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US conservative group attacks gay Spongebob Squarepants

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posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 11:54 AM
James Dobson, founder of right-wing Christian group named Focus on the Family is attacking SpongeBob Squarepants video for a cunning attempt to promote homosexuality.

Apparently SpongeBob, featured on the children's cable channel Nickelodeon, is supposedly seen as an icon for adult gay men in the US because he regularly holds hands with his sidekick Patrick.
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"We see the video as an insidious means by which the organisation is manipulating and potentially brainwashing kids,"

US right attacks SpongeBob video

Give me a break! Hey maybe these Christian conservative groups should focus their attention on other cartoons that promote something like, violence? GI Joe, Transformers, Power Rangers? I don't know, what's the latest cartoon hit that revolves around violence? Instead they're attacking a cartoon sponge character for holding hands with Patrick for promoting friendship.
x 3

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 12:30 PM

[edit on 20-1-2005 by Countermeasures]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 06:27 AM
I like SpongeBob. Until I see what other Christians are saying, I'm going to continue watching. The creator said he sees them as asexual. Biologically, he's right! Study sponges and starfish and *bam*, there's your answer. It's like saying Sandy is an ultra-feminist because she knows karate instead of cooking in a kitchen. I don't know what video people are talking about but total thumbs down for the whole situation
. Now where's the remote? Fairly Oddparents is coming on.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 06:39 AM
I watched "The Lion king 1/2" the other day with my kids... now there's your connotations. There is a trend lately, no doubt about it. As far as opposition to that trend, I guess it completely depends on your personal views on homosexuality. I personally don't approve of ANY sexual connotations of any kind in media marketed to children. What goes on in Sponge Bob's bedroom needs to stay in his bedroom off camera. But the problem here is way beyond just spongebob, like I said earlier, Lion king 1/2 was pretty blatantly homosexually oriented. Let's keep sex in the adult markets where it belongs, if I want my son or daughter' to know more about sex, straight or gay, I'll be the one to explain it to them. That's the way it should be.

Why in the hell are they showing Jerry Springer as soon as School lets out and my kids get home? I walked in the living room the other day to my kids watching Lesbian Strippers fighting topless and arguing about who could perform the best cunnilingus. Entertaining, maybe, appropriate for broadcast television airing when children walk in the door from school? HELL NO.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by twitchy.
Why in the hell are they showing Jerry Springer as soon as School lets out and my kids get home? I walked in the living room the other day to my kids watching Lesbian Strippers fighting topless and arguing about who could perform the best cunnilingus. Entertaining, maybe, appropriate for broadcast television airing when children walk in the door from school? HELL NO.

Maybe someone needs to learn about the v-chip and tv ratings. Maybe you have an old school tv, but the air times vary and channel access can be controlled. You should be more concerned about why you are lashing out at tv programming, and not yourself for taking advantage of the technology offered by parental controls. If you don't think you need the v-chip, then you had better talk to your kids about what they can and can't watch. Don't blame the Jerry Springer show for coming on when your kids get home from school because they should be doing something more productive anyhow. Read a book, walk the ficticious dog, just get outside for a change.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
I personally don't approve of ANY sexual connotations of any kind in media marketed to children.

Amen to that.

Originally posted by twitchy
What goes on in Sponge Bob's bedroom needs to stay in his bedroom off camera.

Especially mytotic cell division.

Originally posted by twitchy
But the problem here is way beyond just spongebob, like I said earlier, Lion king 1/2 was pretty blatantly homosexually oriented. Let's keep sex in the adult markets where it belongs, if I want my son or daughter' to know more about sex, straight or gay, I'll be the one to explain it to them. That's the way it should be.


Spoken with obvious understanding of family values. Nice
Why in the hell are they showing Jerry Springer as soon as School lets out and my kids get home? I walked in the living room the other day to my kids watching Lesbian Strippers fighting topless and arguing about who could perform the best cunnilingus. Entertaining, maybe, appropriate for broadcast television airing when children walk in the door from school? HELL NO.

Spoken with obvious understanding of family values. Nice

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:05 AM
I was waiting for someone to post this nonsense. It continues to amaze me that some individuals will feel threatened by anything no matter how imaginary. What is wrong with these people. So what if a cartoon is teaching tolerance? Isn't that a good thing?

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by lost1
Maybe someone needs to learn about the v-chip ... but the air times vary and channel access can be controlled.

How long do I have to spend programming this?

How much does a V-chip cost?

Can I install it myself?

What exactly does the V-chip filter?

How does the V-chip know to filter 'implied' sexuality and adult situations?

Does the V-chip prevent my kids from seeing adult content on my neighbors tv's? How about the tv's at school? Daycare?

Can you ensure my child will not find out at school how to 'route' the technology?

Does having a V-chip make a child MORE curious about what s/he cannot see?

What is the FCC's job anyway? Do I get to have a reduction on taxes since I'm filtering my own communcations?

Kind Regards,
Average Parent

[edit on 21-1-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
Can I install it myself?

