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The National Diversity in Libraries Conference Proposes Racial Segregation!

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posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:01 AM
So here is even more proof that the left is producing racism and racists like hot cakes! The NDLC is having their 2016 conference and on the agenda they unveiled their support for spaces where POCs (People of color), can get away from those icky white people. This is of course needed, because obviously people need spaces white people who we all hate so much.

Librarians from all over the country convened in Los Angeles over the weekend to recommit themselves to diversity and inclusion.

At this year’s National Diversity in Libraries Conference (NDLC), which has been held annually since 2002 save for a three-year sabbatical, many of the nation’s most inclusive librarians gathered to discuss how they can “contend with the oppressors within.”

“White privilege is being able to choose to avoid discomfort.”

“Each of us must develop the capacity to recognize and contend with the oppressors within, as well as to value and nurture the aspects of ourselves that yearn for liberation,” a handout for the conference suggests, later posted to the NDLC website.

“Our social world is blanketed with interlocking oppressions like sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, [and] classism, and individuals experience these oppressions in different ways depending on the context,” it continues. “Sometimes people experience multiple oppressions at one time, while in other instances they are both oppressed and have certain privileges.”

This year’s conference lasted four days and featured more than 50 different lectures on the relationship between libraries and diversity, including “Library Diversification and Transgender Bodies: A Metaspatial Approach” and “Macro Impact of Microaggression: Exploring Microaggressions in Librarianship.”

The theme for the conference was “Bridges to Inclusion,” which endeavored to “highlight issues related to diversity and inclusion that affect staff, users, and institutions in the library, archive, and museum (LAM) fields.”

Notably, the conference attendees were required to abide by a “Code of Conduct” that prohibited “verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.”

Violations of the code of conduct were documented in an online reporting system, and could result in sanctions or expulsion from the conference without a refund.

Many of the conference attendees were active on social media, where they tweeted about the various lectures and panels.

“I want 2 know why white people can’t deal w @AprilHathcock saying she’d like space 2 talk amongst other POC w/out white people,” one attendee tweeted, apparently discussing a speaker who suggested setting aside segregated spaces for black people only.

It's crazy to me how utterly racist these people are, but they are apparently unable to see it. Why would they? It's been fostered and promoted all around them since they were born. If you want more of this crap, keep supporting and electing Democrats/left wingers/progressives.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:06 AM
It's not racist if you are maligning or oppressing whites and/or Asians because of their race...

That's part of the ethos of the liberal, progressive left....


posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:10 AM
Segregation and racism because progress, right guys?

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:11 AM
A large proportion of white males who come to the library are of a disadvantaged group - homeless men, abandoned youth, men with substance abuse problems, elderly men who can't afford to air condition or heat their homes all day so they turn it off and spend the day at the library, impoverished men who can't afford internet at home so come to the library to use it, unemployed men looking for jobs, mentally ill men. You get the picture.


a reply to: TheBulk

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:22 AM
I am just shaking my head on this.... Librarians big concern is race issues? Not better education or lowering the dropout rate or thinking up ways to keep libraries relevant? I guess everyone got to get in on the race card....

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:26 AM

“Library Diversification and Transgender Bodies: A Metaspatial Approach” and “Macro Impact of Microaggression: Exploring Microaggressions in Librarianship.”

Could they have possibly gotten any more Politically Correct buzzwords in there? My God, the white guilt just gushes from that article.

I'm White. I'm Male. Get over it.
I haven't done anything to anyone and I'm damn well not going to feel guilty for it. The rest of these folks need to get over the faux outrage and these Oh So PC efforts to shame us.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: SallieSunshine
A large proportion of white males who come to the library are of a disadvantaged group - homeless men, abandoned youth, men with substance abuse problems, elderly men who can't afford to air condition or heat their homes all day so they turn it off and spend the day at the library, impoverished men who can't afford internet at home so come to the library to use it, unemployed men looking for jobs, mentally ill men. You get the picture.


a reply to: TheBulk

Yeah, and all those racist crackers are privileged privileged privileged!!!!!! If your white you are autmoatically Rich and privileged and you should go kill yourself because your evil. SARCASM. This story MAKES ME WANT TO PUUUUUUUKE!!!!

