what makes it happen? The answer is thusly. Humans as a whole do not even take the self responsibility of living up to nes own standards, of keeping a healthy mind... Most people are metaphysically unstable. When people come together in a group, and still focus on their own individual ego selves, they are neglecting the collective mind that their group is manifesting, even as by dwelling in ego they are neglecting their own mind... Well, for somebody who knows how to Influence the metaphysical nature of our nonreality we call human society, A mob of people can become a ruthless blunt instrument that exhibits the worst depths of depravity, capable of running counter to the will and health of almost all the individuals in said group... Think on the human scale and this is what TPTB have done to our human race...However when individuals who live mindfully of their own ego come together and are aware of the collective mind, they are still able to exert their individual will in a concerted and united manner with the other individuals in the group... And united, their power only increases... Truth be told, this is what our 'elite' truly fear... The Human Race, standing in unity, Shepherding their own mind and standing in arms to Shepherd the collective intelligence of mankind... Voices raised in Love and Joy...They do everything in their power to prevent this and keep us in ego, keep us asleep, keep us separated. They keep us ignorant and feed our appetite for truth with half lies and twisted truths woven in a tale of deception...

I am doing everything in my power to dispel the illusions of our world today, to peel back the lies and reveal the truth awaiting all... Ego is fear, worry, hatred, violence, greedy, and ignorant... While Spirit is Love, peace, unity, and wisdom...There is a collective universal intelligence as well, and if anything exists beyond the universe there is a collective intelligence there as well... The highest and lowest orders are the exact same thing. and this is pure spirit, this is awareness of awareness and perfect knowledge of experience... What I call, Nothingness and the bible calls The Father... This is recognized as Plus and Minus, positive and negative and this is why these are but illusions. However, I ask again, as illusions ourselves, whilst we live as illusions should we not choose that illusion that is, by definition, beneficial to all things involved? It's plain stupidity to live in negativity.We as humans collectively under ego are subservient to and controlled by our minds, which are tainted by ideas cancer which churns out constant negativity which is forcefed to us and sold as reality... Whereas Under spirit the ideas that come to us are pure and true and whole... And the people that channel them are kind and loving... these are the goats and sheep of the bible.

The bible got one big thing wrong. Those who are trapped by ego, will not burn in hell for all eternity but will be liberated from their ego and purified in spirit. The only ones who won't go to heaven are people like TPTB unless they repent, because as it stands they know exactly what the ego is and does and they stand united with it the human manifestation of entropy and they do the work of the devil with joy...However even the literal manifestation of ego will be liberated... it just takes him all of infinity to repent... hence, the universe of our reality. We must taste for ourselves... will you, yes, YOU, be satisfied with lies and violence and negativity and illusions that are fed to you by your mind and TPTB? Or will you delve into these, swim past them, and find the truth beyond? Its like, Animals think respond and live fully in their immediate environment.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: LucidWarrior

You are correct in your assesment. As for me, I have come to the conclusion that it`s best to go with the flow despite what`s being manifested by my mind or being done by TPTB to further enslave me. I`m here on a journey and will leave sooner or later and it seems that there is nothing I can do that will save mankind from the impending destruction of our species.

In the end even these people you talk about will realise what they have done when there is no one left but them and that will be their punishment.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: LucidWarrior

SnF, just the next time cut the rant off and deliver only the wisdom to the people. I see you have it, its just so unpolished that my head turns to Swiss cheese while reading. Do your friends deserve this?

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 02:53 PM
True self is not ego and ego is not Truth.

Ego is me myself and I. There is no I in Truth.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:22 PM
I just figured i wasnt gonna let tje impossible odds stop me from trying to get us united through love and peace
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:33 PM
You have touched upon a spot of ire for me. If i could deliver only wisdom, dont you think i would? This is my polishing. The ranting, it's how the wisdom comes out. Yes, I realize it is really rough, and I am doing my best to refine my understanding.

Its like, I have this gem. I can feel how big it is, how heavy but its like super condensed and each time I try to write a little more comes out, or I'll realize why I wrote a certain snippet, or I'll get a better overall understanding...

Really, I am writing for me right now so I can fully grasp and understand this gem and I am showing it so that others can be a part of the process... Hopefully bettering their understanding and then together we can drag even more understanding out...

I apologize for the grating experience... I am trying. They don't deserve it and neither do I! Then again I did ask for it LOL

a reply to: Lassiecat

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: LucidWarrior

Thing is that whatever you do you cannot spread peace and love across the world. It`s a double edged sword. If you resist what these powers that be are doing to us, you are giving in to negative emotions which alters your frequency of love. This way they win. If you don`t resist and just let go and spread love, someone else will and will blame, not them, but you for his problems. What do you think labels are for? So they win either way.

It seems they have perfected their grandmaster plan. Solution is quite simple though, just all of us, the people, need to stop playing their game unanimously but since generations have already been indoctrinated and cannot wake up and/or wake up their children, we are doomed. Not to mention those who do wake up and join them...#ing reptilians!!!

Even those who are awake, can`t help others in doing so. It is up to each individual to wake him/herself up. It should be natural and not hard to do so but tell that to a person that has a completely different mindset and functions just like programmed by these monsters. You know what the answer will be, right?

So, odds are indeed impossible...yet Hope never dies

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 12:59 PM
Love IS the resistance against these foes. They cannot harm me, i know better and ive already won by fighting against impossible odds with loving kindness...

I get that solution, why do you think i talk about it so much? Im futilely trying to raise awareness and unity with my words.

Even if just one person listens, that is enough. And guess what? Im listening. Literally, when i write i just listen and nove the pen/ press the keys

So i have and will continue to fight my fight, calling others to take up their spiritual arms of love and peace

a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: LucidWarrior

They may not be able to hurt you personally but they can hurt others and that hurts you as well because we are all connected. That`s why they are promoting individualism so that we may never discover how truly connected and powerful we actually are. But I think you already know this...

So all I can say is keep doing what you`re doing

It may never pay off but who knows.

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