I was under the assumption that most tvs these days already came with it. You may have it and not realize it. Check your manual that came with the tv.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Jonna
I was waiting for someone to post this nonsense. It continues to amaze me that some individuals will feel threatened by anything no matter how imaginary. What is wrong with these people. So what if a cartoon is teaching tolerance?

Tolerance of people yes, unless said people are trying to harm you. Endorsements of practices? That depends on what practices you're talking about. Violence? I'm sorry, I don't think the Playstation game Manhunt should be advertised on Rugrats. Sexuality? Trojan need not advertise during Teletubbies. Language? Please don't dub the soundtrack of Platoon over Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

Originally posted by Jonna
Isn't that a good thing?

Perhaps. I guess we'd all have to see the video to decide. That's the problem. There's no way of seeing these things before hitting the media so we have to 'take their word' for it one way or another

By the way, Farscape rules! Still have to see the other half of Peacekeeper Wars. So far it's very good (and no, my kid isn't watching while I do).

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Jonna
I was under the assumption that most tvs these days already came with it. You may have it and not realize it. Check your manual that came with the tv.

Interesting, thanks!

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
What exactly does the V-chip filter?

Originally posted by saint4God
Does the V-chip prevent my kids from seeing adult content on my neighbors tv's? How about the tv's at school? Daycare?

If they use the v-chip it does. Nothing is fail-safe. But these measures are in place, and if used, can help with parental control.

Originally posted by saint4God
What is the FCC's job anyway? Do I get to have a reduction on taxes since I'm filtering my own communcations?

Sorry. No reduction. The FCC does not filter ANYTHING. That would be a breach of our free speech. However, the FCC can only act AFTER something has been aired. Their jobs are based off of what people find objectionable. If you see something on tv that you didn't like, you have the right to report it to the FCC. If enough people complain, the FCC can fine the broadcasting company.

I was not trying to come off offensive. I was just stating that most people blame the tv before they blame themselves. Sure your kid might find ways around the parental controls, but then, whos fault is that? Sit down and talk to your children about why you don't want them to watch certain shows. Don't blame tv programming.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by lost1
However, the FCC can only act AFTER something has been aired.
Their jobs are based off of what people find objectionable. If you see something on tv that you didn't like, you have the right to report it to the FCC. If enough people complain, the FCC can fine the broadcasting company.

This is helpful to know, seriously. Consumer power! I'll have their number ready for the next Superbowl half-time show
. Oh man, that was to easy

Originally posted by lost1
I was not trying to come off offensive.

No worries, sorry if I sounded abrasive myself.

Originally posted by lost1
I was just stating that most people blame the tv before they blame themselves...Sit down and talk to your children about why you don't want them to watch certain shows.

I'm down wit it & practice at home. Good recommendation.

[edit on 21-1-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:15 PM
It's not about feeling threatened by television. I'm not naive enough to blame television, but I also understand that adult concepts have no place in programing which is specifically marketed to children. Save that for late night television. The V chip is a great piece of technology, but it's not going to filter out subtle inuendos in a 'G' rated show. Tolerance has nothing to do with it, I'm not teaching my children that homosexuality is some kind of evil plague upon the earth, but I don't like having homosexuality, or any sexuality alluded to and having to explain to my children why Sponge Bob is holding hands with Patrick. Especially in cartoons and other programming that is marketed to kids. Don't get me wrong, I love Sponge Bob, for that matter, I love topless lesbians, but I also understand something about marketing. They target audiences and broadcast content tailored to that audience at times that audience is most likely to be watching. I find it disturbing that they are apparently marketing Topless Lesbians fighting over who offers the best cunnilingus being broadcast on network television at 3:00 the moment my kids walk in the door. No I don't blame television for society's problems, I blame poor parenting skills, but you would be a fool to think that television doesn't have an impact. What are we teaching our kids, that being homosexual is not only ok, but is the cool thing to do? Do we really want our kids thinking that the way to deal with problems is to fist fight topless? They see this on television, and they think this is normal behavior. Admit it or not, marketing sexuality and violence to children is not acceptable, regardless of the medium. We let our kids watch this kind of television, and then we wonder why we have pregnant 12 year olds. They watch Bart Simpson telling Homer to suck an egg, then the next time you tell them to clean their room, they tell you to suck an egg. Do I keep them from watching television because of it, or do I go to the real source of the problem and raise enough hell to get them to pull this kind of programming off to another time slot. Either way, as a parent, I get demonized for doing my job, which is to protect my children from this garbage until they are old enough to understand the concepts being thrown at them. For instance, the show Cops has a disclaimer, it tells you that some material may not be appropriate, but cartoons alluding to sodomy and broadcast during peak kid viewing hours do not. Call me paranoid, but I think there is something more to this trend than meets the eye.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Weird! I didn't know that holding someones hand represented homosexuality! That would mean if I helped an old man across the street and held his hand, I would be displaying homosexuality. If I were to referee a boxing match and lift up the winners hand, I would be displaying homosexuallity. Perhaps, playing red-rover with my pals would be displaying homosexuality because we are holding hands. Show me something that states holding another mans hand is a sign of homosexuality!