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:35 AM
I know this is a little off topic, but I the breakdown of my property tax came in the mail last week so it is on my mind.
I have no idea how influential the NDLC actually is but I don't want my tax money going to support institutional racism.
Property tax is relatively low in this part of the country and I will pay about ONE dollar for police and fire protection, twenty dollars for public schools,
and fifteen dollars for the public library. There're only two small libraries in this county and both are old and poorly equipped. So I wonder what they do with the money?

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:36 AM
Doesn't matter, they are white so therefore privileged.....

Can someone explain to me in minute detail a scenario where a black person experiences oppression in a library, or where a white person experiences privilege?

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:36 AM
Double post
edit on 8/16/2016 by Alien Abduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:39 AM
Librarians, as a whole, are hopeless libtards, immersed in it. I was there. In fact, I started my career as a white male in a Black library, which is where I learned a whole lot about race and attitudes, including overt racism directed at me, personally. I was pushed off the sidewalk, literally. People would tell their kids that I was the Devil. The hatred was palpable. On the other hand, I met a lot of very cool people "of color," like my boss, who hired a white boy because I was the best for the job and then helped me get into library school. We had a lot of Asians, too. When we would go out after work people would come to our table with wonderment at our "diversity" and say, "Where are you people from?" amazed that we could interact with each other.

My views on the liberal/conservative axis began to turn as I got older and I realized how completely liberal librarians are. I would go to conferences and be bombarded with the latest liberal/feminist nonsense, and I began to understand that the few conservatives in the field hid out in the corners to whisper. Librarians are really big on free speech as long as you believe like they do, but you don't dare speak up with a conservative point of view on anything, or you could lose your job. No, they wouldn't fire you for being conservative; they'd find another way to do it because, you know, you weren't a team player.

I'm not saying "all librarians are bad" or anything. There are some fine and dedicated people working at for not a lot of money in libraries. I specialized in library automation and had a fulfilling and successful career at a national level, so I'm not at all disappointed in how things turned out. But I felt constrained in what I could say until both my wife, also a librarian, and I were both retired. I am much more free to say what I think now that we are away from it.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: TheBulk

Notably, the conference attendees were required to abide by a “Code of Conduct” that prohibited “verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.”

This is the sort of language policing common to totalitarianism, but repurposed for "free" societies. We cannot talk about the world, only about how those in power wish the world would be.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: ezramullins

Librarians make bank dude. Google their salaries and it'll make you wan to vomit.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:47 PM
I'm unsure what this has to do with Liberals, Democrats or progressives.
edit on 16-8-2016 by introvert because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2016 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: introvert
I'm unsure what this has to do with Liberals, Democrats or progressives.

You're right....the author of this new policy was undoubtedly a Trump supporter...

I'm sure they have a library wing dedicated to George W. Bush in this library.

Great observation...


posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Christosterone

You're right....the author of this new policy was undoubtedly a Trump supporter..

What policy? I didn't see anything about new policy implementation.

I'm sure they have a library wing dedicated to George W. Bush in this library. Great observation...

Would you feel better if they did?

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: avgguy
a reply to: ezramullins

Librarians make bank dude. Google their salaries and it'll make you wan to vomit.

Seriously? Last job description I saw was for the Director of a county library with several branches. The Director is completely responsible for staffing, operations, and budget. Runs the whole show and requires a Master's Degree. That's six years of college, dude. Pay = $15.00 an hour. Librarians as a whole make approximately the same as teachers. Sure, in a big city you might make an okay salary, but that's very rare and there's lots of competition. After an entire career you might rise in the ranks to upper management where you might make a middle-class salary, but to claim librarians "make bank" is about the most laughable thing I've ever heard. If you think librarians "make bank" you must not be doing too well.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: TheBulk

How authoritarian!

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: TheBulk

Rosa Parks just rolled over in her grave.

Second line.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: [post=21137363]schuyler[/Librarian

$39,799 – $50,868
Reference Librarian $39,659 – $55,008
Medical Librarian $34,286 – $55,631
Librarian, Special Library $35,608 – $63,871
Head Librarian $49,735 – $68,227
Library Director $48,000 – $99,526

For sitting in a library all day, with virtually zero responsibility.

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