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Ways to Mend a Broken Heart

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posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

Don't worry too much - I also became a lot more picky about who I decide to ask out, as that also helps to prevent a broken heart

I do agree though - one should never lose themselves, which is why I'm posting it as advice.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Profusion broken hearted folks sure are a sorry bunch of saps.... my heart is shriveld up and dumped out the other end...wait I think that was an anne rice novel...uhhh having a heart you mean for food?..
don't believe in emotions they are not real on my planet....well I kling to hate and anger...
whatever clearly I am a I not?...oh is laughter and emotion?
glad your heart stayed in one piece so far on Earth...I put mine back together with crazy glue....not that ever was messed with in the first place.
Great OP... makes me happy to be alive! thank you for writing such thought proviking material...
have a great time, until next week!

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: peppycat
a reply to: Profusion

I am a I not?

What does your driver's license say?

originally posted by: peppycat
a reply to: Profusion

oh is laughter and emotion?

If laughter is an emotion, you're full of emotion.

originally posted by: peppycat
a reply to: Profusion

Great OP... makes me happy to be alive! thank you for writing such thought proviking material...

That was written in a few minutes. I was trying to do a good deed for the day kind of thing. I hope it worked.

I'll admit, that original post was not good at all. But, I had nothing to say. I can't relate to having a broken heart.
edit on 14-8-2016 by Profusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Profusionwomen aren't allowed to drive...?

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: peppycat
a reply to: Profusionwomen aren't allowed to drive...?

That would be in Saudi Arabia

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: peppycat

This is why I think you're the best poster on this forum. Your creativity is transcendent.

You are transcendent.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: Profusion
You are transcendent.

Transdescent's don't get a hard time from bigots at least

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: Profusionthanks, I can drive at night...

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Been there... done that. Now my ex is haunting me in my dreams... it really doesn't help. Waist of condoms. Best solution for me was focusing on myself. Still is. Im 30. Been married twice... divorced and so on. Seen it all. Now i focus on myself. What i love to work as. Fulfilling my dreams with work and travel. Seeing the beauty of the world is better than any random guy in a disco can give you for a night.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:44 PM
Tons and tons of work. if you dont have one, find it, if you don't have tons on it, change it and find somethign real busy. Work 15 hours a day, find a second job.. after a while you see that yourmind just doesnt have time for the pain and regret. Plus, you will make money, which you'f enjoy after you heal your heart.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: kibric

Arguably, since their civilisation totally collapsed in on itself, I would say that it did not, in fact work for the Romans at all. This is also the reason the toga fell out of fashion. People realised in hindsight, that actually, wearing a curtain is a bloody stupid idea.

As for how to mend a broken heart, the answer, for me at least, is you do not. Your heart remains a little more broken every time and the only thing that dictates whether you can move forward with your life or not, is how much grit you have in your gut.

You learn something from every incident of hardship, every crushed dream, every soaring peak and every staggering crash, every stomach churning, aortic transection you experience, and you use the data you gain from those to make your next step better informed, less tentative, more confident. The damage becomes the fuel, stokes your determination, lights fire in the deeps which spin the fan blades of your will, until finally you realise that all a person does when they break your heart, is expose more and more of your strength, not more and more of your weakness.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: Profusion

sometimes broken hearts don't really theory is to reach for a higher level of love than whatever broke a heart...working with chakra can surround each center in white light till you get to the crown which is a soft purple...and centering the feet chakras to the earth, one can connect with the higher self before the striving of a nirvana state of consciousness where the dream realm can unite one with a very wonderful heavenly meeting of beings and then they will heal the heart for one...
years of study has brought me to this fact i connect with certain stars in the sky and we share the greatest most fun adventures together! dream realmm=that is!

be well pal, hope all is swell and cool with you...

pm me for more info on dream realm therapy...hope to here from ya!

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 12:50 PM
The best thing you can do is learn from this lesson life is giving you. It won't last forever this broken heart. And don't dwell on the pain, don't make yourself sadder than needed. Create distance and reflect on yourself. People who break your heart will do it again and again. Try your best to stay grounded in reality. The memories, alter to make us remember things better than they were. You will find someone better. Don't repress your feelings either, the only way to heal a broken heart is to feel the pain.

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