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China suspends 30 polluting projects for failing to get green go-ahead

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posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 05:30 AM
"China has sent a strong message to polluting companies, suspending 30 large construction projects for failing to get the environmental go-ahead before they started, state media said Wednesday.
The projects, including the five-billion-dollar Xiloudu hydropower plant on the Yangtze River in southwest China, all went ahead before their environmental impact assessments had been approved, the China Daily reported.

"We want to warn firms that the environmental impact assessment cannot just be ignored," Pan Yue, vice head of the State Environmental Protection Administration, was quoted by the newspaper as saying."

Perhaps that very large "brown" cloud floating around betwen China and India got someones attention.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 06:45 AM
Funny they stop the HYDRO power plant from being built .Can you say NONE poluting. so now instead of a polution free power plant they build more coal plants? Irone glore.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Simcity4Rushour
Funny they stop the HYDRO power plant from being built .Can you say NONE poluting. so now instead of a polution free power plant they build more coal plants? Irone glore.

Do you have any idea the impact of that damn.. I suggest you read up on it... it may be 'clean' power, but the ammount of land it will flood is truly mind boggling.


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Simcity4Rushour
Funny they stop the HYDRO power plant from being built .Can you say NONE poluting. so now instead of a polution free power plant they build more coal plants? Irone glore.

Just because it doesn't "pollute" while producing electricity it does flood a very large area, and will I believe create the single largest manmade lake in the world. Millions of People will be displaced, not too mention that the ecology of the area will become TOTALLY different and will not recover for decades if not centuries. Allthough IMO Coal is no just takes longer to feel the negative effects.


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