Infinity. The end all be all, right, the beginning and the end, the eternal, the most might of all thngs because it includes all things. Infinity is
Ego. Literally. You and I, the chair im sitting, in, the keyboard, computer, these words and my ideas, all exist as miniscule portions of infinity.
What is the only thing that can stop and end everything? zero. Nirvana. Whereas Infinity exists because its the egos exertion that it knows better
that can do things right, its its natural tendency to go on and on forever...
whereas Zero is to be caught up, to be completed. Ego runs away from zero, runs and runs and runs ending up going straight back into zeros arms. Zero
is the concept of Jesus Christ. By humbling ourselves, by letting go of our connections to infinity, we open ourselves up to recieving zero.
We do this by creating a metaphysical construct holding, as best as we can imagine, everything in infinity. Thoughts words concepts meanings awareness
physicality space, literally everything. Then, one at a time, we must release each thing, get rid of the concept of it, get rid of your preconception
of it, get rid of your bias to it. Systematically work down from the highest order to the lowest.
It's impossible for us to actually be able to conceptualize all things in infinity, just as much as it is to be able to conceptualize zero, but you
wanna know a secret? Everything in infinity already exists, without need of you to bring it into existence. There is no need to Become anything at
all, everything already is. Being a part of infinity when we run away from infinity we seperate ourselves from it intrinsically, metaphysically and
align ourselves with zero.
Just as the dr light was able to exist as pure ndarkness even though his body and his whoile physical being is light, sotoo is it with us and zero.
When we seperate from infinity, Zero comes to us as we run towards it. at this point, infinity starts rearing its ugly head.Jesus christ claimed to be
The Way, the Truth and the Life. He made it to where heaven is an inevitability, but he did NOT make it to where wedont have to try for our salvation,
its an effort of cooperation...
See in Infinity you can go one of two ways. Up or Down, for all of infinity. Now, knowing that zero exists outside f and all around infinity we can
know that both positivty and negativity are an illusion, but since we are living here as a part of the illusion the illusion is 'real' to us, and thus
matters to us exactly which path we take as the human race.Theres the path of Fear, and the Path of Love. We can descend through miles and miles of #
and glass and festering corruption and ever increasing sickness and depravity, or we can follow the natural human tendency to rise, to uplift, to
uphold and choose Love.
Again, both Fear and Love end in Zero, there is no other way, but because we exist as part of infnity we can either choose one of two actions good or
bad...Right now the human race is being led down the path of fear by a handful of corrupt evil mother#ers who have made a pact with ego itself,
forfeiting any chance they had of salvation except by the most extreme mercy for the chance to throw the rest of humanity under the bus for their own
gain...TPTB, led by Ego, is an insanely vicous cruel and unrepentant slavedriver who refuses to cut the slightest bit of slack...Thing under their
rule will only change for the worse, this is guaranteed. We can let them keep prodding us towards the slaughter we can keep shuffling along or we can
rise together and say "# the dumb #, moving on" And then, united, we can go about fixing this mess that they have made of our world....
I mean, given the choice between good and bad, who chooses bad? Good is by its nature the best bet. There are no bad choices my brethren, and
everything is axactly as it is meant to be. However, just because things are as they are meant to be, doesnt m,ean they are as they should be...
For instance, fate vs Destiny. Destiny is immutable, indefinable and inescapable. Destiny is the flow of what IS happening, regardless of what that IS
actually, is. Fate is what happens when judgement comes in, when we start differentiating between good and bad. Whereas Destiny IS, Fate is defining
what that IS should be. Fate is determinging theres a lot of starving people and deciding something should be done about it. Theres always room for
growth, and theres always more room to fall... My bretheren the path of fear serves its purpose, without Fear and ego nothing would be here for it is
from fear and in ego that infinity twisted itself away from zero(Literally!) These serve as motivators that we can use to recognize a deficiency and
then begin to repair it....
Anyway, thats it for now. Thanks you guys for hearing my exhortations, I just pray that it desnt fall upon stony ears and stony hearts.
edit on 10-8-2016 by LucidWarrior because: (no reason given)