Rainbows! The gay community adopted this to be their symbol to let others know that they are "on board". So now, Spongebob sprays a rainbow above his head and we accept the fact that it is a symbol of gay pride rather than what it really is? I hope that when you are on your death bed, your son is too afraid to hold your hand in comfort because he might be afraid you will think of him as homosexual.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 08:37 PM
I'm sure the post wasn't specifically for me, but like to answer them as if they are. It's a way of putting myself in another's shoes.

Originally posted by lost1
Weird! I didn't know that holding someones hand represented homosexuality!

Is that what happened in the video? Has anyone see it who can share facts?

Originally posted by lost1
That would mean if I helped an old man across the street and held his hand, I would be displaying homosexuality. If I were to referee a boxing match and lift up the winners hand, I would be displaying homosexuallity. Perhaps, playing red-rover with my pals would be displaying homosexuality because we are holding hands. Show me something that states holding another mans hand is a sign of homosexuality!

No, no, and no. I'm with you so far...

Originally posted by lost1
Rainbows! The gay community adopted this to be their symbol to let others know that they are "on board".

Couldn't they find something a little more original than God's promise not to flood the earth? I used to like rainbows, now I have to be all PC and whatnot and avoid them because people think I'm representing something I'm not. Please don't tell me they didn't know...

Originally posted by lost1
So now, Spongebob sprays a rainbow above his head and we accept the fact that it is a symbol of gay pride rather than what it really is?

I saw one episode where he did to demonstrate 'imagination', not sexuality. It was one of my favs. He makes all kinds of different things appear using his imagination.

Originally posted by lost1
I hope that when you are on your death bed, your son is too afraid to hold your hand in comfort because he might be afraid you will think of him as homosexual.

Um, I love all people. Why would anyone be afraid of me?

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 10:24 PM
I was perfectly normal, then I watched that darned Squarepants. Now I am gay! Its the sponge's fault!!!

I can tell you that I was a lesbian long before Spongebob hit the market. You are either gay or you are not. Watching a cartoon won't make you gay.
To all you straight folks - think about this: Even if I showed you some blatantly homosexual orgy video, it still wouldn't make you gay.
To think for a moment that a cartoon can actually promote homosexuality is to believe that sexual orientation is a choice. It is not a choice.
I can chose with whom I WILL have sex, but I cannot chose with whom I will WANT to have sex.
For those of you who still insist that it is a choice, you can at least rest easy that the gay and lesbian community will remain oppressed, second class citizens, unprotected by law, for as long as our current trend of conservatism lasts. Sponge or no Sponge.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 11:46 PM
This is so dumb. Its a childrens cartoon show. I mean come on Mr. Crabs' dauter is a whale for Gods sake. Does that make sence? Plus he cant evan be gay or straight. There have been plenty of episodes where he ran around naked and you can see that he doesnt have anything down there. I am a devote catholic and I dont know why these christian groups are saying such crap. If they really wanted to make a statement why dont they just say that Barney is a pedophile because he's always hugging kids.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:01 AM
Dr Dobson and others in the religious right are objecting to a tolerance pledge that is part of a video that Sponge Bob and over 100 other children's characters appear in. This is the pledge that they find so objectionable:

"Tolerance is a personal decision that comes from a belief that every person is a treasure. I believe that America's diversity is its strength. I also recognize that ignorance, insensitivity and bigotry can turn that diversity into a source of prejudice and discrimination.
To help keep diversity a wellspring of strength and make America a better place for all, I pledge to have respect for people whose abilities, beliefs, culture, race, sexual identity or other characteristics are different from my own."

These are the people that made the video:

I think Don Wildmon is the only guy saying that the Sponge Bob character is gay the others, like Dobson, object to other people's children pledging tolerance for yet other people's sexual identity.

Bob's pants are square!

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:10 AM
LOL the daughter of Mr. Crabbs is a whale, THERE you have it! The evil sponge promotes tolerance for interracial and interspecies breeding, doesn't the bible mention something about the Day of Judgement , when the dog will lay beside the cat. And that Sandy doesn't know here place, she should be behind some kitchensink, young girls might get the wrong ideas...

I think the biggest danger they see in cartoons such as Spongebob that its not supposedly gay specifically , but that it promotes tolerance for diversity in general.

Diversity implies that there are possible other ways of life than described by the Holy Scriptures.

Personally , I think Spongebob is really funny and allthough Spongebob flirts with odd (=queer?) behaviour I don't see much of sexual innuendo in the Spongebob cartoons, The moment spongebob and patrick would make out under that stone I simply would lose interest watching it, it would'nt be my thing (nor for children IMO) , but the current allergic reaction is really over the top, are this the same people that complain about Chinese censorship and bibleburnings in Saoudi Arabia ? Well, it works both ways,....

Can somebody mention a cartoon in full accordance with the more conservative christian or even amish lifestyle that is even remotely funny ?

[edit on 24-1-2005 by Countermeasures]

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